Venison For Christmas

The weather picture this morning was of strong winds propelling variable clouds, some unloading precipitation of heavy rain and piercing hale, and bright sunshine, all vying for the available time.

Thus, our naked trees enjoyed ever-changing backdrops,

while the house was often brightly lit.

Among other tasks, Aaron planted beside the cypress trunk two heavily scented pink climbing flora –

clematis Montana Mayleen and

rose The Generous Gardener. There will be later additions.

Meanwhile the first of our camellia buds burgeons.

This afternoon Jackie drove us to Helen and Bill’s home in Fordingbridge where, with Shelly and Ron we all enjoyed

Helen’s delicious dinner of succulent roast venison topped with bacon; crisp roast potatoes, including the sweet variety and onions; three colours of carrots; firm Brussel’s sprouts and cauliflower with which red and white wines were imbibed. We had begun with canapés and mulled wine. The meal was completed by a moist chocolate log topped with sliced strawberries.

This feast was followed by an impossible Christmas quiz in which Shelly won with a creditable 12/25, Jackie came second with 9, Ron managed 8 and I came last with 6. Helen and Bill were let off because they had done it before. Afterwards we enjoyed anecdotal reminiscences, in particular horse drawn deliveries of groceries and milk; rag and bone men; fish and chips and other meals; house prices and educational practices. We tried to stick to an embargo on the recent election.

I am definitely converted to venison for Christmas.




  1. I’ve never had venison, my late husband having eaten it many times in his travels way from home told me it was a strong flavour, I winder if you found it so?

  2. I can tell you with absolute confidence and utmost sincerity that if you eat venison more often (especially instead of beef) your body will thank you for it. Those photos of dinner were delicious.

  3. It looks to have been a delicious dinner and sounds like a god time! I have had venison and think cooked the right way it can be very good. Like bison, it does have a stronger flavor than beef, but as someone mentioned, it’s much more lean. Do markets sell venison in Britain or do they know an enterprising hunter?

  4. What sort of venison do you have? Wild game or domesticated? I’ve had only wild whitetail deer, and the flavour differs by region. The Upper Peninsula of Michigan has a lot of deer feeding in the cedar swamps, but my hometown’s deer was better because they grazed in the farmers’ fields.

    1. We don’t actually know, but, having been bought from a local butcher it was probably culled New Forest deer. It was certainly flavoursome. There are numerous wild deer in this country and they are regarded as a destructive menace.

  5. What a lovely, congenial group of people to enjoy that astounding meal (and imbibing) together. The quiz must have been very difficult to slow you folks down!

    have a joyous Christmas, and a new year full of good health and laughter. And eat all the lamb and liver your little hearts desire. 🙂

  6. Your photos of the trees in their December-finery are lovely! I think trees are beautiful in each season of our lives, and each season of their lives! 🙂
    What a wonderful meal with warm wonderful friends! 🙂
    The Christmas Quiz sounds interesting!
    HUGS!!! 🙂

  7. It’s a pity that venison doesn’t catch on more widely. Beef seems to play a big role in global warming, and there is a vast surfeit of deer, which cause tens of millions of pounds worth of damage every year and countless road accidents. They don’t seem to break wind much either.

  8. Again, your photography is so brilliant that the aroma of that “dinner of succulent roast venison” came right through my computer to my nostrils! Mmmmm!! What a delectable meal!

  9. April weather in December – how about that?! Looks like a lovely time together. Here’s to more of that in the days to come. Merry Christmas, Derrick & family!

  10. Christmas is coming up fast! Wishing you, Jackie and your family a wonderful Christmas season.

    I love that camellia bud photo. I will have to get another camellia for here. We used to have a pink one which got taken down (I had requested the contractors pull it up and put it aside for me. They never did it.) when the house was rebuilt.

  11. Sounds like your Christmas lunch was a very jolly affair. Looking forward to see your newly planted blooms in full flower 😊

  12. We love venison and last year on Boxing day I cooked venison steaks with leek and mushroom gravy. I have some diced venison in the freezer and sometime over the Christmas period this year it will either be made into a casserole or a pie.
    That quiz sounds as though it was very difficult indeed! Maybe it would have been easier before that sumptuous feast!

    1. I’m hoping venison catches on. We already have it in some of the Indian restaurants. The quiz came from one Helen and Bill brought back from a fund-raising event. Helen is an avid quizzer. Their team of 8 managed 11/25 between them. Thanks very much, Clare.

  13. I envy your venison. Commercial sale of venison isn’t legal here in Texas — if you want it, you need to know a hunter, or hunt yourself. There are good arguments pro and con, but there’s no question that a good venison sausage or backstrap is utterly delicious. I managed to get some sausage this year, and I’m going to try and make it last for a couple of months. “Try” is the operative word here!

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