Late Summer Flowering


I began the day with a walk round the garden with the camera. Jackie joined me to ensure that I did not miss any of her special successes.

First was the front of the house, with clematis, nasturtiums, solanum and verbena bonariensis festooning the trellis in front of the garage door; honeysuckle old and new, and pink roses having another flush; and planters of geraniums, lobelia, and petunias.

Constantly watered geraniums and other goodies thrive along the kitchen wall, opposite Jackie’s precious pineapple plants (eucomis, but I can’t get the alliteration with that) in the bed.

Begonias beside the Head Gardener’s Walk spill out of their pot. The ferns in front of them were plucked from less hospitable positions and replanted by She Who Walks The Path.

Jackie paid particular attention to hydrangeas during the long hot spell. Some, like one in the Dragon Bed, and other low-lying specimens, were little more than dried up sticks. The Phantom version, after which its path has been named, has not flowered for three years. The blooms are much smaller than they should be, but at least they are there.

Rudbeckia, Japanese anemones and a late blooming, self-seeded day lily brighten the palm bed. The pink Japanese anemones occupy the Kitchen Bed.

More rudbeckia grace the grass patch border, as do lobelias Cardinalis.

We have crinum Powelliae in the Cryptomeria Bed; ginger lilies, and white gladioli in the Weeping Birch Bed.

The Westbrook Arbour planting, including that seated in the cane chair, has matured well, as have the solanum and clematis soaring above the dead tree at the far end of the Brick Path. Penny Lane has claimed the Gothic Arch.

Roses Lady Emma Hamilton, Absolutely Fabulous, Winchester Cathedral, Gaujard, and Hot Chocolate thrive in the revived Rose Garden;

the unknown peach rose and climbing Compassion overlook the patio.

This afternoon Jackie drove me to Lymington Hospital where a little of my blood was extracted for a PSA test, essentially to rule out prostate cancer.

This evening the three of us dined at the Wallhampton Arms. Jackie enjoyed a smoked haddock fishcake starter; Elizabeth, potted shrimps; and whitebait for me. The ladies each chose spatchcock chicken as a main course, whereas I Chose ribeye steak. Jackie drank Moretti while Elizabeth and I shared a bottle of Nine Lives merlot 2016. Back at home, our dessert consisted of Jackie’s splendid apple and apricot crumble and custard.


  1. My dad has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer – I hope your PSA will be okay.

    On a happier note, what kind of ferns do you have in your garden. I’m thinking of some ferns for round the pond I’m going to build this winter.

    1. Hi Helen, So sorry to have taken so long, but it has been a mad few days here. My favourite ferns are as follows- First and a must for me are the ‘Painted Lady’ ferns, colourful and hardy, tho’ they do die back in winter, ‘Athyrium nipponicum’, Metallicum.’ is easy to find Ursula’s Red’ is a beauty too.
      ‘Dryopteris’ erythrosora is another fave, pinky coppery leaves when new against shiny green leaves, about 16 inches high, so taller than the painted ladies. Another Dryopteris I have growing successfully is ‘Crispa Cristata’ makes a lovely swirl of light green fronds very nice shape that stands out. A lovely native fern is of course, Dryopteris Affinis I have baby ones growing around the garden. Harts Tongue ferns give a different texture having smooth fronds like a Harts tongue I suppose! They tolerate dry soil more. I also have ‘Polystitchum lonchitis grows every where I think it is a type of ‘Holly Fern’ again tolerates dry areas. I have neutral soil over clay! they grow happily here (don’t think the roots would get to the clay layer) Good luck with your pond and your ferns. J.

  2. Love the full tour of the garden. It is always an astounding treat. Especially love the nasturtiums et al climbing the inset trellis on the garage wall.

    I know what spatchcock means because one Thanksgiving my dad and stepmom forgot to turn on the oven. By the time we all realized it, there was nothing to do but cut that bad boy up and cook it in pieces. (I don’t think we really spatchcocked it – but it felt like we were doing something cool because it had a name.)

    Waiting for test results is one of my least favorite things to do. Hugs to you. Stay busy. Drink wine. Smell the roses.

    1. Many thanks, Jodie. I’ll bet your chicken was easier to eat. I’m not really bothered about the test results, but will happily follow your instructions πŸ™‚

  3. Absolutely Fabulous should be the name of your garden–with Compassion climbing. I’m picturing Jackie following you around saying don’t forget this. Hope the test does not find anything, Derrick.

  4. Your garden, with all of its plants and flowers, is flourishing so beautifully! πŸ™‚ You have the colors of the rainbow and then some! πŸ™‚
    Hope your test is fine and you are fine, Derrick! Best wishes, good thoughts, and prayers for you.
    I like your alliteration! πŸ™‚
    Happy Healthy HUGS for you and The Gals!!! πŸ™‚

    1. Thanks very much, Yvette. I didn’t know what the chicken was, either. It is a small one sliced down the middle and spread out. Very fiddly to eat πŸ™‚

      1. Oh thanks – and I think I like chicken any way you slice it – ha – even tho my body likes red meat most.
        I really believe there is something to the blood type and meat choice –

    2. Prior hello, a Spatchcock Chicken has its backbone removed so it is spread like a languishing drunk though the skin is stuffed with butter and herbs before being roasted. It is made easy to carve. The word comes from dispatch… cock

  5. Yes Derrick, I’d say Jackie’s flowers are very successful, thank you for the magnificent tour, a totally grand display….Please tell Jackie well done for me…..

  6. Your garden is beautiful as you know. But I am not sure how you managed to keep it that way, with 20 weeks of sun and no rain my garden looks to be a Tuscan one … all straw like and golden. My brother-in-law had a PSA and it was positive, he researched on the web and found out about a revolutionary treatment. He asked for this treatment and he got it, they planted (a bit like your garden) radioactive seeds that went on a seek and destroy mission and won! A war that he was proud to support. It is six years on and he is still well all signs of the big C radiated into the cosmos. So hopes are high for you which ever way it goes. X take care, great garden and post. πŸ˜‡

  7. Honeysuckle (with its heady perfume), lace-cap hydrangeas, and Japanese anemones are my favorites in this late-season garden! You are lucky to have a long seasonβ€”watering must not be a problem.

  8. What splendid late summer gardens Derrick! Thanks for capturing so beautifully Jackie’s hard work and creative skill. πŸ’›
    Good luck with the test.

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