This morning I e-mailed a drawing to a fellow blogger as an offering to illustrate one of his posts.
While I sat in the car waiting for Jackie to emerge from Tesco with a fortnight’s shopping that I would load into our vehicle and into the kitchen at home I finished reading
Lent to us by Giles, this is a truly inspirational book charting the despair following a catastrophic turn of fortune partly brought about by physical- and mental ill-health; a loving relationship and the struggling creativity that, phoenix-like, surmounted disaster and contributed to remarkable success.
Depression, anxiety, unemployment, severe physical pain, all experienced while raising a young family are all honestly described. Sub-titled ‘A Story of Despair and Redemption’, this work is about the emotional turmoil the writers have experienced; it is also a tutorial on planning and planting a stunning garden; a journey through the seasons and the effects of sunshine, light, water, and soil. The constantly repeated cyclical patterns of each year from gloom to brightness and back again could be seen as a metaphor for the couple’s journey through life.
In his dynamic media presentation of such as BBC’s ‘Gardener’s World and in his writing Monty Don has been the public face of this partnership. Sarah, however, in their collaborations, of which this work is one, produces equally eloquent descriptive prose. I must refrain from giving away any more detail but ‘The Jewel Garden’ supports the phrase ‘behind every great man there is a great woman’.
Finally, I would suggest that anyone – TanGental, for instance – planning a garden event at any particular time of the year would do well to read this book.
After lunch I finished pruning the poplar, the chopped branches of which, supplemented by a few more of Jackie’s rose clippings, filled another bag for recycling.
I managed to knock this dahlia from its stem while wheeling the barrow of poplar cuttings. Never mind. We have an accident pot indoors.

Petunias still proliferate,
as do the ubiquitous Japanese anemones.

Today’s roses are represented by a pink carpet variety; a paler pink Generous Gardener, planted to scale the lopped cypress; and Shropshire Lad, bearing the freckles formed by raindrops.

This pink gaura is the most successful we have tried in this garden; the white begonia has always delighted.

Just one hollyhock bloom has so far resisted adding to a column of seed pods; clematis Julia Correvon has shed her colourful petal-like leaves.

At the end of the afternoon Jackie finished trimming the lawn.
This evening we dined on plentiful scrambled egg on toast.
I have never heard of “freckles” formed on rose petals via raindrops.It is always interesting to learn new things.
Thanks very much, Maj.
That book sounds fascinating – I have made a note of it.
Thanks very much, Anne.
Interesting book; I have put it on my list, Derrick.
The pink and pale roses look quite romantic.
Thank you very much, Dolly.
You are very welcome, Derrick.
That book should be an inspiration for these days. While people complain about every little thing – take a look at people who had real problems!
Indeed, GP. Thanks very much.
That is a good book recommendation, Derrick, and I have made note of it.
It is wonderful to see such beautiful flowers!
Thank you so much, Lavinia
That Dahlia is really striking
Thanks very much, Alex
I’m certainly going to track that back down. Thank you.
Thanks very much, Gary.
Sounds like an inspiring story, Derrick. Thanks for sharing. That Dahlia is spectacular!
Thank very much, Jill
The book does sound inspirational. Jackie is sure a hard worker. Wow, does she ever sit down and relax?
Mostly 2-4 and after dinner 🙂 Thanks very much Luanne.
Well, that is good at least!
Thanks for this book review and recommendation! Looks like a great read!
I love when a man and a woman love each other, support each other, work together, help each other, etc!!! 🙂 And gardens, and gardening, truly are healing…as you well know. 🙂
The rose freckled by the rain is wonderfully beautiful!
Eggs and some form of bread…always a winner!!! 🙂
HUGS!!! 🙂
Thanks very much, Carolyn X
That dahlia is stunning, especially seeing it first thing on your post. And I agree with Luanne about Jackie–definitely a hard worker–but with a great smile!
The book sounds inspirational.
Thank you very much, Merril
No wonder Jackie looks so happy. Trimming a lawn edge is the very acme of gardening pleasure.
You prove it, Tootlepedal. Thanks very much.
So true.
Thanks for your review of The Jewel Garden. What a revelation for me! I’ve enjoyed the Monty Don garden series featured on Netflix. They’ve left me longing for more 🙂
Jackie watches them all the time. Thanks very much, Rosaliene.
Jackie’s smile is lovely!
Thank you for the book recommendation, Derrick. It is one I have been meaning to get for a while having enjoyed Monty’s “The Complete Gardener”.
Thanks very much, Clare. You’ll probably agree with the observations on mud 🙂
You still have such beautiful blooms! I had to smile at your supper menu. Sometimes a day just calls for scrambled egg on toast.
It was my choice 🙂 Thanks very much, Liz.
Interesting book especially in today’s world 😊
That dahlia is perfect! Will brighten the indoors too 😉🌸
Thank you so much, Ribana
sounds like a great book! stunning flowers! with all the beauty surrounding her, she is most happiest!
Thanks very much, Lola. The book is also illustrated with small photographs
It looks like a very good book. I’m looking forward to learning more about them and the garden series. Your color pink themes are lovely.
Thank you very much, JoAnna. It is a very easy read – and illustrated with mall photographs
Ik gedraag me netjes … Maar, om alleen al zo`n antiek, versleten & verslonden anticiteit in je handen te hebben, te besnuffelen, na te kijken wanneer de eerste druk was en waar, dat is een hoogstandje van genot voor mij …
Vandaag hoorde ik op tv iets over de Engelse dichter, toneelschrijver en schrijver Oscar Wilde … Hij was in de verkeerde tijd geboren en stierf op zijn zesenveertigste. Dan schrik je even: Hij was Gay. Ja, hij kreeg stokslagen … Stelletje Zeikers! Je komt ze overal en in alle tijden tegen … Nou ja …
“We liggen allemaal in de goot, sommige kijken naar de sterren,” Oscar Wilde, deze bleef hangen en als we dan even quotes googelen van Oscar komen we alles van hem tegen. Ook al had ik géén Engels in me pretpakketje op de Moeder-mavo … * Amsterdam, 9 september 2020 * *
Thanks very much, Frieda
The cyclic nature of life is a given: sunrise/sunset, the cycle of the seasons, the rising and falling of generations. I’ve made a note of the book for winter reading. I think it will be a good one, even for a non-gardener.
I think so – about more than gardening, Thanks very much Linda.
Eggs are good for any meal!
And the book sounds great.
I actually thought of you last week
The Crown came on a list as an option to watch and I skipped it –
I remember how you shut it off
I’m pleased you trusted my judgement, Yvette. Thanks very much.
Love scrambled eggs on toast. Sounds like a good book. I had heard of his struggles and his unhappy childhood. Didn’t know about his wife.
Thanks very much, Laurie. Sarah has been essential to him, I think
Love and devotion count for a lot.
I will look for that book. I’ve watched many of Monty’s shows.
You will enjoy it, Sherry. Thanks very much
I wouldn’t judge a book by its cover but I could see the trials and tribulations of the authors captured in that book just by looking at it, perhaps because you put it so comprehensively in your brief introduction. Gardening calls for unwavering patience and it offers lasting solace in turn.
Nicely judged, Uma. Thanks very much.
I love those deep pink flowers and that book you have described seems interesting.
Thanks very much, Arlene
The jewel toned Dahlia is superb.
Thanks very much, Cindy. I’m pleased you got that.
It is beautiful even if you knocked it down. Sounds like a nice day. We have two more nights to get through to see how frost damaged everything gets here.
Thanks a lot, Mrs W. Good luck
Your welcome
What did you drink with the scrambled egg?
Nothing – but I had a glass of Fleurie later 🙂 Thanks for asking, Andrew.
Thanks for the book tip, Derrick! I feel right now, most of us would appreciate a story like that. Will definitely look for it!
You will enjoy in Anna. Thanks very much.
Beautiful flower photos again… and a happy gardener. Thanks for sharing. I love the ubiquitous Japanese anemones… wish they would grow here in s-w Montana! <3
Thanks very much, Jan X
I do like Monty Don and I now have the perfect gift idea for daughter Sophie and then I’ll borrow it! 😃
That’s what I call a result 🙂 Thanks very much, Sue
Gorgeous flower beautifully captured. That was quite a simple meal compared to your usual feast, Derrick..but probably just as good. No Vino with your eggs?
Thanks very much, Judy. None with the eggs, but a glass of Fleurie later 🙂
I knew it!!!
An “accident pot!” I love it, ha ha. What a great tool Jackie has – no bending and breaking of backs. I’ve been working a lot with decorative river rocks lately, and I’m sensitive to backs right now.
🙂 Thanks very much, Crystal
The flowers are still looking great. Loved the photography of the dahlia despite your regret in knocking it off its stem , the Japanese anemones and the white roses
Thanks very much, Geetha
Most welcome Derrick 🙂
What a gorgeous collection of pinks, purples and everything in between. Simply stunning. Jewels themselves I would suggest? The book sounds special too. It has been duly noted, thanks, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Sandra.