Wait For Us


This morning Jackie and I kept our appointment with Neils Dagless of Dagless and Whitlock. He witnessed our signatures on the mortgage documents. There was no charge for his service, but we were asked for a donation to the Oakhaven Hospice. We were happy to do this.

Becky and Ian, who had stayed the night, returned home after lunch. Matthew, Tess, and Poppy will remain with us until tomorrow.

Later this afternoon we posted the papers to O’Neill Patient in Stockport, then drove into a dank and dismal forest.

Hinchelsea Moor 1Hinchelsea Moor 2

Drizzling rain mist lay over Hinchelsea Moor,

Ponies in mist 1Ponies in mist 2Ponies in mist 3

and Wilverley Plain where we could just discern a few ponies,

Cow crossing car park

a damp cow crossing the soggy carpark,

Calves following mother

and its calves, passing a browsing pony,

Calves following mother

and lowing “wait for us”, as they followed.

Pony at Wilverley Pit

At Wilverley Pit I photographed one pony standing silhouetted,

Woman photographing pony

remaining stationary whilst another photographer followed suit.

Man petting pony

A young man patted a pony showing considerable interest in the snack he was eating.

Pony encounter

Having been satisfied, the creature reported prospects to another,

Man feeding pony

which was then equally successful.

Cars and pony

Cars kept their headlights on;

Man, dog, pony

and a few intrepid dog walkers ventured across the vanishing moor.

This evening the five of us dined on Hordle Chinese Take Away fare. All except Matthew and Poppy drank Tsingtao beer.



  1. Except for the cars, I can imagine a town like Brigadoon appearing from the mist.
    I’m glad you got the papers signed, and Poppy wasn’t drinking beer. πŸ˜‰

    1. When I first read the last line, I took it as: This evening the five of us dined on Hordle Chinese Take Away fare, all except Matthew. And Poppy drank Tsingtaio beer.

  2. Love the pony silhouette and very much enjoyed the story of the ponies and their snack. I am noticing the perfectly trimmed tails, which seems odd for ponies that wander about. Someone must be paying very close attention to them.

  3. So what brand of beer did Poppy and Matthew drink? And did Jackie sign the papers with a “new” signature? That lone figure of the horse was very haunting when taken in conjunction with John’s recent post on the war horses.

    1. Thanks a lot, Gwen. She had to use her old signature, otherwise we’d have had to start all over again. This business should have been completed well before we were married!

  4. These are charming pictures. As you may already know (since I go on about this every time you post horses), I love your pictures of ponies, especially as they meander along country roads, rain or shine!

  5. Absolutely love the photos. When I was young and lived in the mountains I would put on a heavy coat, heavy boots and a hat and go for long walks in the drizzle and fog. Your photos took me back exactly 56 years. Deep sighs and warm memories.

  6. I enjoy Tsingtao, although I’ve cut my beer consumption by nearly 100% to a couple on β€˜Bar Night’ with my small group (a monthly gathering). Wow, now the cows roam freely, too. That is so interesting. Finally, for my education, define β€˜moor’. Is that strictly an English term for fields and meadows? Again, enjoyed your post.

      1. I like the term, β€˜moor’. It has a haunting, mysterious tone. Thanks for mentioning β€˜WH’. I think I had to read that in high school πŸ‘

  7. I am glad Neils Dagless of Dagless and Whitlock came to your rescue so that you could wander the misty motors divested of worries like the ponies. Amazing photographs, as usual.

  8. I also remember reading Wuthering Heights, way back when. πŸ™‚

    I love these mists shrouded New Forest scenes, Derrick, I enjoyed walking in that kind of weather, even as a youngster.

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