Her Pride And Joy

Late yesterday evening Jackie raced round the garden with her camera, gleefully photographing

her pride and joy. Petunias, pelargoniums, phlox, fuchsias, clematises, alliums, agapanthuses, dahlias, verbenas, campanulas, erigeron, lilies, Japanese anemones, diascias, begonias, eucalyptus, roses, and no doubt many I’ve missed. As usual, clicking on any image will produce the gallery, each member of which is separately labelled and can be viewed full size by clicking on the box beneath it, and further bigified with subsequent clicks.

As if that weren’t enough, the Assistant Photographer dashed out later to capture

the full moon, and again this morning to add

crocosmias Emily McKenzie and Solfatare,

and finally Lycesteria.

I had my work cut out today to select from 56 images, load them into the iMac, edit and crop them, then transfer them to WordPress retyping each title. I left my own camera alone, and for the first time ever rejected the offer of a forest drive, otherwise I would have been at the computer until midnight.

This evening we dined on Forest Tandoori takeaway fare with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Malbec.


  1. Gorgeous garden! Not only Jackie is a great gardener, she has also a great eye as a photographer. I wonder is there Nugget somewhere in the pictures? 🙂

  2. Your Malbec was well earned today, Derrick, having one all the hard work. Your garden is magnificent, and the Head Gardener cum Assistant Photographer has done a splendid job showcasing the beauty (“gorgeousesness,” to quote the late Anthony Burgess) of the results of her labors.
    P.S. The red rose literally took my breath away.

  3. Such a beautiful garden and such beautiful photos, too. She should be proud! I love the paths and arbors. And you did a great job of editing and posting. 😀

  4. It’s understandable that the garden is Jackie’s pride and joy. It’s the wondrous result of a great deal of hard work.

  5. Jackie takes a much sharper picture than you, Derrick…may be it is time to hand over the reins permanently

  6. Jackie, you should be a very proud gardener. I’d love you to fly all the way here and give me some tips. 🙂

    I just noticed today that we painted our house almost the same colour as yours. When the weather warms up some more, I’ll take some photos of my front garden with the house in it.

    🙂 loved these pics. Was worth the wait of them coming through.

    1. So we have matching houses, well that’s a start. I am only an amateur gardener, and am still learning, so tips would be variable! So glad you liked them tho’.

      1. I’m an amateur too but some plants I can strike just by looking at them. 😉 I hope to grow a lot of Australian natives that will attract birds, bees and butterflies…and may be the occasional frog.

        I did have a couple of young kangaroos visiting a few nights a week but our new neighbours fenced of their back up escape routine. One had to be shot by Wildlife Emergency on Easter Sunday when he came into our yard after being hit by a car. So sad.

        I’ll be adding lots of photos in couple of weeks after our yard has some major drainage done. It will be easier to maintain then.

  7. She was spoiled for choice when it cam to taking pictures of lovely flowers. No wonder she had to race around to get them all in. I liked today;s header picture a lot.

    I sympathise with the labour involved in dealing with many pictures.

    1. I have concentrated on being able to sit and enjoy views, so pleased you noticed that!

  8. Oh, Jackie!
    Your pride and joy brings us pride and joy….we are proud of you and the tender loving care and hard work you give to your garden…and we are joyful because you share your beautiful photos with us!!! 🙂
    Love all the flower faces…and OH! those pansies!
    Also, your moon shots are spectacular!
    How VERY nice of Mr. Knight to load, edit, crop, transfer, etc., your photos! He does great work! 🙂
    And how nice that you got a take-away meal and didn’t have to chef! 😉
    A garden is a work of heart! Thank you for sharing your heart with us, Jackie! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) for you…and now go give Derrick a (HUG) 🙂

    1. OK I have hugged my editor, and it was nice not to have to cook, sometimes a bit much after a busy day. So pleased you liked the pansies, they all come from out of containers and hanging baskets, and when it is time to replant the containers with summer flowers, I can’t bear to compost the pansies and they all get relocated into the flower beds.The moon was so bright that night wasn’t it? X

  9. Such beautiful photos from Jackie! I love her moon shots. The moon was particularly beautiful last night. It cools down a good bit here after sundown, making a pleasant evening to go out and watch the stars, and the moon in her various phases. It was 50 degrees this morning, and has topped 86 degrees here now.

  10. You had me smiling from the start with, “Jackie raced round the garden with her camera, gleefully photographing.” Then the dashing assistant captures the full moon. I love your adventures and spectacular photos! I think the Westbrook Arbor is my favorite of this batch.

  11. Jackie deserves to be gleeful. The garden has developed so beautifully over the years and with all the love and care you both put into it deserves to be photographed and talked about. Thanks Derrick and Jackie for showing us your pride and joy. XX

  12. If I had such a bountiful array of beautiful blooms, I too would be racing around with glee – camera in hand. It has been a delight to whizz around your garden.

  13. Jackie has every reason in the world to be proud of the results from her hard work. I could just see myself on the cast iron bench reading!!

  14. all of Jackie’s and your photos look like a cover in a glossy magazine! all absolutely stunning! congratulations to you both and i see that it is Jackie’s pride and joy! thank you very much for sharing 🙂 i would love to have a copy if you ever publish a book of your garden! 🙂 🙂

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