Slinking Into The Trees


Today’s weather pattern was similar to yesterday’s, that is mostly overcast with the sun emerging late in the afternoon. The emergence was rather later this time, and

Sun through clouds 1

the orb lacked complete confidence as it vied with the smoky clouds.


Once again we ventured into the forest where, on the moors near Holmsley, I disembarked to mingle with a group of ponies.

Foal adolescent

One of this year’s earliest foals was growing into a fine young chap.

Foal adolescent 2Foal adolescent 3

He seemed rather brighter when the sun burst through;

Pony 1

as did his blonde companion.

Pony - woman in background

A woman in the background hurried through this shot in order not to spoil it. I told her that, on the contrary, she had made it.

Pony and bracken

I followed the animals as they forced their way through their bracken camouflage,

Pony crossing roadPony crossing road 2

and crossed Holmsley Passage

Ponies 2Ponies 3

to try the fodder on the other side.

Ponies 4Pony 2Ponies 5Pony 4Pony 6Pony 3Pony 7Oak leaf and ponyPony 8

I spent some time with them here.

Walkers with dogs

A group of walkers with a couple of small dogs passed by

and I turned to rejoin Jackie in the Modus. She was not where I had left her. I set off down the hill in search. Soon I saw her driving back up. Not having seen me slinking into the trees, she had gone in search of me. As she said, at least she had not been trying to preserve a table in a crowded cafรฉ, which has sometimes been her lot as I have gone a-wandering.

Sun through treeSun disc and landscape 1Sun disc bordered by treesSun disc over horizonSun disc over landscape 2

On our return to Lymington we took a diversion to Goatspen car park to watch the skies taking on a smoky pink hue as the solar frisbee skimmed across them.

Jackie and toadstoolsToadstools 1

Jackie was delighted to spot a group of large toadstools.

We dined at Lal Quilla. My main meal was lamb Ceylon; Jackie’s, chicken sag; we shared special fried rice, an egg paratha, and an onion bhaji. We both drank Kingfisher. The food and friendly service was as good as ever.



  1. Such wonderful photos, Derrick. The love the horses. The photos the sun are wonderful, both the series and the one at the top (which I would have thought was the moon).
    And Jackie’s expression–priceless!

  2. I thought those first shots were of the moon.
    The horses/ponies are magnificent, you’re calling one a fine young chap and his made me wonder; how many of these beautiful creatures are male?

    I’d have supposed that the majority would be female, in the belief that nature liked to have more female than males of all species (humans excepted) for procreation purposes.

    1. I think most are female, Brian, especially the pregnant ones. ๐Ÿ™‚ I can’t really tell unless I spot an appendage. The sun was indeed most moon-like. Thanks a lot.

  3. Your photographs of the ponies are really nice! I am sorry your weather has been so cloudy recently thought your photos of the murky sun are excellent!

  4. And on a totally different note Derrick I have been instructed to pass on some information to you as I have been rather remiss in doing so……. Do you recall last year sending me three lovely prints of your garden? Two hang here, one in my art room, another in the kitchen and the third got whipped out of my hands and absconded to my daughters flat where she framed it and hung it in her bedroom. It is a particularly pretty pink section of the garden, featuring flowers and lots of greenery and it served as the jumping off point of inspiration for her living room do-up that I featured on my recent post. The print now hangs on her living room wall pretty much opposite the inky doodles. She wanted me to ensure you knew this. She thanks you very much ๐Ÿ™‚ I did, as usual, enjoy reading this post ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Very many thanks, Pauline. We both found that lovely to read. Of course I remember sending the prints, but not exactly which ones. Perhaps the blog will tell me. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Those ponies seem to be blissfully free from worldly woes! Perhaps their tranquility is infectious. The images of the sun, especially the one in which he is peeking through the conjoined trees, are delicious.

  6. I was so convinced the sun was the moon while browsing through the images in my email before I read and realised what it was. Loved the horse close-ups.

  7. I enjoyed this entire collection and so happy you featured the youngest addition to the horses. His coat is so handsome and such a very nice sheen to it, too. The close-up one with eyelashes and soft fur just makes me want to pet him.
    The skies in the dusty rose tinge, sun resembling moon and the dark silhouettes are all superb! ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. I sense an easygoing spirit in those ponies who roam freely in these woods and along roads. So glad you took the time to let me know this, Derrick.

  8. I was also fooled as others here were regarding the stunning moon you photographed which turned out to be the sun, after all!
    Another quote by Shakespeare sprung to mind as Katherine and Petrochio argued in The Taming of the Shrew:

    “I say it’s the moon that shines so bright. … And whatever it isโ€”moon or sun or anything you likeโ€”if you want to call it a tea candle, that’s what it is as far as I’m concerned …”

    Ah, you inspire me so!

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