Twice In A Blue Moon


Sun disc bordered by trees

This morning I made Tess a birthday card with a print of this photograph from a couple of days ago.

Jackie with Twice in a Blue Moon

Among various cards and presents we received this morning was this aptly named rose, Twice in a Blue Moon, from Becky and Ian.

Just after midday we drove off to Ringwood to get married.

Becky, Matthew, Ian, Tess, and Poppy were all waiting for us in the Registry Office car park. Jackie and I had a pre-ceremony meeting with one registrar, and the other showed members of our small group to their seats.

Becky, Poppy, IanIan and MatthewMatthew

When we entered the room we found that our guests had spread themselves out so as to fill all available space.

Jackie, Derrick, Becky, Registrar Naomi

Our delightful registrars were as amused as we were.

Matthew and Poppy 2

Registrar Carol took us through the service in a relaxed and friendly manner while Rachel wrote up the registry entry and our certificates. Poppy sat with her Dad, clutching the ring boxes, until she was summoned by Carol announcing “Poppy you’re on”.

Matthew and Poppy 3

Derrick, Jacky and Poppy 2

Poppy, Jackie and DerrickPoppy, Jackie, Derrick, Becky, Ian, MatthewMatthew and Poppy 4Poppy and registrar CarolBecky, Derrick, Jackie, PoppyDerrick, Jackie, Poppy

Derrick, Jackie and Poppy 1

She came forward and, photographed by her mother, performed her tasks admirably.

Matthew, Ian and Becky

The others looked on with pleasure;

Matthew and Poppy

then Poppy removed Matthew’s ring.

Becky photographing Jackie and Derrick

Tess also photographed Becky photographing

Derrick and Jackie 1Derrick and Jackie 2

the bride and groom after the ceremony;

Becky and Poppy

and Becky and Poppy entering the courtyard,

Derrick and Jackie 3Derrick and Jackie 4Derrick, Jackie, Becky and Poppy 2Derrick, Jackie, and BeckyDerrick, Jackie, Becky, and Poppy 1Becky, Derrick, Jackie, Ian, Tess, and Poppy

where confetti was thrown and further photographs were taken.


We then repaired to the Inn on the Furlong. On the way Poppy took a rest on one of the sculptured seats in the square.

Matthew and Derrick 2Matthew and Derrick 1

In the pub, Tess photographed Matthew and me,

Poppy 2

and I photographed Poppy

Tess and Poppy

and Tess doing “Cheers”.

We ended the day sharing a Kurgee Lamb meal at Lal Quilla, where Raj and Rahoul shared our delight. I may report further on that tomorrow.

Anyone interested in interpreting today’s title is referred to ‘Reincarnation’.



      1. Ok, although I’m terrible at figuring out who did it! And i never remember afterwards. It’s not the main part of my enjoyment of mysteries – i love the ‘journey’ more than the denouement

  1. Oh my, oh my. I thought, I’ll just pop in on Derrick and Jackie and catch up on what they’re up to and this is what I find! What an absolutely fabulous day and many, many congratulations to you both. xx

  2. Many, many happy returns, Derrick and Jackie. I’m so glad you are both such generous spirits to share this twice in a blue moon occasion.

  3. Congratulations to you both – or rather, make that all! The bride looks radiant and I’m glad to see how strange and perfect life can be. I cannot believe you wrote a post on your wedding day, but I’m glad to have been a virtual guest. Sending lots of love x

  4. Best wishes to you and Jackie, Derrick! I went back and read the earlier post about how you two met again–and clearly your relationship was meant to be. (I may be a bit teary-eyed.)
    The photos of today’s event are lovely, though I think Poppy may have upstaged bride and groom for a bit.

  5. I kept wanting to ask when you were going to do the deed, had a feeling it would be sooner rather than later. I recall reading the story of your reunification a while back and just loving it – and the amazing way fate and daughters-in-law work together to make the magic happen. Clearly you are meant to be together now! Happiest congratulations – I hope you had the most wonderful day and that every day to follow will be one of mellow fruitfulness and radiant smiles! Much love, big hugs and just the teeniest little happy dance from me to you both xoxo

  6. I was astounded by what unfurled before my eyes like an enthralling dream. It was not till the very end that the significance of the title and the gift dawned upon me. It was grace, beauty, romance, cuteness and perseverance rolled into one eternally.

  7. Pressing the little ‘like’ star seems far too mundane for this wondrous news! Many congratulations to you both may you and your Cleopatra love through infinite moons in joy and laughter and peace and content. And well done Princess Poppy … ringbearer of panache and champion at doing cheers. πŸ’–πŸ’«πŸŽΆπŸ•ŠπŸ’πŸΎπŸŽ‰πŸ’–

  8. As a very recent follower of your blog, even I was charmed by this delightful post. Many congratulations to you both; you both look so happy.

  9. Congrats, congrats! What lovely pictures, especially of pretty little Poppy fulfilling her duties as ring bearer. So very sweet.

  10. Derrick I had to go all the way back to your about page and then your family tree. I always assumed that you and Jackie were together from the beginning. I love stories like this when two people who are meant to be together find each other after so many years of separation. Congratulations to you both on this happy day. May you have many more wonderful years together.

  11. Congratulations and may I add it’s about time she made an honest man out of you!

    You might have gone seen your tonsorial artist though, he could have combed your hair for you πŸ˜€

  12. Here, here, and three cheers to the silver fox and his radiant bride! Thanks so much for inviting us all to your grand day, and I in my pajamas didn’t even make a scene πŸ™‚

  13. Congratulations to you both – Mr and Mrs Knight!! As said above – a joyous occasion yet it appears Poppy does steal the show!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  14. What beautiful, sweet pictures from your wedding, Derrick and Jackie! Dear little Poppy performed her task well. And the blue rose gift is precious, too! Congratulations to both of you. May you two live long, and prosper. <3

  15. I am so sorry I missed this post when it was new! But, it was lovely looking at the pictures of your large and loving smiles. It made me smile to see them. Congratulations! And, thank you for inviting me to attend via blog. It feels almost as though I was there.

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