Soil Replenishment

So often when Jackie pops out for a spell of planting she spends all day, first diverting herself with bed clearance and soil replenishment. This is what happened today, especially as the weather was mild and sunny.

The New Bed has become rather full lately, so to plant new bulbs required the process outlined above. Self-seeded and too prolific plants are removed, others heavily pruned, then the area is topped with compost. Naturally it has to pass the inspection of Nugget. It was kind of him to take a break from his sentry duty to perform this task.


“Where’s Nugget?” (37)

My contribution to the proceedings was to gather up the refuse and transport it to the compost bins.

Doris Tysterman continues to shine in the borders of the back drive,

where clusters of chrysanthemums crowd

alongside pursed hot lips.

Begonias continue to thrive, although some



along with fuchsias and others, including dahlias, shed their petals.

Fuchsias, including a number of Delta’s Sarah and Mrs Popple, drape many of the beds. This mauve and white Delta’s Sarah shares a corner of the Rose Garden.

This small pink rose nestles in

the Wisteria Bed outside the stable door, hidden in this picture by another Delta’s Sarah.

The red climber, Super Elfin continues long after the runner beans on the Gothic arch

which also supports Doctor Ruppel clematis having another flush.

Nearby, the wicker chair, fronted by Japanese anemones, bears another fuchsia.

Alongside the Kitchen Path we have a deep purple double petunia,

burnished red sedum and lighter pelargoniums. 

Later I printed copies of the Doris Tysterman and the chrysanthemums for the Back Drive album update.

This evening we dined on mini spring rolls and tempura prawns with sweet chilli sauce as starters followed by a rack of pork spare ribs and Jackie’s savoury vegetable rice with which she drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Fleurie.




  1. I think Nugget had flown out of the photo before I had time to look for him. I am sure he is around, though., but I got distracted by admiring the gorgeous colorful flowers.

  2. The flowers continue to be a colorful treasure in your gorgeous garden. I love the deep purple one near the end of the pictures. What’s it called?

  3. Nugget’s returned to sentry duty, he’s such a busy fellow 🙂 That deep purple double petunia (say that six times fast) is stunning! I’ve never seen one so determinedly such a deep shade before.

    1. I hadn’t seen one that shade before either, Pauline. We are beginning to think that robins’ boundaries are different from ours. He is carrying on a duet with another in the Back Drive hawthorns.

  4. Okay, you got me. I never heard of a double purple petunia – but there it is big as life itself!! You two are quite a pair!!

  5. I can relate to Jackie’s “just going out to the garden for a bit” and spending most of the day there. Once you get out and going – there’s so much to do. I think I see Nugget smack dab in the center.
    Forgive my terse replies lately. The double u on my keyboard is still giving me fits so I avoid ords using that letter if I can. Need to go shopping.

  6. The clusters of chrysanthemums are very impressive. I am glad to find out that you have the most important job. Replenishing the compost bin is the key to a happy garden.

  7. Love love love the deep purple double petunia! Wow! 🙂
    I found Nugget…wanting to be the center of attention again! 😉 Great photo of him!
    So glad it was a beautiful weather day for The Head Gardener and her able assistant/supervisor, Mr. Nugget! 🙂
    Red, yellow, purple, green, pink…your garden is a rainbow of color! 🌈
    (((HUGS))) 🙂
    PS… “Sunset is still my favorite color, and rainbow 🌈 is second.” – Mattie Stepanek

  8. Such a joy to see Nugget doing his rounds up above and down below! 🙂

    His silhouette is unmistakable (except perhaps for another robin?)

    Those chrysanthemums and fuchsias are amazing, exceeded only by the richness of the petunia colour!

    ‘Crowding clusters of chrysanthemums’ and perfect profusions of purple fuchsias – some lovely little alliteration. 🙂

  9. Oh, that elusive Nugget! Couldn’t find him. Those chrysanthemums are breath taking. Holy cats! I’ve never seen them grow that big here. Too cold, I suppose.

  10. Your garden is still looking beautiful. All we have left are our fuchsias, but they too are now beginning to lose their petals.

    Nugget was well hidden today, almost silhouetted by the sunlight.

  11. I could not see him anywhere
    You mess my mind and you don’t care
    If Nugget hides you only wait
    And soon he’ll chance upon a gate
    But in your pic upon my screen
    Even enlarged he can’t be seen.
    So Derrick, Mate! don’t be a tease.
    A portrait of ‘im next time, please.

  12. A lot of hard work to make such a beautiful garden. The deep purple double petunia is exquisite. Thanks for sharing it all.

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