The Revolt Of The Angels

This morning I finished reading ‘The Revolt of the Angels, Anatole France’s satirical novel based on a potential re-run of the Christian idea of the war in Heaven between the evil angels of Satan and those of St Michael on the side of good.

Fallen angels are brought to life in cities ancient and modern, and consort with human beings.

We begin with a mysterious chaos in an historic library and follow the tale through the next two hundred years. I will reveal no more of the story, save to say that it is written in the author’s usual flowing prose as ably translated by Mrs Wilfrid Jackson. Mine is the first illustrated edition, produced by The Bodley Head in 1924.

As regular readers will expect, the illustrations are by the estimable Frank C. PapΓ©.

Here are the front board, and

the end papers.

There are the usual 12 plates worthy of close perusal,

and the vignettes at the ends of chapters. I have included a sample of these.

This afternoon I watched the BBC transmission of the Six Nations rugby match between Scotland and Wales.

I settled down to a recording of the England/Italy game after we dined on pizza and salad.


  1. If you like that book, another more recent one you may enjoy is “Good Omens” by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Loads of fun.

  2. OH! These illustrations are heavenly! I love the details, the expressions on the faces, and the subject matter! πŸ™‚ I’ve always been fascinated by all angels, but especially the fallen ones.
    YAY for pizza and salad! We had turkey tacos (with peppers, onions, tomatoes, avocado, and salsa) and pinto beans! πŸ™‚

    1. I like your dinner choice. Never have had turkey tacos. Need to try them!
      Like you, I am fascinated by angels, too, but not the fallen ones! I like mine soaring and watching over me! <3

      1. We roasted a turkey breast and shredded some of the meat. We just heat up corn tortilla shells, no frying. (You can fry them if you want to) The fill the warmed shells with turkey, onions, peppers, avocado, salsa, etc. You can put whatever you want in them. They are delicious! πŸ™‚

        Well, I must admit I am grateful for the warrior and guardian angels.
        I do not see angels as wispy little frilly things. πŸ™‚

  3. Exceptional artwork! I find the front piece intriguing with the Fallen Angels firing cannon from earth at the heavens while ‘Holy’ fire rains down on them from heaven.

    Hope your day will be a good one. πŸ™‚

  4. What a fascinating book with wonderfully illustrated drawings. What a treasure to read.. And it makes you wonder, just where Myth and legend merge with truth and History doesn’t it.. πŸ˜€
    Sending you both warm thoughts this breezy day that began with snow, now blue skies are overhead.. <3

  5. Gorgeous publication, Derrick. I distinctively remember Robinson Crusoe book we had at home. I would look through the illustrations for hours, as a child.

  6. The illustrations transcend the reader to olden times when art such as that was frequently found in the books. I wonder how exquisite a graphical novel by those artists would have been.

  7. With a maiden name of DeAngeles (of angels), I have reason to be fascinated with them These are delightful illustrations – very different, captivating, diverse. Some endearing. Some a little frightening. I am partial to the ones that seem more in keeping with my mental image of “angelic” of course. Thanks for sharing. Glad you had a restful evening.

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