Happy Campers


This morning and early afternoon I watched the three autumn international rugby matches I had recorded yesterday.

Given that the best light had departed when the recordings were finished, it seemed appropriate later to publish the Newark photographs scanned on 22nd.

James B, Richard, Matthew S, Sam, Warren 5.93

One afternoon in May 1993 Sam, in the blue T-shirt, as was his wont, gathered a few friends around him in the garden of Lindum House. To his left, in ascending order of height, are Matthew S, Richard, and James B. I think Warren swings in the hammock.

Paddy, Richard, Gavin 5.93

Paddy, who we saved from imminent death in the R.S.P.C.A. rescue centre, here converses with Richard and Gavin. Making up for stepping out of shot in this image,

Matthew S and Richard 5.93

Matthew S poses with his scooter.

James B and Warren 5.93

James B has joined Warren in the hammock. Three of the tents pitched in the orchard are in the background. James lived in the Working Men’s Club next door.

James B, Warren, Matthew S, Richard, Gavin, Sam 5.93

These two stayed put whilst

Matthew S, Richard, Gavin, Sam

the others positioned the picnic table removed from the lawn for service in this adventurous campsite.

Sam and friends 5.93

James stirred himself, but Warren appears to be directing proceedings from his bed.

Sam, James B and friends 5.93

Perhaps it is because James

James B and friends 5.93

is a few years olderย than the others

James B and friends 5.93

than the others that he takes care of the brick-bound camp fire,

James B and friends 5.93

turning back when satisfied all is well.

Warren 5.93

Warren follows on,

Richard and friends 5.93

and catering planning recommences.

All Sam and Louisa’s local friends would spend many happy days on projects in our garden. James once counted 25 birds’ nests. I have forgiven him for thinking that Louisa was my granddaughter when we first arrived.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s deliciously spicy lamb jalfrezi and pilau rice with which I drank more of the malbec.




  1. That looks like a photographic record of an idyllic childhood! I do recall years ago feeling stupidly pleased when my daughters and I were taken for sisters – vanity! Doesn’t happen now! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. What a happy time! This post really made me smile. Also enjoyed seeing a picture of Jackie’s fabulous food.

  3. First of all, the wondrous dinner of lamb jalfrezi looks scrumptious for over the special rice. Jackie is an amazing chef and cook!
    Sam with his camping group looks very cool, dressed up in bright colors. I liked the brick lined campfire and hammock. ๐Ÿ•ฏ ๐Ÿ• ๐Ÿ”ฅ

  4. Wow! That is a wonderfully graphic story! It surely took me many years down the memory lane when only thing we could cook with grace on the bonfire of dung cakes was rice…

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