Knowing that the clear morning would turn overcast as the day went on, Jackie drove me to Beaulieu and back for a photo session.

We began at Hatchet Pond where a couple of well-wrapped-up silhouetted walkers, observed by swans in the icy water, passed

a pair of chomping ponies, one freckle-faced.
After a while they turned and headed back for the car park.
A number of other ponies unsuccessfully attempted to merge in with the bare branches of the trees.
Even this duck appeared to be huddled against the chilly weather;

despite being blue with cold, the more playful gulls swooped, skidded, and skated along their improvised ice floe landing strip.
There is always at least one pony lurking around the cars in the hopes of drivers donating delicacies.
This one mistook my attention for intention to feed, and peered hopefully through the windscreen as I returned to the car.

Both the large pond and the tidal Beaulieu river bore shards of ice on their banks.
I was unaware that there was risk of flooding, but the owners of Abbeygate Cottage, opposite the river, had reinforced their gateway with sandbags, so I imagine there must be one.

Ponies very rarely either make a sound or break into a trot. I was therefore surprised to hear one whinnying at a pace up and down the bank.
It was only when it took its place among the traffic that it slowed down and kept silent.
Another surprise was to see gentleman with a long stick, carrying a Waitrose ‘bag for life’ across the still wet river bed. He strode purposefully until his goal became apparent.

Quietly, patiently, the swans lined up for the treats he carried. There was none of the usual clamour as these elegant creatures craned to take food from his fingers. Even the non-squabbling gulls awaited their turn. They knew this man who loved them.
On our return, seeking a place to turn, we were assisted by two ponies blocking the road.

They were licking the salt from the tarmac.
This evening we dined on cottage pie, boiled potatoes, carrots and green beans. Jackie drank sparkling water, and I finished the barolo.
I’m so glad you captured the man feeding the swans. What a great photo day despite the chill!
Many thanks, Val. Me, too
The photos of the man feeding the swans and gulls are a treasure.
They are, Oglach. Thank you.
Yes, and you told the story so well. Just lovely.
Thank you, again, Jodie
Was that salt de-icer on the asphalt? Hope it doesn’t harm the animals.~ Joanne
We think so, Joanne. I can’t imagine that anything harmful to the animals would be permitted. Thank you.
Stunning photos! I am under a spell. Those black and whites are amazing!
Very many thanks, Sofia
I rather think the same swan feeder was on the scene when we were there. He also carried a bag. You were luckier with ponies than we were, though. Not many appeared on roads we have often seen plenty before. Love the hopeful eye, but can’t quite work out the purpose of those sandbags — other than to deny access! Water would surely flow freely under the fence.
Thanks, Leslie. I have seen them elsewhere in an attempt to stem flooding
I agree about the sand bags, as that is where I was parked waiting for D to return, and I too wondered about the point of them. They did however block a gap in the soil that was banked up the other side of the fence. They were working on the edge of the river bank opposite renewing the wooden piles I believe they were predicting a tidal surge a few days ago, and this is a tidal river. Still all a bit pathetic as a protection.
Great shots, Derrick. I like the birds on the water and the man feeding the swans. Where are you? Is Beaulieu on the Isle of Wight?
We are on the edge of the New Forest in Hampshire, between New Milton and Milford on Sea. Beaulieu is also on the mainland. Thanks, Cindy
Such a beautiful set of photographs, Derrick. I especially enjoyed gulls and horses, and the swan feeding.
Thanks very much, Inese
What a fabulous post of fantastic photos, Derrick. My favorites…can you guess? The man feeding the swans…very heartwarming. Cheers!
Thanks a lot, Jill. It wasn’t hard to guess
Are the ponies wild, Derrick? There seem to be many featuring in your outings.
They are set free to roam wild in the forest, but they are owned, Frank. Thanks for asking
Thanks Derrick. An old practice, I’m sure.
I’m TERRIFIED of swans after an assault while kayaking. I was chased down the river by a HUGE swam who swam much faster than I could paddle. Eventually, he stopped, I presume because I was far enough away from what might have been a nest I unknowingly got too close for his comfort.
Thanks, Susanne. These creatures can be very aggressive, which was so touching about the scene I witnessed. I hope my pictures didn’t distress you.
You’re so right. The photos are touching and remarkable. I’m amazed this man was able to get so close without a violent altercation! A kindred spirit perhaps.
Apparently he does it regularly, and as some of these swans were juveniles, possibly all their lives.
Absolutely stunning photos Derrick. Loved them.
Thanks very much, Miriam
Your description of the bird feeding man was as touching as watching him – the calmness shows in the photographs, it seems no one is in a hurry. This has quite made my day! <3
Mine, too, Pauline. Many thanks
The third, right, lower reflection in bw is my favorite~
Thanks very much, Cindy
Wow! The swan man is incredible.
It was magical, Leslie. Thank you.
Like everyone else, I love those photos of the man feeding the swans, and how he wasn’t mobbed. I also liked the freckled pony. One thing puzzled me though–those sand bags at the gate didn’t look very useful. Water would go in through the rest of the fence, no? Maybe they just didn’t want the gate opened…
You, and Leslie the Colonialist must be right about the sandbags. I’ll look out for them next time we go that way. Thanks, Lisa
Google says that horses can get stressed out, but they’re not smart enough to get bored. I’m guessing birds don’t get bored, either. Sometimes it sucks to be smart. Enjoyed the photos, as always, which I guess I couldn’t do if I was a horse or a bird. 🙂
🙂 Many thanks, Johnna. I couldn’t see anything that stressed the pony, but something must have spooked it.
What a fruitful trip for photos. Worth being out in the chill. 🙂
It was, Mary. Thank you.
Beautiful photos of the ponies, Derrick. The kind man, braving the cold to feed the hungry birds, definitely deserved an honourable mention and a few photos. 🙂
Many thanks, Sylvia
Nice phot
Thank you, Crystal
The sandbags will keep the gate dry, but won’t ,the water go under the fence?
Thanks, John. Jackie now tells me a tidal surge was predicted. I wonder if the earth either side of the path is higher?
Yes it was.
Such amazing pictures derrick! I love the two people walking by the water just lovely
Very many thanks, Lynn
I really love going along with you and Jackie seeing all of these cool things! Very different from where I live!
I really like the pony shot near the car!
Thanks, Jason. I hoped the red slash of the car made it
These are fabulous pictures Derrick.. And it has certainly been very cold.. today our pond also had ice.. We have been regular topping up the bird baths with fresh water which have been frozen..
So good to see the man with the bag for life feeding the swans.. And so lovely to see ponies roaming free.. Stay warm, and watch your step both of you.. its been icy underfoot.
Love and Hugs and enjoy the rest of your Sunday Evening..
Sue 🙂
Very many thanks, Sue. Just off out for a Chinese meal.
Enjoy your meal Derrick.. 🙂
What a lovely way to start again my tour of the blogs to read what I have not read in a while. A beautiful series of photographs, such a treat! Glad to see that both of you are doing well and you are putting up new beautiful photography. I can’t choose from these as each series has its own beauty but I think I will keep revisiting this one and magnifying the images to see them properly again.
Lovely. Thank you so much. Geetha
Welcome Derrick 🙂
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Thank you, the Author
It’s a pleasure! Really enjoy your work. :- )
Still mulling over the symbolism in this for me… “They knew this man who loved them.” Beautiful!
Thank you very much, Timi
I Love your pony captures, Derrick! The bird photos are breathtaking!
Many thanks, Amy
The act of love in being a regular to feed them was really touching by your pointing out this man brought out their good manners by taking turns!
The photograph of the brown horse with shiny coat was pretty, the same horse’s eye was very curious. Great captures, all of these! 🙂
Many thanks, Robin
I’m sure those sand bags will keep out the raging flood.
There must be hundreds of ponies in that forest, or do you keep meeting the same string of ponies?
There are, indeed, hundreds. There must be records because they are all rounded up and checked over each year. Thanks, Brian
These fellows are very handsome!
Thanks a lot Micheline 🙂