Today was quite a busy day. When it got light-time the Grandpa Person came down from the upstairs nests. I looked at him but think it is better not to say anything cos sometimes he doesn’t understand. I pretended I don’t see him and go back to sleep. When the Mummy Person came down I did dancing and then I have to go outside to see if anyone else has been in the dark-time and then I can go. I am very good at this. Mummy Person says.
Then big problem. All the People Persons accidentally went outside without me. I wasn’t paying attention cos they confused me with a big bone and then I hear the door shut. I watched that door really hard so they would remember me. They didn’t.
It was lucky they did leave me on the inside because I was the only one there to make sure everyone else in the world did not come in and eat all the food. I watched out the window for a long time – ready to shout my face off at any dinner stealers.
It was a bit difficult to see over all the silly flowers though.
I get a better view from Green Chair but it takes a lot of jumps to get all the way up there.
After a very very very long time I did a tour of the kitchen and checked if the Persons had left any foods under the table.
I thought they did but it was just a stone.
Then everything went a bit boring. SELFIE TIME! First one is most handsome but nose made wet splodge on camera.

(Note to self: need selfie-stick cos nose too long and arms too short).

When I finished modelling I think about leaving a message for the People Persons under the Grandpa Person’s desk. (I was quite keen to leave one). But I don’t think they like that sort of thing – even though they didn’t notice last time. Anyway, his slippers were in the way and they really don’t like that sort of thing in their footwear.
It was while I was at my look out, on Green Chair, that all the Persons came back from the outside. They crept in like stealthy wolves and found me resting my eyes. I looked up and there they all were: Mummy Person, Grandpa Person, Daddy Person and Granny Person. IT WAS BRILLIANT! I couldn’t stop dancing and my wagger went so fast that I nearly fell over. It was really really really properly BRILLIANT, FAB and AMAZING! They could have forgotten to come back inside forever but they didn’t – joy joy JOY!!

Mummy Person was very quick to open the back door and I went straight to my favourite place to leave my messages – a nice step with a stoney shelf – Phew!
Back inside now they were all keeping watch again so I could get on with the lamb bone that I had been hiding in my bed all day. No-one had stolen that and my blankets smell great again – Persons had washed them a few sleeps ago and there was hardly any stink left.
That’s all really. Now I just waits till they all stop staring at those shiny-light-windows on theirs knees and give me some of the dinners they been out hunting for all day. That’s gonna be BRILLIANT!
Nice job, Scooby! You deserve an extra treat for your doggedness.
Woof, Woof, Donna
A wonderful report, Scooby!
Being left alone is not much fun but being fed and having the laundry done is not a bad deal.
Woof, woof, Mary
Excellent post Scooby, all the Persons should be proud! 🙂
Woof, woof, Terry.
Love to hear about your day Scooby. Those selfies were very special 💛
Woof, woof, Val
Wonderful, brilliant post, Scooby. Extra pats and scratches for you.
Woof, woof, wags, Merril
Now you’re a blogger, Scooby, who knows what lies ahead in the public arena for you? With the election on, there might be a chance for you to smell Tim Farron’s spaniel.
Sniff, sniff, Susan
Well done, Dog Face. 🐶🐾🍖🍗
Oh, Joy, Oh frabjous Joy
Brilliant journalism Scooby! And I was thinking of washing today, but on your recommendation it might be better to leave everything smelly?
You’ve got the idea, Gwendoline.
I left the job to the other human in the house. He is funny about things like that. Changes his clothes twice a day. Thinks he won’t be loved if he gets a bit smelly. He calls that being a bit woofy. Isn’t that funny? Hard to communicate with someone who can’t speak “dog” properly.
Dancing the wag 🙂
What a perfect post!
Woof, woof, Leslie
Excellent post Scooby, but have you considered that leaving a message in the grandad slipper might stop them forgetting you in future? Worth a thought…
Excrement idea! Grrwooff!
With puns like that you’ve obviously been listening to the grandfather man too much! 🙂
Wags and woof, woof, Quercus.
Keep up the good work Scooby.
Siddy agrees 100 per cent with you Scooby – especially on the joy, joy, joy part when the persons come back or come in or get up or other persons come in or come by or get up. Because THEY MIGHT NOT and when they do it is, as you said so perfectly, absolutely BRILLIANT, FAB and AMAZING!!
Ahhrrwooff! 🐾
Woof, woof to Pauline, and sniff, sniff to Siddy
That’s just what is seems like, isn’t it? Even if I go out for 10 minutes, the relief over my return is evident. Makes me feel bead that I can’t just take her everywhere.
Yes – aren’t they a gift! 🙂 Siddy watched a visiting friend yesterday from the window, when soon after arriving remembered something she had left in her car. She ran out to her car, rummaged around on the back seat and returned to the house all within thirty seconds – she was greeted again as if he hadn’t seen her for months.
Lol – No wonder we love them so much. Siddy is an adorable name.
I love a story told by a dog! Good for Scooby and his adventurous journalism.
Woof, woof, Lisa
Wow – take a bow. I mean bow-wow.
Woof, woof, Bruce Person
Great guest post, thank you Scooby 🙂
Wagging my wagger, Sylvie
Kudos to The Scoob! 🙂
Woofers, Widders
Wow! It was fascinating to enter the skin of the Scooby Person and look at the world through his perspective. The selfie skills need to be honed though, not that it was not acknowledged.
Woof, woof, Uma
The pooch is a genius! might treat him with more respect now, or maybe not.
Wag, wag, wag, wet nose, woof, woof, Grandma Person
You guys are hilarious.
P.S. Best blog ever!
Woof, woof, Grandma Person
Dear Scooby, I am really pleased that they came in after all that time had passed by. But I am quite sad for you that the people person actually washed your blanket.
Wag, wag, woof woof, wet nose, John
Scooby is a good writer–who knew??
Woof, Kerry, woof, woof
Thanks for the brilliant post,Scooby. Tell everybody I said so.
Joy, joy, o frabjous joy
Scooby, you’re a natural. Hope to hear more from you.
Woof, woof, Laurie
So clever, Scooby! 🙂
Woof, woof, Amy
A very pawsitive post from a unique perspective. Quite the tale. 😀
🙂 Larfin’ my head off, Joseph. Woof, woof, wag, wag, wet nose.
Scooby was a particularly interesting and humorous observer on the household. I love how you have short limbs but still are able to manage cute poses. The messages are best not left for owners to discover! Good boy, Scooby! This was a charming post story. 🙂 🙂
Woof, woof, dancing, wet nose, Robin
Awesome post!
Woof, woof, Lynn
Excellent post. Laughed out loud at the selfies. I have a similar problem. lol
Woof, woof, wag, wag, wet nose.
So cute 😀
Clever and fun post
Woof, woof, dance, wet nose, Cynthia
Some one’s got a bright future ahead of them, I’d like to know what Scooby thinks about that
Woof, woof, Brian. Wet nose and wag