You would probably need to be not much younger than my generation to remember High Streets bearing small shops and offices where it was possible to walk in as a customer in order to view and discuss a product; place an order; or make a payment to a real person who looked at you without having to take his or her eyes of an impersonal screen. Goods and services were administered from available outlets. My parents paid their rent in cash over an estate agent’s counter; I walked into a bank to open my first account; gas and electricity bills were sent through the post and one could walk to the respective national board’s office to settle or question paper invoices.
Most national facilities and all utilities must now be obtained on line or through a muzak-pumping telephone network offering choices from a series of numbers to press before hearing a live person’s voice. How many times have you waited at the end of a telephone -even if the problem is that you cannot access the internet – has your wait been interrupted by a message inviting you to go on line?
The charming Georgian town of Lymington – incidentally the only local one still boasting a branch of that bank I walked into in London almost 60 years ago – has more than the average number of small shops, with a number of alleys leading off.
You won’t find a gas or electricity supplier there. But in one of the alleys you will find Peacock Computers – a small, user-friendly outlet where pleasant, personable, staff welcome you in person; answer the telephone without sending you through hoops when you ring; call you back when you leave a message; make home visits if required; operate a screen share system; and generally go the extra mile to help resolve problems. They will also supply a computer if necessary.
Here is my diary entry for
Shelly and Ron visited us in the afternoon, after which I posted ‘A Virtual Tour’.
This evening Jackie and I dined on pork chops, mashed potato, carrots, cauliflower, and runner beans.
17th January 2019
Jackie and I dined on her beef in red wine with plentiful vegetables.
Now, later on 18th January, I have caught up with the blogging calendar.
This morning Jackie, my Assistant Photographer, drove up to Lymington in order to gather illustrations for this post. She returned rather pleased with what she had pictured. Unfortunately there had been no memory card in the camera. I had left it in my computer.
Not to be deterred, she returned for another attempt after lunch. Again she came back sans images. I eventually discovered that the setting wheel had been shifted. When she feels strong enough we may be able to supplement this post, with more than
an image of me making this entry, captured in order to ensure that all was now working as it should be. Jackie would have
LordBeariOfBow know that there is no lavatory roll on the coal scuttle.
This evening we dined on the usual excellent food provided by Hordle Chinese Take Away.
Oh poor Jackie – this has been a trying day! I’m glad to hear Peacock Computers has come through for you with good, old fashioned expertise! Here’s hoping all the bits (and your ISP provider) keep working as they are supposed to and you are not forced to miss any more of your daily postings. My alarm bells jangle alarmingly when you are not found in my morning mailbox!!
Your jangling alarm bells are the worst aspect of missing a post. Many thanks, Pauline. X
I know – she keeps a good eye on you!
Definitely an improvement without the loo roll. I was too polite to mention it last time. 😇 Jackie is a real trooper. You’re so fortunate to have her.
I thought it impolite to mention as well! Just goes to show how careful you need to be when taking a picture. I do however especially like Derrick’s fire surround and I’d keep that in!
Many thanks, Andrew. For once it wasn’t me who took the picture. My offence was to keep the item in 🙂
I am, indeed, Sylvia. Many thanks
Nice refreshing post Derrick. I miss those good old days of doing things in person. I think this is why personal interaction and understanding one another has become so problematic these days. People (especially younger ones) have such different social skills that we and our parents developed. I really miss the good old days of the past!
You are so right, Gary. Thanks very much
In general, I am not a fan of people claiming to have given 110% effort, but poor Jackie could claim 200% today without any dispute from me. It somehow reminds me of the days of film, despite being a particularly digital issue.
Ah, yes! The waiting for the results. Thanks very much, Susan
I feel for you with the memory card oopsie.
Just when Peacock had done you proud, too.
Yep. Many thanks, Leslie
Oh, how I wish we still had outlets where you could easily walk in and speak to a real person who could help you directly! You look snug in your chair, anyway.
Many thanks, Helen. (I was regretting that I couldn’t go off and take the pictures 🙂 )
Hopefully you can soon!
Glad you are back… at home and on the Internet. Hooray for Jackie!
Very many thanks, Flower
I leave my camera door open when I take the card out, so I know that the card is missing. Just a tip from a person who plans for her forgetfulness.
I do the same, Flower. Jackie will now. 🙂 Many thanks
Your looking well Derrick, keep up the good recovery.
Thanks very much, Ivor
….. was wondering about the coal scuttle …. bouquet for Jackie 💐
Thanks very much, Val
You are having your share of technical difficulties! Too bad that Jackie’s photos did not happen. You look quite content though.
Many thanks, Merril.
I am glad to know that I am not the only one who has missed photo opportunities. My sympathy goes to Jackie who must be approaching sainthood for going back a second time.
I agree entirely, Tootlepedal. Thanks very much
Sorry about the technical difficulties, Derrick. That said, you’re looking quite cozy in your chair!
Thanks very much, Jill
How much nicer is, it when you get real people, with genuine interest in you, and what you want,and are genuine. Can’t remember the last time it happened to me :'(
🙂 Many thanks, Brian. Hidden in the wastepaper basket
Well lets hope you don’t get caught short
Now that is as fetching a picture of a Blogger-Photographer and a Gentleman as ever graced the planet: All Hail Assistant Photographer!
As for the lost days of simplicity, I stand equally grieved.
Very many thanks, Uma. 🙂
Glad to see you home and looking comfortable, Derrick. I remember back when services and businesses were different, too. It is unfortunate, as the years roll on, we can keep the best of the old along with the best of the new, and let the rest go. 🙂
Yes, indeed. Many thanks Lavinia
Glad your internet is back. And that Jackie is a trooper!
Isn’t she just. Many thanks, Lisa
The small independents are sadly fighting a losing battle.
Yes. But fascinating that ours ism an IT expert. Thanks very much, Andrew
Your Jackie reminds me of my Marc who has also accidentally turned the wheel on the camera settings and come home with nothing.
Ah. Thanks very much, Sherry
You are looking good. Thanks to Jackie. Something to be said about the iPhone; no memory card required. Just catching up on WordPress Reader, looks like people have been busy blogging while I am trying to keep the garden healthy in the heat. Typing is also a chore now.
Many thanks, Mary. I wish the typing could be easier for you
Me too.
You are looking healthy and happy and getting a lot done from your “throne”! 😉 🙂
YAY for Jackie and her willingness to help in so many ways. Even to “hide” the lavatory paper! 😉 😀
How wonderful to have Peacock as a name! And so nice to find such a friendly helpful business when you need it.
HUGS!!! 🙂
Very many thanks, Carolyn X
Yes the good old days. We ended up meeting so many more people. Often feels so impersonal now.
Last year I went all the way to see the seals without my memory card.
Jackie had my sympathy even before that…
🙂 Thanks very much, Quercus
Oh, I remember those days, too, Derrick – when companies cared what we thought of them. Bravo to you for singling out a grand company by showing the business card. Quite a good way to make a point.
Much appreciated, Jodie
: )