“That’s What I Call Home Delivery”

Early this morning Jackie drove me to New Hall Hospital for a Pre-Admission Assessment. The assessment was fine, but I was urged to chase up the urology photographic examination, otherwise it is extremely unlikely that the surgery date of 9th January will be met.

In the Wiltshire village of Braemore the Brakes of a container lorry had failed. It had clearly crossed the central reservation and

knocked on the door of the wonderful thatched house, Japonica.

As I was drafting this I received a phone call in which I learned the name of the above mentioned examination. It is called a flexible cystoscopy. I am having one at 8.30 in the morning.
I left a message for my knee surgeon’s secretary informing her of this.
Now, where was I?
Ah, yes.

The lorry had demolished a bus shelter on the way to the house.

Shrubbery had been crushed.

A young man was clearing up the rubble.

Jackie’s observation on this incident was “that’s what I call home delivery”. After I photographed the scene we took a diversion through the forest where,

at Godshill, a velvety burnished chestnut pony tore at the holly beside a high-banked verge,

while a drowsy foal basked in the bracken.

As so often, ponies stood on the tarmac of Roger Penny Way, one stubby little individual stubbornly refusing to budge.

I stood for a while on Deadman Hill, admiring the sunlit landscape, with its distant ponies, nestling buildings, and ubiquitous trees.

Yesterday, my Canon 300 mm lens became stuck, making it impossible to adjust the focal length. We therefore took it into Wessex Photographic at Ringwood for them to send it away for repair. There will be a delay of a couple of months for an estimate, which gave me an excuse to buy a Sigma 600 mm lens as recommended by fellow blogger, Sherry Felix.

We then brunched in Café Aroma. This meant we didn’t need much more this evening. We all had sandwiches; the ladies enjoyed Jackie’s leek and potato soup. Elizabeth and I drank Como Sur Bicicleta Reserva Pinot Noir 2017. I confined myself to corned beef and Branston pickle sandwiches.
P.S. For all those who expressed concern about the occupants of the house, this is a copy of a Facebook comment from a London friend: ‘Maureen Allen This is my friends house thank god they were not hurt but still a big shock xx’


  1. The stubborn horse is funny and best wishes with your test and January surgery —
    Also – feel bad for the driver of the truck – hope he does not lose his position

  2. The brakes on the Brakes truck failed – what are the odds? The “home delivery” was a great quip! And then we come to my ponies and some potato/leek soup – a smooth and tasty favorite. I look forward to your journey every day.
    Hoping alll goes well with your other knee too (of course!!) 🙂

  3. I wouldn’t have believed that a firm bearing the name of ‘Brakes’ could have the brakes fail on a delivery vehicle and take out a bush shelter, half a garden and half a house. I’m just glad that stubborn donkey didn’t get in his way! I’m guessing that has just ruined someone’s Christmas, trauma all round really. I do hope your various pre op incursions go much better than that poor truck drivers day did.

  4. Best of luck on your procedure, tomorrow. Don’t tell anyone, but I had a colonoscopy today. I was very nervous and thought of lots things to worry about – but all is fine and I am hoping you’ll feel the same way tomorrow night. : ) Jackie’s comment is funny.

  5. This is a home delivery that I wouldn’t have been happy with! Good luck on your procedure tomorrow. I have seen enough urologists for a while event though I have a follow-up on the 20th.

  6. Good luck with your procedure! those poor people who live in the house! It looks as though the truck made the roof collapse. Goodness. I hope nobody was hurt. That stubby pony and its companion look well fed. The bracken is a lovely color in the sunlight.

    1. Many thanks, Lisa. We don’t really know what happened in the accident. It is possible that the collapsed roof was actually the bus shelter. I do hope you are getting stronger by the day.

  7. Scary on the accident! 😮 Hope no one was injured! What Jackie said is funny…but I’m not signing up to get thing delivered THAT WAY! 😀
    Best of wishes for your procedure!
    The ponies are beautiful! We all have our stubborn moments! 🙂
    PS…I have my nephrologist appointment today.

    1. Many thanks, Carolyn. We don’t know anything about the accident, although it will probably feature in that area’s local paper. The pony may well have been asleep. Best medical wishes reciprocated.

  8. With a 600 mm eye, you will be able to execute another kind of home delivery, fruits of which I shall wait to receive. Ponies seem to be having a different channel of consciousness. Nevertheless, you nail them adroitly in their various pensive avatars each time.

  9. How dreadful to damage such an old and beautiful building just because a delivery has to be made on time. I hope that it will everything be repaired beautifully and Brakes’ premiums go through the roof to pay for it!

  10. It almost seems to be tempting fate to have Brakes in such big letters on a truck. You and Jackie had fun with the quips though. 🙂 I’m glad no one was hurt.
    That “velvety burnished chestnut pony” certainly was.
    Good luck with the medical procedures!

  11. Can you imagine how frightening that accident must’ve been for all involved?! Whew! Glad everyone is okay. And a flexible cystoscope just sounds like so much fun. 😳 better than an inflexible one I suppose!

  12. Interesting post. Glad the cottage is still standing. Hope you enjoy the new Sigma lens. At B&H in NYC they let me return a lens if I don’t like it. I did that a couple of times. Look forward to hearing how you like it.
    Amazing what they can do for medical stuff these days. Hope they fix you up right shortly.

      1. There ought to be a special category for the keen but infirm. A marathon in 13 installments – one mile in the morning, one in the afternoon and a celebratory 385 yards on the 14th day. I could do that.

  13. What I’d call a bloody mess, which is what one expects from a Cockney lad I suppose
    Flexible cystoscopy..sounds pretty uncomfortable to me, hope everything goes /went okay and you got over the intrusion, hopefully you may just need to go on to DuoDart, one capsule a day to fix whatever problem you have. Easy to take I’ve been on them for 5/6 years.

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