Quiz Of The Year


This afternoon and evening we hosted a Boxing Day party. Guests included Helen and Bill, Shelly and Ron, Neil and Donna, Rachel and Gareth, David and Jenny, and Anthony; respectively Jackie’s two sisters and their husbands, Shelly and Ron’s sons Neil and Anthony, and Helen and Bill’s daughter Rachel and son David and their partners. We began with a plentiful salad buffet and much reminiscing.

Helen, Ron, Neil, and Anthony

Here Helen shares a joke, Neil looks impressed, while his Dad Ron, and brother Anthony appear to be working it out.

Bill and Shelly

Bill studies photographs of grandson Billy. Shelly looks on;

Shelly 1

to her right stands a pencil drawing Jackie made of their mother, and to her left she herself stands as a beautiful 14 year old bridesmaid in 1968. I am the groom. Jackie, the bride, is out of shot.

Helen and Bill’s daughter Rachel shared a sofa with her fiancΓ©, Gareth.

Neil and Donna

Neil and Donna listened intently to a story Jackie was telling.

Neil, Ron and David

Here Neil is flanked by his father, Ron and cousin David


who enjoyed a pint or two.

Reflected in the mirror above Becky is Flo on her eighteenth birthday.


Donna and Neil received some fun holograms. In the form of coasters these images were to be attached to noses. Helen took this photograph of me wearing one.

The highlight of the event was Ian’s quiz of the year. We were split into two teams and the result was a very close run thing. As a former schoolmaster, our quizmaster needed all his skills to keep us in order.

Jackie and Becky were part of the blue team,


while Anthony crossed the room to join the red team, of which I was also a member.

For me, the most gratifying aspect of the quiz was that we did not have to play charades, at which my prowess is legendary.

After this, we all enjoyed Jackie’s superb beef in red wine or chicken curry, or both. Β I partook of more of the merlot. I have no idea what the others drank, because Ian was also an excellent sommelier.


  1. Happy Boxing Day, Derrick! These are great candid shots. It looks like everyone had a wonderful time. Neil and Donna looked quite intrigued. As for you wearing the hologram…perfect!

  2. I think you wearing the coaster was the funniest thing I’ve seen all year, and with the addition of the orange hat as a bandana you’d make a passable pirate. πŸ˜‰

  3. Parlour games are a must! These are beautiful natural photos of people enjoying each other’s company. They are warm and real = you have a great gift in your photography – Sol

  4. What a lovely gathering with festive decorations and everyone seems dressed in nice clothes. πŸ™‚ The crowns are really nice and add to the fun!
    I enjoyed hearing about red vs blue teams, the Quiz of the year and the delicious menu!
    Who won the Quiz? I would like to know an example of the questions, Derrick. Are they current events or political subjects?

    1. Thanks very much, Robin. I refrained from saying my team (red) won. πŸ™‚ Questions were about anything thathappened in the year – sport, history, politics. E,g. which UK newspaper did Melania Trump threaten to sue, and why.

          1. Apparently our war of independence came before the Christmas cracker, so we missed out on that particular festivity.

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