Tulips Warming Up

This morning I made an A3+ size print of the Alpine sunset photograph in this post:


from that splendid blogger bereavedandbeingasingleparent. I will send it to him after Easter.

Our tulips now worship the warm sunshine with open arms, while

Jackie mends a leak in the water feature. The granite sett is for birds to stand on while drinking.

Becky, Ian, and their friend Louis arrived this afternoon to spend Easter with us.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s classic cottage pie; crisp roast potatoes; crunchy carrots and cauliflower; tender curly kale and runner beans. This was followed by lemon tart with cream or natural yoghurt according to taste. The Culinary Queen drank sparkling water, Ian drank San Miguel, Louis drank Corona, and I drank more of the Toro Loco.


  1. Lilac, like violet, a wonderful soft colour
    β€œI think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don’t notice it.” – Alice Walker

  2. Your tulips are scrumptious: such color, and such fancy designs! I can well imagine just seeing them would make the day more pleasant. Fun to see Jackie “at work,” too. I suspect there’s a never-ending list of little things to be done in such a garden, and I also suspect working on them gives a great deal of pleasure.

    1. It does give a lot of pleasure, tho’ I could have done without the trouble with the fountain and pond yesterday!

  3. Wonderful flower photos today Derrick, and i include the flower most dear to you in that, the one holding the granite. πŸ˜‰

    May this easter time be one of renewed spirit for you all.

    (Well done on the alpine print too!)

  4. The spring flowers are beautiful, Derrick and Jackie, and I love that photo of the moon over the mountains from bereavedandbeingasingleparent

    It was quite warm here yesterday, with another splendid day in progress.

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