Today I scanned more colour negatives from the Newark days during 1990/91.
‘Knight & Colbourne Candles’ tells the tale of a teenage enterprise that Louisa shared with her long term friend, Matthew Colbourne. Matt, of Radio Newark, was, a dozen or so years later, to emcee the music for Louisa and Errol’s wedding reception.
These photographs from May 1991 depict an earlier project, namely the building of a tree house. It would, of course, be Louisa wielding the hammer.
Here the boys, Matthew and his younger brother Jason discuss the next move,
or maybe they are just taking a break.
This activity took place in the garden of Lindum House, featured in ‘The Swinging Rat Pack’, where we lived for almost twenty years from 1987. In the background of these photographs stands Newark Working Men’s Club.
The establishment, according to the Newark Advertiser, was, after a century of service, closed last summer because, on account of falling membership, it was no longer possible to meet the cost of repairs.
‘The premises, which was initially Halton House School, a boarding school for boys, is grade II listed.
The building has been widely used by the community including activities for people with learning disabilities. It is also used by a slimming group, rumba classes, jazz sessions and bingo.’
The story we had was that at the end of the 19th century, when our house was built, the club building had been in private ownership, part of the land being sold to one of two brothers who worked at Bainbridge’s, an up-market haberdashery in the town. The home he had built was modelled on Halton House.
Whether the legend that a gentleman had once ridden a horse up the front staircase of the older building is apocryphal or not, I am unsure. It was certainly wide enough.
The house is currently advertised for sale by
A certain amount of consternation has been expressed about how I am going to manage with Jackie away for three days.
In order to allay all fears I therefore publish a photograph of the prodigious pans of splendid lamb jalfrezi and savoury rice left for me by the Culinary Queen. It is only perspective that diminishes the quantity of rice. A plate of this fare, containing both naga and Scotch bonnet chilies, was just the business. It was followed by a Tesco yellow ticket Belgian bun.
But what are you going to eat for the other two days?
You’re a big boy Derrick, I figured you could take care of yourself – but it doesn’t hurt to have her lovin’ cookin’ left for you!!
Thanks for the confidence, GP
Wonderful photo memories Derrick and love that Jackie is making sure you don’t starve while she is away
Very many thanks, Sue
Always welcome..
Wish I was closer – I could have pooped over for dinner
She knows you need to keep up your strength
Phew, that’s a relief. I had visions of you having to make do with a prepackaged sandwich
Wonderful photos.
Thanks very much, Leslie
In three days it is unlikely that you’ll become sick of that dish – it is all one can wish and looks delish!
Absolutely, Leslie. Many thanks
The tree house reminds me that the building of a swing and jungle gym for the kids is way overdue. I have the timber and must make the time!
Let us see the pics
Thanks, Leslie
Beautiful photo memories!
Thanks very much, Sumith
Summertime as a child…there was nothing better. Great photos, Derrick!
Many thanks, Jill. Great memories
Old pictures bring nostalgia, the sweet memories…
Food looks yummy. I’m sure you will manage everything pretty nicely for the next two days too…
Many thanks, Maniparna
Isn’t that a familiar sight? The homemaker over here tries to do something similar when she leaves for a few days once in a blue moon or so. Thereafter, I run the pencil on the dotted lines and cook rice…
I’m sure you can cook, Derrick. Of course, there are a variety of take away places you have mentioned as well, but I must say those dishes look delectable. The Newark house grounds look a treat for children as well, idyllic I almost say. Tree houses are perfect enterprises. Was this one finished?
When Jackie and I first met up again, I surprised her by claiming to have developed into an Ace Curry Cook. I soon learned she was ‘more than somewhat’ better. The problem now is that we live too far away from civilisation for me to walk distances that were a piece of cake a couple of years ago (knees). This one was developed by Sam and his friends, as described here: The smaller one mentioned therein was made by Louisa and another friend. Many thanks, Lisa.
I forgot about your knees and walking, Derrick. That treehouse pictured in the other blog looks a bit precarious!
It withstood rains and wind
I’m glad you forgot about the knees. I do my best to 
Ahh for the long summer days building tree houses and swinging for hours! Jackie certainly left you with amazing food.
Thanks very much, Elizabeth. Not to mention salad, pies, sausage rolls, eggs, bread ‘n’ lots of other stuff – more than I can eat.
I knew Jackie would have left you with food enough for a crowd. She’s a lady after my own heart. The rule is “When leaving the males of the household alone for two days one must prepare enough food to last them through the apocalypse.”
Curry and a Belgian bun … I can think of nothing finer!
Thanks very much, Osyth
The story of a happy day. A swing. Children around the world love swings. And than there’s the food. It looks delicious. Best, Micheline
Many thanks, my friend, Micheline.
Sweet memories. Food looks delicious, enjoy Derrick!
Thanks very much, Amy
Love that the kids had an actual Hans in th building …
Thanks for this, msw, but the comment has me baffled?
….unless it has a typo for hand, in which case, finished by Sam and other friends, they did it all.
Ugh I was fighting with auto correct
My comment should have read “love that the kids had a hand in the actual building of the tree house”
Thanks very much. I twigged in the end.
Happy days…! And what a lucky person you are to have such scrumptious food left. She cares supremely well for you!
She does. I just hope it lasts well enough to keep us going for some days yet
Thank you, Cynthia
I remember the days of tree houses and forts! Time has flown. The early 90s don’t seem so long ago, but they are.
They are indeed. Louisa’s own daughters are roughly the age she was then. Thanks, Lavinia
The tree house project reminds me of my brothers’ fort building days! These are marvelous pictures and memories!
Oh my goodness, Derrick! You are so lucky to have these prepared dishes “on the ready.”
! I enjoyed my lamb jalfrezi meal from an Indian restaurant called, “Saffron,” a week ago. Not nearly as savory or scrumptious as Jackie’s! I used to like making spaghetti with meat sauce, lamb chops with mint jelly and also, pork chops with sour cream, onions and sage spicy sauce. I served with carrots and mashed potatoes. . .
Now, I am hungry and need to get lunch soon. Mom’s “guest meals” cost too much for me to ear here every day. Take care!
Many thanks, Robin. I never realised when I took all the old photos how important they would be today.
Three day old rice? Never! Can be quite dangerous! Should be eaten within a day,
Refrigerated in colder UK it is fine. Thanks, Brian
Uneaten rice should not be kept more than 3 days in a fridge. Believe it or not bacteria will keep growing in rice even when cooked, refrigeration slows it down a bit but cannot stop it from growing and spreading. Fact
Thanks. Nice confirming link
I actually went to boarding school for most of my childhood and adolescent years (grade 3-12). I often wonder if I would put my own kids in boarding school too. I had a good experience, but not every kid in my school did, so I can understand that can be difficult for some. Thanks for sharing your perspective. Interestingly I just wrote a post about my experience in boarding school so that part jumped out at me
Many thanks, Dawn. I think much depends on the age of the child when attending boarding school, and the reasons for it.