Degrees Of Energy And Enthusiasm


Light rain remained in the overcast clouds until the last hour of the very successful Tiptoe May Fayre which we visited this much cooler afternoon.

When we arrived, hopeful owners were taking up positions in the judging ring for the last few pooch prizes.

The Punch and Judy show was a great hit with young and old. Glee and excitement built up quickly. Children’s faces registered their emotions; I had the sense that the older members of the audience may have been reliving their own earlier years. Despite being attached to a leash in one little girl’s hands, her dog studiously ignored the performance. For some, it was difficult to concentrate on both ice cream and the entertainment. One woman had been left holding the candy floss. I was not the only photographer.

The dog agility contest caused canine chaos, from which the careful orchestrator conjured a semblance of order. The children understood what was expected of them and their pets. The pets, however, approached the exercise of negotiating the obstacles with varying degrees of energy and enthusiasm.

This evening we dined on a second sitting of Mr Chan’s Hordle Chinese Take Away fare, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank Concha y Toro Casillero del Diablo 2017.



  1. It looks like a wonderful fair. All do seem to be enjoying the Punch and Judy show. The two greyhound looking dogs are quite elegant, while the last photo makes me think of the famous Coppertone ad with the girl and the dog. 🙂

  2. Wonderful photos, Derrick. I love some of the facial expressions you captured. The lady holding the candyfloss looks like she wishes to be relieved of her duty. I haven’t had any of that stuff since I was a child, and now, couldn’t even contemplate eating it. 🙂

  3. Fayre scenes indeed! One little lassie seems to have something in her eye. The obstacle courses seem more of a challenge to owners than dogs. The last picture shows a dog very attached to the young lady.

  4. You got some great expressions from the watchers of Punch and Judy today Derrick. (A curiously English sideshow detailing domestic violence which used to horrify me as a child.) The dog agility looks a hoot however. I’m sure Siddy would love to participate in such an event. He’d be busy saying hello to everyone and cleaning up the ice creams……

    1. I can just imagine Siddy, Pauline. Interestingly, Judy and the violence were excluded. The performer focussed on sausages and crocodile. Thanks very much

  5. That’s one thing I regret not doing with our dog. She’s too old now and I can’t even get her to walk with me anymore. The kids looked like they had fun.

  6. Kids, dogs, and grown-ups having fun! 😀 … except the woman and the candy-floss. But perhaps she was waiting for her paramour to bring her a suitable refreshment to go with it. 🙂

  7. I enjoyed the gamut of emotions displayed at this May Fayre. It seemed like the perfect combination of activity, playfulness and drama! Thank you for sharing this colorful event. Wish it had been a bit warmer but everyone survived! 😀

  8. I was also on the lookout for a double-pram for my twins when they were babies; never succeeded in getting one. Those are priceless portraits of the watchers of the puppet show.

  9. The old gentleman in the checked shirt looked like he has just reached the crucial point in the world bowls championship. Will he win the gold?

  10. The Tiptoe May Fayre – just the name is enough to conjure a smile. Add these charming scenes and we have a real treat. There are a number of untold stories in these photos. A little girl in the ring seems to be crying – had her pooch lost out to the huge dog next to her? I shall never know, but I have enjoyed sharing this event through your words and pictures, Derrick 🙂

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