Last night before bed Jackie wandered around the garden with her camera

and produced this set of images.
This morning we worked together in the Rose Garden.

Jackie swept, weeded, and refurbished the pots that had contained tulips earlier in the year. In the first of these pictures she points out to Nugget some tasty morsels found under a stone; in the second she examines a spent bulb in order to ascertain whether there is enough life in it to replant it for next year.

As indicated above, our little robin was very much in attendance, gathering food for his current brood.
I carried out significant dead-heading, and

took photographs from within, and on the approach to, the Rose Garden which can be seen from each of the last few garden views. As usual each of the galleries can be accessed by clicking on any image which can be viewed full size by clicking the box beneath the picture, and enlarged further if required.

The same applies to this picture of the entrance which is also “Where’s Nugget?” (88).

Bees were also very much in evidence, plundering roses such as Open Arms, and clustering on the same poppies as yesterday. I wondered how on earth those with heavily laden thighs would make it back to base.
This evening we dined on cheese centred fish cakes; piquant mixed pasta cheese (still no macaroni) ; and peas, with which Jackie finished the Verdejo and I sampled another bottle of the Malbec.
Beautiful garden.
Thanks very much, Rabirius
How lovely! ✨
Thank you very much, Maria.
I can tell why you are both so fond of Nugget – he must be a joy to have around!
He certainly is, Anne. Thank you very much.
I tried to comment on the 4th picture of the gallery, but it said there was a problem. I was trying to tell Jackie that it looked so unique she should enter it into the next photography contest she sees.
Thank you very much from us both for persevering, GP. Jackie was especially pleased
What a lovely post for solstice – with all those twinkling lights ✨
Thank you very much from us both, Tiny
The gardens look beautiful and mysterious at night with those garden lights. I believe the gnomes would have a hard time staying away from such a magical place!
I am enjoying your roses very much. The deer have eaten ours here. 🙁
Thanks very much from us both, Lavinia. Pesky deer.
Adds a new dimension to your endlessly fascinating garden to see it at night. Cracking photos all round, Derrick.
Thanks very much from us both, Roland.
Night shots are really interesting, and fun to see the garden in a different way. Nugget is quite the character, it seems. Does he know when the cameras are out? He looks like he might be a real ham. Are gnomes nocturnal?
Thanks very much from us both, Maj. Nugget actually photobombed the entrance picture. Definitely gnocturnal.
Night shots are really interesting, and fun to see the garden in a different way. Nugget is quite the character, it seems. Does he know when the cameras are out? He looks like he might be a real ham. Are gnomes nocturnal?
It’s just the most wonderful garden. Every day it just seems to get better.
Thank you so much, Gary.
Those with heavy-laden thighs! I know just how that feels!
Love the night lights. I keep mine for Christmas because at this time of year by the time it’s dark enough to see them I’m usually in bed!
The garden is just beautiful, it really is.
Thank you so much, Sue. The lights come on quite early – this was 10 p.m. which is the time we try to last out for
I’m not a night owl either. Thank you, Derrick.
The roses look in very good condition. Credit goes to the dead heading expert, I think.
That was my thought as well!
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal. So good to be appreciated 🙂
Ahhh,..Nugget’s making a grand entrance…
He photobombed that picture, Ivor. Thanks very much.
Yep.. he likes to be the centre of attention… 😊
Beautiful evening shots, Jackie! I’m happy she’s looking after little Nugget!
Thanks very much from us both, Jill.
So lovely! Uplifting and reassuring for summers fragrance and bounty 💕
Thank you very much for this perfect comment, Val.
Beautiful pics… but those night photos are something else! It looks so lovely with those “fairy” lights.
Thank you very much from us both, Joycee.
Kudos to Jackie on the nighttime views! It was fun to get a different perspective on the garden.
Thank you so much from us both, Lis
You’re welcome!
What does your garden smell like at this time of year, Derrick? Mostly roses? Or is it all a delicious floral melange? The twinkle lights are very romantic. Do you ever sit outside in the gloaming and take it all in with your evening beverages? I think I’d sleep in the greenhouse and never leave the garden.
Thank you so much, Sue. We do have an abundance of scents. The Cordyline Australis is probably the strongest, which can be appreciated from quite a distance. We do sit and enjoy it – that ‘s why we got the idea of the night shots.
It was a such a treat to see the night lights, beautiful roses and dear sweet Nugget on the path. I’m glad you have an abundance of bees. They must love your garden of delights.
Thank you very much, JoAnna. I think the bees do.
I loved the photos of Jackie and her smiles and the garden is absolutely gorgeous! Thank you to you and Jackie for the photos. It is an absolute pick-me up for me over here “across the pond.”
Thank you very much from us both, Lisa.
When the weather is good, it’s a pleasure to be outside, one we seldom take advantage of. I think our ancestors must have spent more time outdoors after the sun goes down than we do.
I love the poppies and bees.
Thank you very much, Nicki. I think you are right about the ancestors.
Always good to visit the garden at different times of the day. I am always an early riser so like a wander in the morning. Not today though, it is raining. The longest day may not live up to its reputation.
Thanks very much from us both, Andrew.
We’ve had relatively tame robins, but never anything like Nugget. I bet that in winter, if you sat still and held out your hand with a mealyworm in it, he’d perch on your hand and eat it. If you ever followed the gentleman from the Forest of Dean, he did that. Took him a couple of weeks, but he did it!
Jackie has come very close, John. Thanks very much.
I followed him, and I remember his robin! I surely do miss that man and his brilliant photos.
Love seeing the garden at night! Love the lights! So pretty and magical! All wonderful photos, Jackie…but that 4th photo down just captured me into it…so beautiful!
Nugget looks like he’s doing well and is very busy visiting and working! 🙂
The bees sure are busy working, too! But then so are Jackie and you! Good job of dead-heading, Derrick! 🙂
That little bulb almost looks like a little bird!
(((HUGS))) 🙂
PS…we had roasted chicken and spinach’n’carrot salad.
No pasta? Oh, my. We found some twisty-pasta this past week, so we will probably fix a pasta salad soon.
Thanks very much, Carolyn – from us both. We have pasta – just not macaroni. 🙂
All so lovely, especially those nighttime photos!
Than you very much from us both, Becky
You are BOTH very welcome, Jackie and Derrick!
Lovely set of images.
Thanks very much from us both, Rupali
Looks like a wonderful day.
Thank you very much, Mrs W
Your welcome.
The garden is beautiful day and night. Jackie’s photos provide a different and lovely perspective. It’s so cool the way Nugget just hangs around waiting to be a photographed. 🙂
Thank you very much, Merril
It looked, for a moment, that Jackie had Nugget in her hand rather than a bulb. 🙂
It idid. One day, perhaps. Thanks very much, Widders.
Simply wonderful! Nugget is enjoying a clear path 😉🐦
Well spotted Ribana. Thanks very much.
Found that little Nugget! Sounds as though the garden keeps both of you busy.
It does, Laurie. Well spotted. Thanks very much
The day-time and night-time versions are so lovely in their different ways, quite magical. I hope you sometimes stop and enjoy the hard work!
The nighttime lights are magical. I had no idea you had lights in the garden. It’s so special.
They are magical, Crystal. Thanks very much.
Night shots are suitable mysterious. Mr Nugget is sitting in the middle of the path, a bit above and to the right of the center of the photo: it seems he can’t make up his mind which way to go.
Your roses certainly benefit from all this deadheading, Derrick; they are magnificent!
Thank you very much, Dolly. Well spotted.
You are very welcome, Derrick.
“Suitably,” sorry.