They Keep On Coming

The moon was out of bed this morning when Jackie took her camera into the garden, yet cloud cover soon rolled in. She crouched low to offer the Cobaea Scandens cup to the lingering orb. Fennel seeds, sweet pea pods, and mahonia completed the collection of silhouettes. The Assistant Photographer finished with pastel shades of verbena bonariensis against New Zealand flax.

This afternoon I cut the grass for which the expression ‘mowed the lawn’ would be a little pretentious. It seemed somewhat ambitious to hand-clip the edges so I will live to fight them another day.

The hanging basket in the top centre of the first picture contains a bright lime-green heuchera.

For a little light relief I transported Jackie’s clippings from her weeding and taking cuttings to the compost bin and bagged up some of the woody material.

Beside her the Dragon Bed’s Polish Spirit clematis and hanging baskets petunias display vibrant colour.

Bees, like this one in geranium Roxanne, went about their business undisturbed.

This variety of rudbeckia has prove quite prolific this year, whereas several others have failed.

Recents storms virtually stripped this pink climbing rose of its leaves, yet buds keep on coming,

as do those of Flower Power, Lady Emma Hamilton,

Absolutely Fabulous,

and Crown Princess Margareta, who encourages the coexistence of different generations.

The Weeping Birch Bed, like most of the others, still contains a variety of colourful blooms.

There aren’t many without a dahlia or two.

Preferring the ebb and flow and artistry of Test matches, I am not fan of T20 cricket, but, as I watched England’s innings against Australia on TV this afternoon I began to wonder whether my apathy might be a teeny bit prejudiced.

This evening we dined on Mr Chan’s excellent Hordle Chinese Take Away fare with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Malbec.


  1. Great minds think alike Derrick, we both posted photos of the colours in our gardens today 🙂 I absolutely adore your roses, even when they suffered from the winds, they keep flowering beautifully. That’s wonderful. I bet it won’t be the last rose of summer yet for you.

  2. I love those beautiful dahlia and the gorgeous Lady Emma Hamilton. Your photography is so clear, I can almost catch the flowers’ fragrance through my computer screen! Thanks, Derrick. I love your garden tours!! <3

  3. I’m a great believer in the ebb and flow and artistry of Test matches too Derrick, and I’ve definitely avoided watching the T20’s…. but I’ve come to the conclusion, these versions are here to stay, so best I get used to the ways of modern cricket, and stop being an old fuddy duddy…..

  4. I’m always in awe when I can visit (virtually) your beautiful garden Derrick. It’s the calm spot in my day.

    I’m sorry to have missed your blog, will be by soon for a catch up. I’ve had some really bad news this week. We’ve both have a beautiful lady as a mutual friend. Please visit here Alys’s post when you can

    I’m so sorry to bring this news to you . xK

    1. Even before I got to your link I knew what was coming, Kelly. Jackie and I have been concerned about Pauline for some time now. On the day she died I sent her a message saying that I doubted she would have received her birthday card yet. Although we would never meet we counted each other among our very best friends. Alys’s post is lovely. I don’t follow this particular site, but I do follow Born to Organise so I expect it will be on there, too. I will e-mail Danella. Thank you so much for ensuring that I learned the very bad news.

      1. I knew you and Jackie would want to know. I’m very sure Danella would have been in touch. It’s just been devastating for the girls. I’ve texted briefly with Jo, they’ve been at Paulines bedside throughout, sleeping very little. We are all in shock and also so sad, thinking like you, that Pauline was recovering. An email from you will be so kind, good plan. Take good care, bye for now xK

        1. Actually, because I have been communicating with Danella, I thought I had her e-mail – on checking I remembered we had been using FB private chat – we have done so again. Thanks again, Kelly XX

  5. So much beauty in your garden, including Jackie’s beautiful smile. Those morning silhouettes have an expectant intriguing beauty of their own.

  6. Those persistent flowers are absolutely fabulous. The silhouetted flower seems to be in commune with the moon.

    I am also not a fan of T-20 fixtures. One-dayers present the best of both worlds. But I hear they have been planning 100 balls (each) matches. To me that will be the final nail in the casket of cricket.

  7. Hamburgers have never taken over from top class cuisine, and, for me, it has always been the same relationship between the various forms of “Biff-bang” cricket and test cricket. Having said that, if you give it even the slightest recommendation, Derrick, I may be tempted over to the dark side for the next England game.

  8. Jackie…your photos are so wonderful…each and every one! What a beautiful moon it has been the past week! 🙂

    Derrick…your photos are so beautiful! We must take our cues from the flowers…even when the storms of life are trying to defeat us…we must keep blossoming! 🙂

    HUGS to you both!!! 🙂

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