Either Jessica or Heidi would have taken this photograph at 18 Blenheim Park Road with a film camera on 4th October 1991. the night before Michael’s wedding to Heidi. Michael sits in the foreground while, from left to right, Becky, Derrick, Sam, Matthew, and Louisa adorn the sofa. (See Becky’s comment below, explaining Heidi’s absence, and Jessica being the photographer)
Such is the advance of image technology since that time that Sam was able a couple of days ago to photograph with his mobile phone the print in my collection and transfer it to whatever device or site he chose. He and Louisa are now using it as a Facebook Cover Picture.
Apart from scanning the print and posting it on here, I have today continued my recuperative reading.
This evening we dined on fish fingers; baked and runner beans; and fried potatoes.
It’s a beautiful photo of a beautiful family in happier times. xoxo
Many thanks, Pauline XX
That’s a darling cheery photo. I’m glad that you and your family have it.
Thanks very much, Donnalee
A throwback to good times.
Thanks very much, Kavitha
Beautiful, beautiful family!
Thank you very much, Laurie
Your photographs of Michael are wonderful, precious memories Derrick x
Thanks very much, June X
Oh, what a wonderful photo that exudes joy and love!
Beautiful memories! 
Thank you for sharing Michael with us, Derrick. Continued prayers and condolences for you and your family.
Keep resting and reading.
Thank you very much, Carolyn X
A beautiful photo. Sounds like your appetite is beginning to creep back,
I ate too much, Oglach!
Thanks very much
A really happy family photo, Derrick.
Thank you very much, Sylvia
What a wonderful photo, Derrick. I love how your family was so diligent about capturing special moments…what a blessing. Take care of yourself!
Thanks very much, Jill
Lovely photo <3
Many thanks, M. B.
Photographs are so precious. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Thanks very much, Alex
It’s another wonderful family photo. Take care Sir.
Thanks very much, Dad
That is a beautiful photo, Derrick! It is a blessing to have all these good memories.
Thanks very much, Lavinia. It is, indeed
A really happy family photo!
Thanks very much, Clare
I wish my family had been more willing to wield the camera. It’s a wonderful photo, that one. And I’m glad to hear a hint that your appetite might be coming back.
Thanks very much, Linda. I ate too much!
It’s amazing how photography has changed over the years – from the ability to take a shot and have it expensively transferred to paper has become the ability to take a digital shot and share it worldwide.
Fish fingers, on the other hand, are one of the great constants in life – good as comfort food and bound, when taken with light reading and garden views, to be good for you.
Hope the recovery continues.
Very many thanks, Quercus. I’ll get to the funeral
Jessica took this. Heidi was, as is traditional, absent and not allowed anywhere near the groom. Mike wouldn’t even listen to a message from her before they met at the altar!
Well remembered, Becky. That is how I thought it must have been, but wasn’t quite sure. XX I’ll add a pointer to this.
Another good memory
Many thanks, Mrs W
Your welcome
Beautiful photo, Derrick, and precious memories of happy times together; I hope these photos provide at least some comfort for you and Jackie.
Thanks very much, Dolly
Very welcome, Derrick
What a joyful picture, Derrick.
Thank you very much, Cynthia
Excellent picture Derrick. I envy you the fish fingers, I get them now and again when my grandchildren stay over!
Thanks a lot, Andrew. That’s why we had some in stock
A lovely family photograph! By the way, Rule 1 of fish fingers is never ever ask what kind of fish they are made from.
Thanks for the laugh, John
Actually these were cod
What a lovely family photo, the happiness shines through.
I used to scan family photos, but these days I too simply pick up my phone, snap and share!
Thanks very much, Sue. Scanning enables me to make prints as required
That is true.
Glad to know someone else still eats Fish Fingers!
(had some last night also!)
It’s a very good thing to have those family treasure’s helping keep precious memories alive.
Long may they continue. All the best Derrick.
Very many thanks, Bob
You have a wonderful family Derrick!! Thank you for sharing this precious moments of your family with us!!!!
By Merrit Malloy
When I die
Give what’s left of me away
To children
And old me that wait to die.
And if you need to cry,
Cry for your brother
Walking the street beside you.
And when you need me,
Put your arms
Around anyone
And give them
What you need to give to me.
I want to leave you something,
Something better
Than words
Or sounds.
Look for me
In the people I’ve known
Or loved,
And if you cannot give me away,
At least let me live on in your eyes
And not your mind.
You can love me most
By letting
Hands touch hands,
By letting bodies touch bodies,
And by letting go
Of children
That need to be free.
Love doesn’t die,
People do.
So, when all that’s left of me
Is love,
Give me away.
Thank you for this, Efi
Μy love to you Derrick!!!
Precious moments Derrick.
Thank you very much, Rupali
A photo to keep forever, like a forever coat, yours to treasure, memories are soothing sweeteners Derrick, and tears are the icing on the cake ((Hugs)) my friend…….
Very many thanks, Ivor. With love
Humbly my pleasure.
A wonderful memory captured forever.
Thanks very much, GP
That’s a gem of a photo packed with warmth and happiness. Certain technologies have surely progressed, such as photography and videography. Sadly, medical science seems to be lagging behind, and worse, cost of medical intervention in case of certain diseases has shot beyond the stratosphere.
Sound thoughts, Uma. Thanks very much
Thank heavens for photographs and shared memories. Thinking of you all.
Very many thanks, Anna
Michael doesn’t look like he’s suffering from any last minute worries – he’s wearing the best smile!
Thanks very much, Susan
My favourite fish-finger treat is fish-fingers, mashed potatoes and fried egg. Can’t be beat!
… what a great ‘bachelor party’ gang. 
Thanks very much, Widders
Beautiful memories x
Thanks very much, Melanie
Dear Derrick, It is all so very sad. Love, Micheline
Thank you very much, Micheline, X
How are you doing
I’m recovering, thank you, Christian
Photo Memories! Wonderful
Wishes and Love
KWP Kochi Event Management
Many thanks, Kochi