Relaxed Restrictions

Late yesterday afternoon, beginning with

“Where’s Nugget?” (78), Jackie produced a series of photographs.

She was fascinated by the hairy borage

and a spiky caterpillar masquerading as a cactus.

Clematis Star of India occupies the wisteria arbour

through which is framed her favourite view of the garden. Left of centre, the Chilean lantern tree was lit by the evening sun.

Late this afternoon today, following the relaxed lockdown rules Jackie drove me to Bisterne Close along which I walked for 40 minutes before she picked me up and we returned home.

Unbeknown to each of us The Assistant Photographer and I focussed on the same subjects


Here we have tree fungus -Jackie’s

and mine.

To the right of this young female jogger stands a tree marked

for foresters’ attention, as in my photographs.

This would be too late for fallen (mine)

or broken (Jackie’s) trees.

One runner was exercising himself and his dog;

other people took a more leisurely pace.

I enjoyed a pleasant conversation with the friendly woman who kept the required distance from the runner and his pooch shown above.

There was much blooming rhododendron Ponticum along the lane.

Casting its shadow, a dark brown pony left a group ahead of me.

These wallowed in what, when we were last here, was a waterlogged verge.

Our final coincidental subject was the last of these ponies who, by the time Jackie approached was reaching for drier fodder.

We passed another pony on our way back along Bennetts Lane.

Golfers are now free to play on the Burley Course.

More ponies frequent the moors of Holmsley Passage.

This evening, along with her exquisite savoury rice, Jackie produced a variety of prawns: tempura; salt and pepper; and hot and spicy; and small vegetable spring rolls. She drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the El Zumbido Garnacha Syrah.


  1. It’s funny that you and Jackie took similar photos. Or maybe not. ๐Ÿ˜€
    Her favorite garden view is beautiful.
    I like that final action shot of the pony with its tail flickering.

  2. Nugget has gotten distracted! I am very fond of hairy borage too – it is a wonderful herb and every stage of its life fascinates me! The fungus that you both photographed reminds me somewhat of the caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland…… I’m not surprised that you were both drawn to it ๐Ÿ™‚ It seems life is opening up again across much of the world – ready or not!

  3. I can’t help thinking that life opening up is a little too much and too soon.
    Oh, I am glad you visited the forest ponies and I love that you both took such similar photographs!

  4. So funny that you took such similar pictures. I do feel like golfing and walking and other outdoor activities could be opened with common sense rules involved. They had closed parks and golf courses around here, which just lead to everyone congregating on streets in even closer proximity. So I am glad those things have reopened. As long as I can run down my road a few miles and run back, I am happy. I am in no hurry to be out and about with anyone at this point.

  5. We have just entered Step one of restriction lifting. Now we can have five people come and visit. For this releif much thanks, Horatio.

  6. Lovely photos Derrick. Nature has been such a tonic for all us during this time. Take care and stay well. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  7. I can see why Jackie was fascinated by the hairy borage. It’s fascinating! And isn’t it amazing how many different forms fungi can take? Made me wonder if there are infinite types, so I looked it up: “There are about 75,000 scientifically identified species of fungi, with scientists believing there may be as many as a million fungal species yet unidentified.” Thanks for motivating my research. Nice to see the ponies.

  8. Nugget is of course near his reinforced station towards the top right of the frame. Itโ€™s great to see life returning to normalcy. The post has interesting photographs.

  9. Your blog won’t take my comments.. let’s see if this works..Please give Jackie my compliments on her photos. And, I think it is a great idea to have duelling lenses! I loved seeing your differing views on the same subject.

  10. Different eyes: sometimes when my husband and I return from an outing to a particular place and look at our photographs one might be forgiven for thinking we had been on separate excursions! It is always fun to see the perspective of another.

  11. Jackie and Derrick:
    Your photos are brilliant! So many of them made me say “Oh!” and smile that I can’t list them all!
    I especially “Aw’D” at Jackie’s favourite view of the garden!
    The broken trees make me sad…but such is life…and your photos of them are fabulous!
    As always, the ponies are a joy to see!
    The layers of nature, the bright colors, the textures, the life…all captured so wonderfully!
    (((HUGS))) ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. I will have to tell you the story of my uncle, the pannaging pig and the errant golf shot at Burley sometime. Meanwhile lovely to see you moving around more as the forest blossoms

    1. Obviously I thought of you and was most disappointed until I saw my first ponies in that pool near the end of my walk. Holmsley Passage had also been devoid of them on our way out. Thank you, too.

  13. A beautiful set of photos from you and Jackie, Derrick! It is always good to see little Nugget, and I love those forest drives and the ponies. I am glad you were able to get out on such a beautiful sunny day and share it with your readers!

  14. It is amazing how the two great minds meet! Even though the photos produced are markedly different (yet both sets excellent), the eyes are drawn to the same subjects.
    Mr Nugget is availing himself of the feeder, hiding behind a branch.

  15. I always like the photos of the ponies, and of course Nugget. Glad you and Jackie have a bit more freedom now as things “loosen” up. Be careful and be safe!

  16. Out of this group, I’m going to have to go with the spiky caterpillar masquerading as a cactus. I got a kick out of the similarity of subjects that you and Jackie chose, particularly the tree fungus.

  17. Ah, a day out to enjoy the garden, the ponies, the fresh air, and capture your wonderful images… how wonderful! I love them all, Derrick, but the hairy borage is definitely my favorite today. Beautiful… fascinating! Again, thanks for sharing.

  18. I confess that I pushed the relaxation to the limit. I drove 100 miles to see my children. I did feel guilty and rehearsed excuses if I was pulled over. I observed social distancing rules but even without a hug it was good to see them. I received a bottle of Bombay Sapphire for my upcoming birthday.

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