None Of The Dogs


This morning Jackie delivered me to a bench on the corner of the green at Milford on Sea an hour before my appointment with Peter of Sears Barbers who cut my hair. Off she went shopping, leaving me to play with my cameras, and returned to collect me afterwards.

My vantage point allowed me to watch a variety of people crossing the road;

Boxes on barrow

One young man, passing The Smugglers Inn car park, toted a pile of boxes on a sack barrow.

Couple turning corner

A couple walked around the corner into Sea Road;

Biker and passenger

another took a similar route by motor bike.

The window of Biscuit House at 64 High Street attracted attention for some; others, more interested in their arms around each other, walked leisurely past.

Dogs were being walked;

one terrier in particular was content to be tied up outside Village Veg while its owners shopped inside. Afterwards a sparring partner was encountered.

Customers of Hurst On The Hill, with another dog, were happy to take their refreshments outside. Maybe they had obtained their cash from the ATM in Winkworth’s wall being passed by this couple. This building was once a bank, then a beauty parlour. The cash machine has been kept in service by each occupier.

Village VegConversation outside Village Charity ShopWalkers outside Village Charity Shop

Various conversations were held outside the small shops, one on a mobile phone as the family walked on.

There was an interesting juxtaposition of bikers and a cyclist, who, later pushed his steed up the hill.

CyclistCyclist tying up bikeCyclist with shoppingCyclist

Noticing another cyclist coming into view, I waited for her to pass a parked vehicle, not realising she would provide a little story. She swung round and came to a halt beside me, tying her transport to the railings at the crossing. It was some time later that she returned, and, sensibly clinging to the bottle, dropped all her purchases which she decanted into the pannier and set off back the way she had come.

Readers will by now be aware that there was not a great deal of road space either at this junction or up the hill between the green and shops. Imagine my surprise, then, at seeing a lorry carrying a LONG Salisbury static caravan up this route. One gentleman walked in front, shooed away vehicles such as an obdurate Land Rover, and guided the skilful driver through his obstacle course.

Man with walking aid

I really admire some of the ageing residents who manage with all manner of walking aids.

Couple at bench, phone box, pillar box

On an earlier visit to my barbers I had watched the telephone box, now taken over by the community, being restored. I wondered what it would be used for. In fact it contains racks for Dementia Information. At the moment they are empty.

Walkers along High Street

Across the road, indicated by its red and white striped pole, is the barbers.

Pointing boy

None of the dogs on leads tugged at their owners. That could not be said of this little boy.

This afternoon I watched the Wimbledon tennis match between Serena Williams and Evgeniya Rodina.

This evening we enjoyed two excellent meals at The Royal Oak. Mine was smoked pork rib, French fries, coleslaw, and fresh, well-dressed salad. Jackie’s was a burger in a brioche, with French fries. The fries were presented in large bowls, the coleslaw in a smaller one. Each meal was served on a large wooden platter with a handle. Jackie drank Amstell and I drank Malbec.




  1. What a fascinating photo essay this is, Derrick. You’ve really captured a moment in time in this village. So many interesting stories going on in these photos.
    I’m amazed they got the house on the truck to its destination.
    I laughed at: “None of the dogs on leads tugged at their owners. That could not be said of this little boy.” πŸ™‚

  2. I enjoyed seeing all of your scantily clad people enjoying obvious warmth! It must have been quite exciting watching that extra long load negotiate that street and corner. I do wonder why small houses are called static caravans though…………..

        1. Tess, my NZ daughter-in-law, speaks of going to house shops, where you literally buy a house, take it where you want, and move it again when you move.

  3. The fellow approaching The Smugglers Inn has the distinct rolling gate of a β€˜tar’ if I’m not too much mistaken. What a wonderful pictorial tour of your town and the dogs look very kempt and cared for which adds to my smiles πŸ™‚

      1. My mis-spelling (which I will put down to the autocrat that is auto spell and my disgraceful lack of proof reading) of gait didn’t help, I imagine!!

  4. That meal sounds scrummy! And such goings-on in the village. A cheerful jumble of dogs and people and bikes. Made me feel good to look at your pictures.

  5. Maybe those in charge of stocking the telephone box forgot what they were doing. Speaking of which – Where’s the photo of the haircut? I’m having summer envy seeing all those scantily clad people .

    1. Thanks very much, Gwen. I’m pleased you picked up the humour of the empty racks. Perhaps there’ll be another pic before the hair gets long again

  6. “Peter of Sears Barbers” sounds like royalty, Derrick. You know I love when you hit the streets. I’m laughing at the woman juggling her wine and ice cream! πŸ™‚

  7. Oh what a wonderful view of the village life and it’s interesting people you presented, there sitting a bench on the corner of the green at Milford on Sea, thank you Derrick.

  8. You get an ‘A’ for your amazing choice of people pics, and an ‘A+’ for the dialogue. I love your perspective, and we are always the lucky ones when Jackie leaves you to your own devices with the camera!

  9. I noticed Boots the Chemist is still going!
    I recall,as a lad about 13 or 14, being sent up to Boots at Aldgate East,one Sunday around Christmas time, to get a prescription, for what? I don’t know. Boots at (Alget all get out), never closed back then.
    What is now referred to as 24/7

  10. What a lovely town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good morning my friend!

    “The real voyage of discovery consists of not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.”
    – Marcel Proust

  11. Milford-on-Sea is certainly a lovely village – still has some of the old fashioned charm and a great social community. You have captured that well Derrick !!

  12. All life passed by your vantage spot while you were watching, Derrick. It’s a little like watching wildlife: sit quietly for a while and it’s amazing what you see!

  13. I randomly tumbled over your blog and ended up reading the whole thing with a smile and content on my face. You put down each and every detail of your surroundings so simply yet interestingly. That’s how life is to be lived, a little lazy, a little fast, the perfect blend. Cheers !

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