Shortest Ever Post (Before WordPress 7)

Here is my Facebook diary entry for 2nd May 2012:

“Jackie spotted the first fox of the season in the garden today – a very grey day, so that may be the only memorable thing about it”

Today’s weather is no better


  1. My daughter has foxes visit her garden regular.. A vixen and dog fox.. The vixen came with a damaged paw, limping and she and her partner have been putting vitamins into scraps.. She is now healing and looking as if she is feeding young.. She has captured many images with her garden motion night camera..
    My daughter has foxes we have hedgehogs lol 🙂
    Have a wonderful rest of the week Derrick

  2. Well put, Derrick. Monday & today were write-offs in Surrey, but yesterday, for my dear wife’s funeral, the sun shone with warmth and feeling.

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