Doubled Up With Laughter

Mum has recently been transferred to the Rehabilitation ward of Romsey Hospital. So much more user friendly than Southampton General, this is a small building with a manageable number of patients, staff able to offer tailored treatment, and free parking. Jackie drove me there this afternoon.

As can be seen here, our mother, although still not very mobile, is back to her normal self. She engaged in an animated, humorous, and lively conversation, involving recent memories and long-distance reminiscences which accord with my own recollections. The head-bent posture was of Mum doubled up with laughter.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s splendid pork paprika, flavoursome savoury rice, and tender runner beans with which she drank Hoegaarden, Elizabeth drank Hop House lager, and I finished the Merlot.


  1. OH! This makes my day! It is so good to see your beautiful mom smiling, laughing and enjoying your visit! πŸ™‚
    I continue send healing thoughts and wishes her way!
    Give her an extra gentle hug (for me) next time you see her!
    HUGS!!! πŸ™‚

  2. Laughter is the best medicine, and here we clearly see how your mum’s health is improving. The greatest gift in life is to love and be loved and clearly this is so in your family! Such a treat to see!

  3. Derrick,
    Glad your Mom is in a more manageable place and that she is back to her old self and in good spirits. It ‘s is encouraging to see that your appears comfortable in her new surroundings.

  4. So pleased to see these pictures of your Mum Derrick back to her normal happier self. Loved that you shared them… I hope the rehabilitation ward at this centre is much more to her suiting..
    Sending continued thoughts and well wishes Derrick.. <3

  5. So good to see your mum enjoying herself. How fortunate you are to be able to ‘ask mum’ especially when you are writing your life stories.

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