“Keep Going”


This afternoon Jackie and I attended Bill’s 85th birthday party at their home in Poulner. Photographs in the gallery are captioned with the names of the assembled company.

Mo, after I photographed her, borrowed the camera and took these last few pictures herself.

It took us rather longer than anticipated to return home. We were almost there when we spotted a gentleman in a rather precarious state on the verge of the A337. He walked with a limp, appeared to have a week arm and tottered off the verge into the road at intervals. He had his back to the oncoming traffic. As soon as she could Jackie turned round and Β drove back to him. His speech was unclear and we soon realised he was intellectually challenged. We managed to glean that he wanted to go to his care home in New Milton. He was walking in the wrong direction, but accepted a lift, saying he would give us directions. By the time we passed our house we knew he didn’t have any idea about the right direction, so we turned and drove to New Milton. At the roundabout that would have led us to Station Road had we turned right, he insisted that we should turn left. “Keep going”, he said. We kept going. All the way to Barton on Sea. Eventually we drove up Downton Lane, passed our own back drive and turned left. Back at the roundabout we turned up Station Road. “Keep going”, he said. Then he got us to turn right into a side road, and, of course, keep going. Eventually, he recognised his abode. We stopped there. He disembarked, we shook hands, and he entered the house. We made our escape and drove home.

We had enjoyed plentiful barbecued meats, salads, and puddings, so we didn’t need any more sustenance this evening.


  1. What good Samaritans you both are. That registers high on the random acts of kindness Richter scale and makes me very happy. Your description, though, makes me smile and puts me in mind of J and his chums in the maze at Hampton Court in β€˜Three Men in a Boat’ πŸ˜‰. The photos from the birthday bash are absolutely wonderful …. every single person clearly having a wonderful time celebrating a wonderful life which is just as it should be πŸŽ‚

  2. Bill looks a good ten years younger than the age you say he is celebrating – maybe it’s having such a happy extended group of friends and family that does it! And I agree with everything Osyth says!

  3. I loved reading about how you helped this man. Well done, you two! He was fortunate you came along when you did. Happy birthday to Bill! He looks fantastic! What’s his secret?

  4. It looks like an absolutely delightful birthday party–great photos.
    And afterwards, how kind of you and Jackie to stop and take care of this man and get him home. It’s scary that he wandered off on his own. I wonder if anyone had been looking for him.

    1. That is a good question, Merril. Because he couldn’t tell us much we were beginning to wonder about the police but didn’t know where to find them

  5. I just love how you captured the family peeps and happy gathering. Lovely photos Derrick. My heart opened when you shared how you helped the man on the road. What a special day of connections and memories πŸ’•

  6. I love these photos and had checked out everyone’s name before I started reading. Yes, Max in the recycling with a fly swatter!! I’m sure his hands went directly into his mouth after. What a great party and best wishes to Bill! As for you and Jackie rescuing the guy on his way home–there will be stars on your crowns!

    1. Very many thanks, Lisa. The wanderer was very difficult to understand, and we thought we would never get him home – he didn’t know any names πŸ™‚

  7. Flowers in the human garden for a change, each one captured with their accompanying individuality. I am touched by the service you and Jackie rendered to the one you found tottering on the road. Keep going, my friends!

    PS: The child rowing in the bin is so cute!

  8. I see Bill had a lovely birthday surrounded by loved ones! Kind hearts you and Jackie have to assist a stranger but after all that driving here and there, I’m glad you were able to make an escape! You look very dapper in pink, by the way. 😊

  9. I echo all the lovely comments. But I am reminded of a joke I heard the other day. “A guy picked up a hitch-hiker who thanked him profusely. Most people won’t, he said, because they’re scared I might be a serial killer. Nah, said the driver. Doesn’t bother me – what’s the chances of having two in the same car?”

  10. Bill doesn’t look 85, but I’m sure many at the gathering told him as much. Looks like you had a good time!! (how did you feel getting out and about – any pain?)

    1. Thanks very much, GP. Still pretty painful, but then I am doing a lot and stopped pain relief and the crutch a couple of weeks ago. After a tough day I always take it easy the next one. Bill has always looked younger and is very photogenic

  11. So many beautiful smiles! πŸ™‚
    What a wonderful celebration! Bill looks younger than his age!

    Thank you for helping that wandering man. That can be very scary. πŸ™

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