“Playing With My Balls”

More progress towards recovery was made today. This morning, with the aid of Physiotherapist Louisa and a pair of crutches, I walked all the way round the bed and sat in the chair beside it, being quite amazed that my right knee was fully flexed to 90 degrees. In fact I became quite dizzy before I sat down and needed to return to bed. On his visit some time later Mr Kask, the surgeon, said that if the physios got me able to walk to the bathroom and the catheter to be removed, I would be able to go home tomorrow. This afternoon, with no distress, I walked well past the bathroom and returned to the bed. Jackie arrived to follow me along the corridor.

Then it was time for what nurse Hannah indelicately calls “playing with my balls”.

This is a method of lifting three plastic balls in a container by inhalation, in order to enhance oxygen supply.

Dinner this evening consisted of tasty vegetable soup; scampi, chips and peas; and fresh fruit salad. I drank water.


  1. Playing with your balls is very important to stem off pneumonia – so do a good job. I just can’t get over what great food you have in the hospital there!!

  2. Yeah, well you didn’t fool me, young man. I knew that headline had a meaning to be revealed. Glad you’re doing well. Keep playing with your balls and you will be ready to leave soon.

  3. My, how I tittered at the title. Then someone called you “young man” and I laughed out loud. Looks like they are running out of places to shove tubes Derrick, for goodness sake don’t bend down without checking behind you for a nurse holding tubes.

    On a more poignant note “I drank water.” is the saddest thing I’ve seen you write. Get well soon, and give our regards to Jackie. She’s doing a sterling job with the photography.

  4. So glad to see everything has gone according to plan, Derrick. Bionic man is back on track! Oh, and I’m very impressed by the food in the hospital…

  5. So glad to see everything has gone according to plan, Derrick. Bionic man is back on track! Oh, and I’m very impressed by the food in the hospital…

  6. Just as well Jackie is an excellent cook or you might be tempted to stay in hospital for the food. It sounds as if you are making splendid progress. All the wishes for a speedy recovery are clearly working, and accordingly, I add mine to the list. I’ve been away from technology while I had grandchildren visit, and when they leave, I am always inspired to do a spring clean. Three days and I’m still not finished! Thank goodness I no longer have a house.

  7. Scampi at the hospital – amazing! Looks like you are having fun “playing with your balls,” Derrick, and looking good while doing it.
    Hope to see a post announcing happy homecoming tomorrow!

  8. Glad to hear you have made such good progress, Derrick! I hope you are out of hospital by the time you read this comment 😊.

  9. In your first photo your balls are very high! Keep ’em up there! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€
    HA! Your title made me snort-laugh! But, since ball-playing is encouraged AND nurse’s orders a fellow just has to obey!
    What great progress, Derrick! And I hope you are home soon!
    HUGS!!! πŸ™‚

  10. You know, Derrick, not me, but someone might say that you have a big pair for picking this title. Not me, but someone ….. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Nice post, Derrick. Mend fast, you sly fox!

  11. After reading your title i was getting envious of your superior standard of medical care in England – until i saw the oxygenator! πŸ™‚ You might still be able to outdo us with the food selection though? πŸ™‚

    Good to see your humour has not been to affected by the surgery and here’s hoping you’ll soon be hopping around like a Spring Lamb and snapping more of the local scenery.

    Do you think taking water with meals will become a habit??

    Neither did i! πŸ˜‰

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