Where’s It All Gone?

Apart from a brief spell of red-gold sunshine enlivening the last of the Weeping Birch leaves we worked in drizzling rain on the final heavy pruning in the Rose Garden. It is very sad to cut off healthy buds in an effort to ensure the plants’ winter security.

This does, however, bring the bonus of cut flowers such as

Absolutely Fabulous rose of a couple of days ago

and today’s For Your Eyes Only roses and Mrs Popple fuchsia . Otherwise Jackie doesn’t pick her own flowers.

Despite the fact that I filled the bird feeders, Nugget, paying us a visit demonstrated his preference for live worms. Watching the rapid disappearance of this one I wondered “Where’s it all gone?”.

Now, “Where’s Nugget?” (43).

Flitting from larch

to hawthorn, Muggle kept to his own quarters.


  1. Great to have fresh flowers in the house!
    Now that it’s autumn, it’s getting a bit easier to find Nugget. Muggle knows who’s boss!!

  2. My grandmother did not allow us to “hurt the flowers” she would plant around our balcony. At least you were able to put those pruned out buds to good use, adding a beautiful touch to the house.
    Nugget is posing smack in the center of the photo.

  3. Boy! No wonder Nugget is getting chunky! Look at the size of that worm! He sure can pack it away. I love the shot with the roses on the table, Derrick. That would make a beautiful puzzle.

  4. I hadn’t realised Fuschia could be cut and put in a vase. Does it last long? I’d love to do that.

    My mum had a rose garden – well, predominantly roses – and she was constantly working on it. I do remember when I tried to grow roses that they only lasted a few years then the soil got ‘rose sick’ (it’s a thing) and had to be rested.

  5. Good to see Nugget and Muggle are well! And Nugget is having a wormy-feast! πŸ˜€
    (I’m sure you and Jackie had a feast that was NOT wormy! πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚ )

    Beautiful photos, Derrick! πŸ™‚

    Yes, everything alive (flowers, plants, trees, human-beans, etc) goes through the seasons of life…and the yearly seasons of time. Each comes and goes and there is beauty in each season. And everything leaves it’s mark on the world…and helps the world and everything in it to renew, to keep going.
    HUGS!!! πŸ™‚
    PS…The early bird can have the worm…I’ll have a cup of hot tea! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜›

  6. I hope you both didn’t get too wet while you pruned. Jackie is a woman after my own heart; I never pick the flowers in my garden, either. They look so much better and last much longer outside. I only ever bring in casualties or prunings. I love the photos of Nugget gobbling up that worm.

  7. The flowers are beautiful, and yes, it seems that cold temperatures have arrived quite suddenly. I can’t imagine all the work Jackie must lovingly put into to upkeep your beautiful gardens! I am happy Nugget has a healthy appetite, and is doing well. I hope his behaviour has improved too πŸ˜€

  8. Something sad about Autumn once the leaves have fallen. The trees across the fields from me are looking beautiful with all the shades of gold.
    Double figures is pretty good, right now it’s just 2Β° here, hopefully it may reach 6Β° later.
    Loved the photos of Nugget and his tasty snacks.

  9. Seems like it may be an all to brief Autumn –
    but you have had a longish Summer as compensation! πŸ™‚

    + marks the spot for today’s Where’s Nugget? πŸ™‚

    Happy to see he’s building up his ‘reserves’ for the coming Winter!

    I imagine he did not invite you or Jackie to have dinner with him??

  10. Wonderful photos, Derrick. I’m impressed that you got Nugget eating the worm, and I like the composition of the “Where’s Nugget” photo. I really like the spot of color of Nugget in the black and grey-toned final image.

    1. The last two pictures are of Muggle, Merril. Our robins are all identical, so we can only tell the difference from behaviour and territory πŸ™‚ Many thanks.

  11. Haha – love the Nugget pasta dinner shots! As a Swede, I also have a soft spot for birches. They are all dying over here. I thought it might be because of our increasingly dry summers, but then I learned about awful, lethal creatures called Birch borers. It’s so sad to see their brittle skeletons fall apart around the neighborhoods. I’d take a dormant birch over a dead one any day.

  12. Nugget is really enjoying that fat worm. I’m sure the worm was less than impressed though. 😯 Beautiful flower arrangements from the pruning. Muggle seems to have worked out his place in the pecking order. πŸ˜€

  13. If I were a robin, I imagine a fresh snack from the ground would be my choice of fare. Glad Nugget it keeping his food-finding skills honed, anyway.

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