A Lindum House Holiday

Today I scanned a set of colour prints from April 2000.

It was the time of daffodils, tulips, and fritillaries in

Lindum House garden when Michael, Heidi, and their family drove up to Newark for one of their regular holidays.

In preparation for her visit, our friend, Errol’s Uncle Frank, had turned a beer crate into a baby’s swing for Alice.

I must have taken this family group on a day out somewhere because I don’t recognise the fence behind Michael, Heidi, Alice, Oliver, and Emily.

My older two grandchildren well knew the run of the garden by now.

In her comment on my Facebook page, Heidi has explained the running about, thus: ‘Yes Derrick I have copies of all those photos! It was Easter 2000, we had the roast on Easter Monday ! The swing was such a success and the eggs were hidden behind the logs. Probably Lindt Bunnies!!’. Her younger memory is better than mine.

Heidi, Louisa, and Jessica seem to be receiving the benefit of their knowledge.

Oliver and Emily seem less than enamoured of

their father’s roast.

Alice probably enjoyed something else.

This evening Jackie and I dined on her succulent sausages in red wine; boiled potatoes; crunchy carrots and cauliflower; and tender runner beans, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Shiraz.


    1. It is indeed. Heidi will already have this set – I always duplicated for them – but the children won’t. Yet when they were small they wore out the albums

  1. Lovely memories for you to look back upon. I hope you are coming to terms with your loss, if that’s the right expression, and are finding the pain a little more comfortable.

  2. I remember the days of a large family fondly. It’s quite a blessing that yours continues on, and continues to surround you. As for those fritillaries — my goodness! What a plant!

  3. Those moments stand frozen in time. Humans seem to bloom like flowers in those slivers of eternity. Was that a Velvia film behind the lens?

  4. If you don’t recognise the fence, then surely you may have forgotten much of the day. We humans live such short lives, and of those few years, how much we cannot recall.
    On a less serious note, well done, Errol’s Uncle Frank, for drinking a whole crate of beer so that he could make that wonderful baby swing. Somebody had to do it!

  5. OH! Beautiful family! Beautiful memories! πŸ™‚
    Looks like the swing was a hit with baby Alice! That sweet smile! πŸ™‚
    So good to see Michael. How important these photos are to all of his family now.
    I treasure the photos of those in my family who are no longer with us. I posted a story this week about one of my sisters…she died of cancer at age 42. I posted a fun memory. πŸ™‚

  6. No doubt a task engaging mixed emotions.

    Little Alice’s swinging smile is surely worth the effort alone. πŸ™‚

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