Before WordPress 2

My second Facebook diary page (26.4.2012), before progressing to WordPress:

Began the day, as usual, with an hour or so learning French vocabulary. Lunch with my friend Norman in Harlsden. Walked the first part of the journey from Morden to Colliers Wood through Morden Hall (National Trust) Park and along Merton’s Wandle Trail. Pissing with rain, it being London in April. A woman in Sainsbury’s gave me her place in the checkout queue because I only had a bottle of wine. That was nice. In the Park I met a former rugby prop forward and we chatted for a while in the pouring rain. What the hell, we were drenched anyway.

On the tube I noticed a young woman with an oval face and huge round specs. Surprisingly I thought they suited her face perfectly, so I told her. She was chuffed.
Read more of Farenheit 451. Did an evening telephone supervision session.
Today’s Scrabble with people in UK, South Africa, Singapore and Australia.
‘…..and so to bed’. Samuel Pepys eat your heart out.


      1. Aha! I couldn’t decided between it meaning pleased or miffed; although, why anyone would be miffed at a compliment I don’t know.

  1. And how is your French now? I am trying to learn Welsh at the moment because I wanted somethiing interesting to do with lost minutes. Very difficult it turns out. And I now know there are no lost minutes. πŸ™‚

    1. Many thanks, Ina. You have certainly picked a difficult one in Welsh. I achieved A Level French at school, but that was 60 years ago. My recent efforts were really revision because I had bought a house in France. Reading and writing is not too bad, but I have trouble speaking and listening to the words, especially regional.

  2. Liked your comment on the lady with the large round glasses, and her being chuffed at your observation, in today’s age that would be inappropriate with all the politically correctness being expounded. Good to see some old traditions and conviviality still around.

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