Needless to say, the BT e-mail problem that, four days ago, I had been promised would be resolved within 72 hours was not. I therefore spent an hour on the phone this morning, first with an advisor in Belfast, then with one in Cardiff. I won’t bore you with the details, save to say that when back running I had 997 e-mails to check.
Later, Shelly and Ron visited with presents for Jackie’s birthday which it is today;

and to enjoy a guided garden tour. Further details of the pictures are given on the gallery which can be accessed by clicking on any image.
A few days ago I had given Jackie a Birthday Card using a print of a mushroom made by Matthew Chalk of and his nine year old son, Arthur.
“I want one”. She had said. I kept shtum.
A day or so later I mentioned that I wanted her to take us for a drive today. She did. To Matthew’s workshop in Tunbridge near Romsey.
The first squeal of delight came when I pointed out the mushrooms I had commissioned, and said “Happy Birthday”. She picked one up, carried it to the car, and returned to bid farewell to Matthew and Arthur who kept their physical distance.
“What about the other two?”, I asked.
“Three!?” came with the second squeal.

At the moment they stand on the patio – a temporary home so Jackie can see them through the sitting room window.
On our return home we took a turn through the forest via Minstead, where

two ponies attempted to enter the car. Note the flies on the first one’s nose as she asks Jacke for entry. The other tried the windscreen, then turned to the driver’s window. Jackie wasn’t quick enough to close her window before her visitor started scratching its chin on the glass.

Leaving the village taking the lane to the Emery Down way we greeted two cyclists, the second towing a trailer containing two little boys. Note the rhododendron Ponticum which currently lines many of the hedgerows. Muffins, the thatched house and garden, was Jackie’s favourite house when we lived in Castle Malwood Lodge.

Further along we encountered a group of assorted ponies and a little brown foal on the road. The mother of the infant became quite stroppy with one of the other mares and it became a bit lively so I re-entered the car until a truce was declared.
We continued through Emery Down, turning right to Bolderwood where

rows of deep pink foxgloves swayed among the giant redwoods of the Ornamental Drive.
For dinner this evening I slowly heated Jackie’s luscious liver and bacon casserole from the freezer while boiling new potatoes, carrots, and cauliflower to perfection. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden while I drank Carles Priorat 2016.
Happy Birthday to your wife, Derrick! Lovely photos as always. 🇬🇧
Thanks very much from us both, John.
Happy Birthday to Jackie! It looks like a beautiful day, and what a wonderful surprise you gave her.
The photos are glorious!
Thank you so much from us both, Merril.
Happy Birthday, Jackie !
I wondered what Hoegaarden was until I researched it and found out that it is a Belgium beer first brewed by monks in the 15th Century.
Thanks very much from us both, Sally.
I love foxgloves and hope to plant a few in my garden too!
Thanks very much llze. We don’t think foxgloves like clay, so I hope you have an area which is well mulched, perhaps with fallen leaves.
I think carrots is the only one that likes clay 🙂 I will make compost and after few years I can have something to help flowers to grow. Problem is all the compost we can buy is peat! Don’t want to destroy earth to have flowers in my garden.
Ah. A tough job.
Happy birthday, Jackie! You are beaming among your flowers! Gorgeous photos!
Thanks very much from us both, Jill.
Please pass on my best wishes for a wonderful birthday to the Head Gardener. A big pat on the back for you as you evidently chose a gift that greatly pleased and made her squeal with delight.
PS Those two horses were merely trying to wish the birthday girl a happy birthday
Many thanks from us both, Sheree
Nice list. Happy birthday Jackie!
Thanks a lot from us both, Gary.
Happy birthday Jackie! Those mushrooms are excellent 🙂 And the roses are looking magnificent!
Thanks very much from us both, M.B.
What, no birthday cake?
I wasn’t able to post birthday cards for April and May this year, and Jackie being just over the edge of May also missed out. And given the dearth of flights and the backlog of mail one assumes nothing much is moving internationally for a while yet. Still, there’s always next year 🙂 Happy Birthday Jackie – I have mushroom envy!! I’m looking forward to seeing them in place and with something to give a size comparison.
Thanks very much from us both, Pauline. They are destined for the “lawn”.
Wishing Jackie a Happy Birthday! The three mushrooms are a wonderful gift.
That is a beautiful little thatched house and land. You lived there once?
That is a rather forward forest horse sticking his head in your car window!
Thanks very much, Lavinia, from us both. I’m sorry to have misled re the thatched house. It was a flat in Minstead that we had rented for a while. I have now corrected the text.
Despite being warned not to, visitors feed ponies from their cars.
Happy Birthday to Jackie 🎈 I love the mushrooms. All the foxgloves just sprang to life in the woodlands here too 🙂
Thank you very much from us both, Tiny
Oh I love the mushrooms. I should feature mine, carved as a Christmas gift from our retired family vet. Not quite on the same scale as yours.
Happy Birthday, Jackie. 🎂
I’m glad you retreated from the ponies, you would not want to be on the receiving end of a stray horse kick!
I noticed your e-mail post is back to normal. Any explanation from BT?
Eventually it was discovered that when I binned BT Broadband and kept the landline for e-mails I then had two accounts – the one that should have been closed and another called Premium. BT themselves had now switched to a Yahoo thingy and I had been recently instructed to make some adjustment. Guess what? The instruction was sent by e-mail 🙂 Thanks very much, Sue.
To say that BT is all about communication, it did a very poor job of communicating its intention!
Happy Birthday Jackie!
Those are excellent mushrooms, with a very impressive finish to them.
Thanks very much from us both, Quercus.
I hope you both have many more to come.
Oh wow I love the mushrooms. I have a fairy and gnome garden where it would be perfect. 😉
I get teary when I stroll through your garden pictures…sigh
I guess if we hadn’t relocated and moved houses 22 times in 36 years of marriage…Then again, Norm has been very happy in the RAAF and in some ways it’s kept us together and gave us experiences no garden can.
Now’s your chance, Chrissy. Thanks very much.
Happy birthday to the head gardener. The present looks very fine.
Thanks a lot from us both, Tootlepedal.
Happy Birthday J. I do like those mushrooms.
Thanks a lot from us both, Gary.
Happy Birthday, Jackie! YAY! I’m so glad you were birth-ed! You are a joy to the world!
🎉 🎈 🎂 🎁 🥳
Love the mushrooms…so beautiful…and what a great addition to the garden! 🙂
Boy, Mr. Knight, you are a fun-guy to give your beloved such a wonderful birthday gift! 🙂 😀
I think the ponies just wanted to wish Jackie an up close and personal Happy Birthday! 😛
I will do something today to celebrate Jackie!!! 🙂
(((HUGS))) and Birthday-(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thank you so much from us both, Carolyn. X
{{{hugs}}} and Happy Birthday wishes to Jackie. What a wonderful birthday gift…. the mushrooms are deeeelightful! I love the rows of deep pink foxgloves, Derrick. How gorgeous! Thank you for always brightening up my day! <3
Thank you very much from us both, Jan X
Happy birthday to Jackie! Those mushrooms are beautiful. What fine gifts for a gardiner.
Thanks a lot from us both, Laurie
Happy birthday, Jackie. So much to love in this blog post. What a wonderful gift for a gardener and such beautiful photos of the garden. But why in the world would ponies want to enter the car?
Many visitors feed the ponies from their cars, despite warnings not to. Thanks very much from us both, Luanne.
Happy birthday Jackie, and what a thoughtful and delightful gift Derrick….. I’ll toast to the birthday girl, at dinner tonight with a glass (or two) of “Sheep Shape” Cabernet Merlot 2017, Cheers to Jackie…
Cheers from us both, Ivor
Uncorking the wine now, Cheers…..
🙂 “That’s nice” says Jackie
Happy birthday Jackie. Wish you all the best.
Thanks a lot from us both, Arlene
Happy birthday wishes for our Head Gardener! Love your birthday present of three mushrooms 🙂 They are a perfect addition to your garden.
Thank you so much, Rosaliene, from us both.
Happy birthday, Jackie. The mushrooms are fantastic. I’m a bit jealous. 🙂
Thanks very much from us both, Oglach.
Happy birthday to you, Jackie, and every good wish for many more to come. Your mushrooms are fabulous! The wood is especially nice — the grain is very appealing. Do you happen to know what kind of wood it is?
Thank you very much, Linda, from us both. The mushrooms were made from a local ash tree. Matthew only uses reclaimed timber. Ash trees have suffered a lot in recent years. Before sanding and waxing he very gently applies a blow torch to bring out the grain.
Happy birthday to Jackie! I can see why her present prompted squeals of delight.
Thank you so much, Liz, from us both
You’re welcome, Derrick and Jackie!
There is alway so much mushroom for sweetness on the special day of a Garden Celebrity. Wishing Jackie many happy returns of the day!
Thank you very much from us both, Uma
Happy birthday, Jackie! I love those wooden mushrooms! What a sweet gift!! That horse cracked me up too. Jackie almost had another birthday gift!
🙂 Thanks very much, Lisa.
Happy birthday Jackie. And congratulations Derrick. You’ve nailed the present again! You have such an eye for what will delight. And you lived in that lovely cottage? (hear my squeal of delight? – or envy).
Thanks very much, Gwen. Had we lived in that cottage I doubt we would have left it. Sorry my text was misleading. I have changed it.
I was going to ask – “why did you leave it?” But I thought that would come across as rude over the distance. Glad for the clarification.
🙂 You could ask us anything, Gwen.
Happy Birthday, Jackie! Congratulations, Derrick on the excellent birthday present shopping! Good job on the pony photos, too! Someone has been feeding those Ponies from their car.
Thanks very much, JoAnna. You will always find ponies around cars for that very reason.
Happy Birthday to Jackie! The mushrooms are exquisite.
Thanks very much, Dolly.
You are very welcome, Derrick.
A delightful gift – so fitting for the Head Gardener and your beautiful garden. I have never seen foxgloves in the wild and am impressed by them.
Thanks very much, Anne. It has been a very good year for foxgloves
A very happy birthday to the Head Garderner And Culinary Queen🎂🎉🎈Loove those mushrooms!
Thanks very much, Marina.
I do like those mushrooms. Nice to see you were on birthday cooking duties.
Happy Birthday.
So you managed to see it. That is a nice surprise. Thanks a lot from us both.
I have cranked up an old laptop which supports Chrome. Important because the problem was beginning to affect a few more blog sites that I follow.
Classic Editor is still there so I can still use my PC for writing and posting and reading other bloggers like me still clinging to the old ways!
Well done.
A delightful post. How nice of you to acquire the 3 mushrooms as a gift!
You know very well that pony wanted you to take him to me. Poor thing doesn’t realize how far away I am. 😏
🙂 Thanks very much, GP
A happy, happy birthday to Jackie! I love her new mushrooms and the foxglove grove brought out the ‘Oh wow!’ years of having a Southern American boyfriend has made natural.
Thank you very much from Bothe of us, Susan
Sorry I missed this but please forward a belated B’day wish to Jackie. I got a kick out of that nosy equine and can visualize the chin scratch on the window! Glad he didn’t try cribbing the glass. Oh, and those mushrooms are delightful.
Thank you very much from us both, Maj
Hope Jackie has a wonderful birthday.
She did, thank you, Mrs W.
Your welcome.
Wonderful photos. Such a beautiful area. My parents had problems with their BT email last week too… The only thing that worked was deleting cache, cookies etc and then they were finally able to log in.
Thanks very much Nikki. I’m pleased your parents managed to log in
Happy birthday to Jackie…. Wonderful photos.
Thank you very much from us both, Melanie X
Most welcome.
Birthday wishes to your queen. Lovely gift and photo gallery.
Thank you so much, Rupali.
I love Rupali’s wishes for Jackie, I can’t top that!
I also love the very cool gift(s) you gave to the Monarch of the garden on her special day.
I do not love your dinner, but will defend your right to eat the ‘l’ foods when you want to. <3
Thanks very much, Yvonne. My fingers tremble every time I type either ‘l’. 🙂
My mission is accomplished. 😊
It’s not every day that a Head Gardener can say she got THREE ‘shrooms for her Birth Day! … I hope they are as fabulous in real life as they look from this side of the camera. 😀
Thank you very much, Widders. Jackie thinks so.
Happy birthday to Jackie.
When there are horses in your post, they have a lot of my attention.
Thank you very much from us both, Walter.
A belated happy birthday to the queen of the kitchen and head gardener Jackie. May she have many more to come in health and in joy.
Thank you very much from us both, Geetha.
Most welcome 🙂
Best wishes to the Culinary Queen! Those mushrooms look gorgeous.
Thanks very much, Lindsey.
A very belated happy birthday to Jackie. The mushrooms look wonderful!
Thanks very much, Clare