Today was dank, gloomy, and oppressed by leaden skies so lethargic as to lack energy for anything more than a slow, steady, seeping of limpid liquid.

Indeed the drizzle was so thin that it was only by observing the bejewelled plants that, from indoors, at times we could not be sure that it was still raining. I became quite damp photographing liquid pearls on gladiolus, hibiscus, Japanese anemone, clematis, fuchsia Delta’s Sarah, roses, spider’s webs, begonia, Angel’s wings, and pelargonium, each of which is separately identified in the gallery.
Indoors I also began work on the draft of a special future post.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s flavoursome sausages in red wine; tasty boiled new potatoes; toothsome kale; and crunchy carrots, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Montepulciano.
Aha! I spied that little teaser hidden in there Derrick….. That sounds like a good thing to busy oneself with on a drizzly day.
🙂 I thought I’d just slip it in, Pauline. Thanks very much.
You certainly do eat well, Derrick. The flowers are magnificent.
Thanks very much, GP
Great pictures. They make the Gallery thing look good.
Thanks very much, Billy
Magical raindrops! Intrigued about your post in progress 🙂
Thanks very much. There’s not too long to wait 🙂
Good to know 🙂
Gorgeous close-ups!
Thanks very much, Sheree
A special future post? Love the moody, rain-drenched flowers and the alliteration of your first line – no, make that literation.
Thank you very much, Susan. I like the literation. All will soon be revealed.
Ah! What beautiful liquid pearls (love this description!) adorning the already beautiful flowers and plants! It is SO interesting how, where, and in what patterns the drops decide to cling. The bejeweled spider webs are gorgeous! Wonder what the spider thinks of his work getting rained on. 🙂
Thank you for getting damp to capture these amazing photos, Derrick! 🙂
OOOH! A special future post! I’m intrigued! Will try to wait patiently. 🙂
Your opening line was quite vivid and ignited emotions.
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Not too long to wait, Carolyn 🙂 Thank you very much, too X
I’m still waiting patiently. 😉
Okay…a foot is ‘a’tappin and a knee is ‘a’jigglin’! HA!!! 😀 Just teasing! 😛
you are the tease, aren’t you!!
Tehee. Thanks a lot, Geoff
I love the flowers, and especially spider web, decked in raindrop jewels. They are beautiful, Derrick and Jackie!
Thank you so much from us both, Lavinia
Absolutely stunning photos Sir.
Thank you very much, Gary.
Well it was worth getting damp for. Fabulous shots!
Thanks very much, Jessica.
If there is ever a remake of “The Sound of Music,” I could see this post becoming the basis for a revised “My Favorite Things.” They are just magnificent.
Thank you so much, Liz.
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Lovely moist pictures today. It seems almost wrong to report that we had perfect weather today but after many years of living with people making fun of our dreich weather, it is nice to see the tables turned for once. I hope that your weather improves. Ours is going to get worse.
Lets hope we both get better weather – although we are very happy about the rain. Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal.
We are going to get some rain but Mrs Tootlepedal did some watering this morning anyway.
Where have you been? Have you quit following me? My world has fallen apart and no Knight to console my broken spirit?
Thanks very much, Flower. I am going across now to see what I have missed and if necessary refollow.
Gorgeous shots!
Thanks very much, Jill
Your photos are very refreshing! I especially like the raindrops on the spider web. You have captured nature’s artwork beautifully!
Thank you so much, JoAnna
Well done Derrick, your opening lines superbly described the days atmosphere… “Today was dank, gloomy, and oppressed by leaden skies so lethargic as to lack energy for anything more than a slow, steady, seeping of limpid liquid.”… I’ll have to sign you up for my next Geelong Writers, poetry group meeting…..when ever that may be ??
🙂 Thank you very much, Ivor. I appreciate this.
Gorgeous photos Derrick.
Thanks very much, Chrissy.
The raindrops on the spiderweb! What a cool shot.
Thank you very much, Bridget
I thank you for exposing yourself to the rain in order to produce these marvelous photos, Derrick.
And thank you for the appreciation, Dolly.
My pleasure, Derrick.
The close ups popped out of the screen and made for a palpable reading and left me in no doubt about the invisible rain over the plentiful garden.
Thanks very much, Uma, for these splendid comments
Gray rainy days make for dazzling photos though!!
hey do, Judy. Thanks very much.
The photograph of the raindrops on Delta’s Sarah is lovely. What a delicate plant.
Thanks very much, John.
More absolutely gorgeous rain drizzled flowers, just lovely, Derrick.
The last few days have almost felt like I’m living by the coast and in a permanent sea fret!
Thank you very much, Sue
It may have been a dull day, but it paid dividends in photography terms – some of your best work yet, and the bar was already set high.
Thank you so much, Quercus
It rained almost the whole day here, the garden is saturated. I love taking shots of raindrops too.
Thanks very much, Arlene
Stunning Photo’s Derrick!
Thanks very much, Stuart
A lethargy that sparked some jeweled photos. Beautiful, Derrick. And, of course, I’m curious about your special future post.
When it comes it will be obvious why I had to spend time on it. Not too long to wait. Thanks very much, Merril
delicious post. loved your text and the graphics.. looking forward to what you have up your sleeve…
Thank you very much, Dymoon. The mystery will soon be posted
wonderful post. loved your text and the graphics.. looking forward to what you have up your sleeve…
Won’t be long now – a bit more to do on it, Dymoon. Thanks very much.
Such beauty in the rain ☔️
Thank you very much, Val
Beautiful flowers. I so love nature in the rain!
Thanks very much, Helen
Awesome rainy set! I feel breath of rain!
Thank you very much, Alexander.
such a magnificent treat, Derrick! thanks for your bejeweled flowers! they look magical with ‘liquid pearls’! 🙂 🙂
Thank you so much, Lola
Simply stunning!
Thanks very much, Ribana
Lovely photos! I can’t take my eyes out of the flowers…
Thank you very much, Maria
I told you before, and I repeat myself, “You need to write an article and submit some of your photos to a magazine like “House and Garden.” Yes, you are good enough! They would be pleased to make your acquaintance and privileged to publish some of your work!
🙂 Thank you so much, Jan. I do appreciate it
Lovely photos. We have gotten quite a bit of rain in NC also.
Our granddaughter, Flo, is in NC. Thanks very much, Flower
Gorgeous captures.
Thanks very much, Rupali
What lovely photography. The flowers are gorgeous with the raindrops on them. Was definitely worth getting a bit damp for that. I also absolutely love the raindrops on the spider’s web. It looks like they are suspended in the air before you magnify the photograph.
Thank you very much, Geetha.
Welcome indeed Derrick