Although enhanced by the skilled, insightful, sometimes scurrilous, illustrations of Frank C. Papé, ‘Something About Eve – A comedy of Fig Leaves’ is not my favourite work of James Branch Cabell. I finished reading it yesterday evening.
I found it rather heavy going. The crossword setter in me was amused by the anagrams of the lands visited by our main protagonist in his journey from naive youth to mature age. These are Caer Omn (Romance), through Dersam (Dreams) and Lytreia (work it out for yourself) to Mispec Moor, where Compromise snags his search for the promised land. Eve comes in many forms, tempting and not so delightful. Gerald Musgrave tries them all in his sometimes thwarted efforts at copulation.
Finally, the book had not engaged me.
As usual the illustrations in this Bodley Head edition consist of tipped in plates, headers, end pieces, and vignettes among the text.
The golden engravings on the cover and the end-papers some up the essences of the tale.
I have chosen to present the frontispiece as it stands behind the protective tissue that covers each of these plates, the last of which shows our rake as a young man encountering his older self.
Here are one header and an end piece.
This morning Elizabeth drove us over to Mum’s, where we spent much of the day gardening. Jackie pruned needy shrubs, weeded rampant beds, and cleared the lawn edges, which, with a spade, I relined; Elizabeth cut the grass and tidied more edges.
After this, we repaired to The Wallhampton Arms where we partook of their excellent carvery. Jackie drank Amsrell, Elizabeth, Peroni and I, Flacks bitter.
You are truly good children to your mama, proving we are never too old 🙂 I think the reality of this book would leave me a tad cold 🙂
Knackered the knees, though. Better this morning. You are right about the book, Pauline. It certainly didn’t warrant one of your bookmarks. Thanks very much.
I like the way you slipped in reality
🙂 and I’m sorry about the knees….
The illustrations were interesting. Shame the book meet your expectations.
Thanks a lot, Drew
Nice to know you’re looking after the oldies! 🙂
🙂 🙂 Very many thanks, young fella
Interesting story. Thanks for sharing Derrick.
Interesting story. Thanks for sharing Derrick.
Thanks for reading, Gary
Hmm… Scrambled words are perhaps the only interesting bits that the newspapers offer me each morning these days. So Reality and Compromise were rather easy to decipher. That is a weird book for sure! I am not surprised I never heard about it before this day. I would rather reread David Copperfield than settle down with Mr James B Cabel (I hope I spelled him correctly.)
Cabell – I agree – I bought the books for the illustrations – thought I’d better read them at last. Many thanks, Uma
Intriguing illustrations but not something I’d attempt I’m afraid.
You are right, Miriam 🙂 Thanks very much
Thank you for the review Derrick 😊
Thanks for reading and commenting, Sylvie
I really liked the way you summed up some of the story.
Thanks very much, Paol
Though the book is not that good as you said, the illustrations are nice.
Quite so, Arlene. Thanks very much
Did you know that the late, great, Mark Twain wrote both Eve’s diary and one for Adam…
I didn’t. Many thanks, Léa
My pleasure Derrick.
These illustrations are captivating to look at! The detail is great!
And I always enjoy reading a book review.
So good of you all to help out your Mum!
HUGS to all!!! 🙂
Very many thanks, Carolyn X
I think it would be one of those books for me…. where I would just look at the pictures !!
That’s all I have done with them for a number of years until now 🙂 Thanks very much, Ivor
I would get that book by seeing the illustrations alone!!
I did just that 🙂 Many thanks, GP
Beautiful illustrations–too bad the book itself was not very interesting.
Thanks very much, Merril
Fun illustrations. Take care of those knees.
Thanks very much, Sherry. Better today
For a moment, I thought the movie, “All About Eve”, with Bette Davis, was based on the book you’d shared. Oh, well… interesting title, though. I loved the illustrations and see how the artist in you were drawn (no pun intended😉) to them. A Knight unable to genuflect is a terrible thing, so I was glad to hear your knees are better!
🙂 Genuflection is some way off. Thanks very much, Rose
I shall curtsy for you then. 😊
🙂 🙂
So nice of you to look after mum!
Thanks very much, Lynn.
How are you doing?
Getting better slowly. Still painful but working quite well. Thanks for asking