In The Night Garden

Following the call of the moon last night Jackie took her camera into the garden to photograph

its light;

she moved on to sculptures Florence

and her Owl

She worked on the garden during the day, beginning with lining up tubs of

tulips on the patio, showing ย those in the process of uncurling alongside earlier arrivals.

Those tulips, and this more standard red one, are cultivated and have limited life spans.

Species, on the other hand, will naturalise. These red ones are new.

Lilac Wonders bloom and proliferate year after year, brightening

the Palm Bed,

diagonally opposite which stand these fritillaries

at the corner of the Cryptomeria Bed. This view takes us through to

the Weeping Birch Bed.

Alongside that is the Oval Bed with its splendid marigolds and cowslips.

Nearer the house the red Japanese maple is regenerating in the Kitchen Bed. Apparently dead, this was heavily pruned three years ago by me, and the following year by Aaron.

The camellia behind this bears new and old blooms

which carpet the ground beneath it.

This evening Jackie served up her own savoury egg fried rice with meaty spare ribs coated with spicy barbecue sauce; crisp prawn toasts and spring rolls, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank Mezquiriz Reserva Navarra 2013.



  1. What a shy moon.
    I think you’ve got a good little ecosystem there – your plants are doing so well. And that Acer (Japanese Maple) is much further along than any of ours.

  2. That same moon was particularly bright over my house last night…… No matter where in the world we live we still look up at the same moon. It’s nice isn’t it ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. We were out last night. My husband put up twinkle lights in the party garden and it was enough to get us out of the house on a chilly night. Laney had an app on her phone that told us the constellations. And I love knowing we were all watching the same moon. I am crying again. Why am I always crying?

      1. I’m happy to hear you are still using the party garden even if it is a bit chilly. I’m often tearful these days too – For me, I think it’s because I’ve have been made aware in a new way of what we all have and what we all stand to lose……. And our unity is something I am coming to really appreciate. What’s your reason?

  3. With my travels around the world by way of WP, I’ve got to say you and Jackie have the nicest quarantine facilities!!

  4. Stop it Jackie! You are far far too talented … the night garden pictures are so serene, your garden is stunning and supper is making my mouth water. It always does and I am quite the unladylike site, drooling as I read Derrickโ€™s posts!!

  5. Great shots by Jackie, but I’ll admit I’m not too happy with that moon…it was so bright, I slept very little. The flowers are gorgeous today! It sounds like Jackie is cooking like your favorite take-away restaurant…yum!

  6. The evening garden photos are beautiful, Jackie! We had clear skies here last night, and were able to see the moon, too.

    I noticed you have what looks like calendula blooming already, a reminder I need to grow some again. Your tulips are beautiful. It is unfortunate the rodents here like them so much and eat the bulbs. Small containers may be the only way to keep them. I have one clump of purple tulips by the new garage that come back every year, but they are planted in gravel where the rodents can’t burrow readily.

  7. So, Jackie has moved the yet-to-bloom tulips besides those that already have. In the hope of teaching them what to do? The garden is blooming marvellous. Or marvellously blooming. Whichever point of view you prefer.

  8. Gardens at night are full of mystery and yours is no exception. Thank you for sharing Jackie’s adventure and talent. Maybe I’ll put up some twinkle lights. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Nary a glimpse of the moon here, thanks to fog and clouds, so it was particularly lovely to see the sight from your perspective. Diane’s comment about the garden by day and the moon at night reminded me of this wonderful old song.

  9. The moonlight on Florence Lady and the Owl lend a spectral aura to them. Itโ€™s difficult to chose a favourite, but the fritillaries are exotic. Japanese Red Maple is a rare survivor.

  10. Often, when I look through the photos of your garden, i find myself humming “English Country Garden”. I wonder why? ๐Ÿ™‚

    Like Uma, I stopped dead when the fritillaries hove into view; they are so different.

  11. The moon was glorious and I even took a few shots of my own.
    Our garden and pots are looking decidedly bare. Loving the pleasure of yours.
    Supper sounded lovely.

  12. Ribs sound delightful, and prawn toast! Is that a thing? I’ll be looking for how to make that.
    Just magical, these darkness garden pictures. Totally enjoyed them

  13. The garden is gorgeous. I made rins the other night but served it with plain rice. I never never think to make egg fried rice. Silly me. Next time!

  14. Ti was indeed a ‘super moon’! So wonderful to see your beautiful garden in bloom. Here, the daffodils are just starting to plump, the crocus are not even up yet! But SOON.

  15. Oh, Jackie! Your moon and night photos are divine! Thank you for taking them and sharing them with us! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Each night late or early morning, Cooper and I take a walk in the dark outside. The moon has been so beautiful lately, we gaze at it, talk to it, and enjoy it’s company. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Your garden is keeping you two company and all of us! Thank you for the smiles! ๐Ÿ™‚
    (((HUGS))) and <3 ๐Ÿ™‚
    PS…last night we made a salad with mixed greens, kale, carrots, purple cabbage and we added some sliced cheese, sliced turkey, and olives. It was a delicious meal! ๐Ÿ™‚

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