When I walked around the Keyhaven – Lymington Nature Reserve recently I finished up at the boat yard I now know is the Lymington Yacht Haven. Today I chose to begin at the Haven and wander around it.
Jackie therefore drove me to Pinckney Path from which I had returned to Normandy Lane.
The woman walking towards me pointed to this sign giving the history of the route
through to the boats.
A walker, presumably having emerged from the bird sanctuary, passed me as I stooped to photograph supports of a boat.
Other ramblers could be seen on the far side of the reserve, with the ferry boat making for the Isle of Wight beyond.

I suppose this was really a dry dock area, with boats being supported by wooden struts and other devices,
such as these container drums.

A variety of hulls were prepared for work.
Reflections were seen on car windows
and on the hulls of the cleaner boats.
There was little work being undertaken, but this gentleman climbed down from ‘Plymouth’.

Walking through the boat yard led to the marina where boats and their reflections shimmered in the late afternoon sunlight.
This evening we dined on further helpings of the roast duck and savoury rice, supplemented by spring rolls. I drank more of the cabernet sauvignon.
Lovely walk, Derrick. I loved the reflection shots!
Me too – That one in the boat is amazing – a VERY clean boat!
Thanks very much, Jill
I, too, am a reflections fan 🙂
Thanks very much, Donna
I guess the expression “drum up support” could apply to the marina!
: )
Was your surname Groanman, in a previous life?
I’ve had many names, and many previous lives: but Groanman was never me. : )
Yes, but now I’m all groan up.
I like that thought, Bruce. Thanks a lot
And I’m a groan woman.
You got some beautiful reflections to show us today Derrick – the water is especially lovely.
Many thanks, Pauline
The boat reflections are lovely. Glad you captured them for all to see.
Many thanks, Jeanne
Every boat yard I have ever seen has boats up on supports and very seldom does any work seem to be done. Except on professional fishing boats.
Thanks, John. This was my first – but it is a bit like roadworks over here
I just love to think of you wandering about and chatting up everyone you meet. I am much too shy for that.
Thanks, Jodie. Relaxing the shyness, I found, comes with age.
: ) I like that, “relaxing the shyness” – and you are right – I am much better than I used to be.
Very interesting. It must be nice to live so near to the sea!
Lovely water shots, but I would also have loved to wander and drool over the yachts. What delights to sail from there on a balmy summer day.
Many thanks, Leslie
It looks like a lovely day. Beautiful shots, Derrick!
Many thanks, Merril. The day brightened in the afternoon
Excellent pictures, and such a good meander. I do enjoy your walks–walking is important to health and happiness! (As for yachts, I had a week-long trip on a private if smallish yacht once. That was a true highlight among my more ordinary travels.)
Thanks very much, Cynthia. Unfortunately my walking is now rather limited
Well, glad you are carrying on and my wishes for wellness for you! We do what we can do.
Many thanks, Cynthia
Thanks so much for sharing this with us!
And thank you, Lynn, for reading and commenting
Boatyards are always full of potential images. Love the quasi-Mondriaan effects in #4!
Thanks, Paul. Glad you spotted that
Quite the relaxing adventure you just helped me take. The winter sun has been gone for several hours and I shall prepare to retire. A cab sauv would taste good now.
Many thanks, Steve
Derrick, I enjoyed so much sunny light in the photos and blue skies! My favorite picture is the one (middle left) of the boats on the water. There is green machinery with the crane bucket in this shot. It forms a “V” with the reflections of the boats.
I liked the car reflection, as well as the boat being able to capture a reflection, too.
The food was described and shown yesterday and there is nothing better than the next day’s leftovers, with the flavorings soaked delectably into the duck and rice.
Thanks very much, Robin. I liked the green machinery in that shot. You are so right about the second day of a good meal.
Jackie’s meals (or restaurant prepared) food on second day are the best tasting ever!
I received a text from oldest daughter tonight. “Stop by for food tomorrow.”
Thursday, I’ll be heading to my Carrie’s home (Mom of two boys, Sky and Micah) for leftover Italian spaghetti. She’ll throw in garlic toast and either a vegetable or dessert. Last week, three (!) lemon pastry bars. All “to go” knowing, I am tired after work. Mmm!
Wonderful – very interesting sign-post about those three local women too.
Thanks, Sol. I thought you might like it
Great reflections – sorry I can’t be more original in my praise. 🙂
🙂 Thanks, Quercus
Blue sky and water, what an enjoyable walk!
Many thanks, Amy
Beautiful pictures. England is so lovely.
many thanks, Micheline
What a glorious day. Only the clothes on the people in your pictures indicated how cold it must have been. Hard to imagine since we’ve had day time temperatures of high 30s C and the other night it was 29ºC minimum in this mildest part of Sydney. Out west it was in the 40s.
I love leftovers too 🙂
Many thanks, Mary
How very serene this all looks.
Lovely, thanks Derrick 🙂
Many thanks, Brian