Jackie spent much of the morning working in the greenhouse, alongside which this is the
view to the yellowing weeping birch.

Pansies are blooming in the iron urn and in hanging baskets;
others of which contain such as petunias and calendulas.

It is still the season for dahlias of varying hues.

A variety of fuchsias continue to thrive, as do

clematises, calendulas, nicotiana sylvestris, Chilean Lantern tree, heucheras, Compassion rose, nasturtiums, geranium Rozanne, sweet peas, and hot lips.

These final views are of the Gothic arch and the Shady Path with its owls.
Drops from the early morning rain may be seen on a number of the individual images which may need bigifying (a word which the internet owes to the late Pauline King).
Late this afternoon we shopped for toiletries in Old Milton before driving into the forest where

I rambled among the ponies foraging in the woodland alongside Bisterne Close.
Clouds loured over the Holmlsey skyline as we returned along the eponymous Passage.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s golden smoked haddock; piquant cauliflower cheese; creamy mashed potatoes; green peas; and bright orange carrots, with which we both drank Valle de Leyda gran reserva Suvignon Blanc 2019.
I cannot get over how much is still flowering in your wonderful garden.
Thank you very much, Sheree. Still so warm, too.
I was patiently scrolling through the gallery of various brightly colored flowers, waiting for – you guessed it, Derrick! – roses, and my hope came true. I don’t know how compassionate these pink roses are, but they are tender and beautiful.
Thank you very much, Dolly. I’m pleased there was a rose in there.
The pleasure was definitely mine, Derrick.
Good morning Derrick, the sun is bursting through here today, and your glorious photos have enhanced my dawn’s display…
I’m pleased, Ivor. It’s raining here. Thanks very much.
Oh, the louring sky is very striking. However, my favorites are the peek-a-boo Jackie shots!
Thank you very much, Liz. Good choices 🙂
Our dahlias have finished and sweet peas have come up but I won’t know how they will take in this climate until we’ve been here awhile. I’m not good at remembering plant names. It’s probably why I stick to planting favourites. Fuchsias have been blooming here for months. A good sign, I suppose. I recognize some of your blooms though. As usual your afternoon drive was love. Thanks for sharing.
And thank you for reading and commenting, Chrissy
Your garden is the gift that just keeps on giving but I suppose that there may some underlying hard work involved in making that happen. Hats off to the gardener and her assistant.
Thank you so much, Tootlepedal.
I love the shot of Jackie peeking from inside the greenhouse. Gorgeous shots!
Thanks very much, Jill
Lovely garden shots, including the extra lovely shots of the Head Gardener. What a delightful smile she has! The ponies are sleek and healthy, and that final image of the Holmlsey skyline catches the drama of the end of the day.
Thank you so much, Maj.
Yes, I know, I’ve said it hundred of times by now but these photos with the rain drops on the gorgeous flowers are simply beautiful! What a beautiful and colorful collection in October 😉
Thank you very much, Ribana It is. still quite warm, too
Delightful flowers and good looking horses. I enjoyed the path and view to the yellowing weeping birch.
Thank you very much, JoAnna
Wonderful pictures. Love the landscape at the end of your post.
Thank you very much, Mrs W. I have seen that you like skies, too
Your welcome. The sky is very seldom the same.
Jackie is all the grace in captivity. Meanwhile, I continue my education of flowers, telling myself names before I recheck them in the gallery. I am happy to advise I have attained passing grades! I also enjoy your blog for the beauty of the language, such as louring skies.
Thanks very much, Uma. I do appreciate your words, too.
Your gardens still put on such a colorful show, Derrick and Jackie! I agree with Uma, the language here is as graceful and beautiful as the flowers. I enjoy your writing!
Thank you so much, Lavinia. From a beautiful songwriter that is precise indeed.
Such beautiful pictures! You and Jackie are always so busy in the garden, I feel like a sloth, a slaggard (a slacker and a laggard combined) and a slouch.
🙂 Thank you very much Scynthia.
I’m rather partial to that Ballerina Fuschia.
Thanks very much, John
I love those Dahlias…..beautiful! Hello Jackie 🙂
Thanks very much, Arlene
I love how during these trying times – nature just carries on and provides us with whatever the season expects it to do…and your garden does justice to it all 🙂
Thank you so much, Cedar
Ooh ooh ooh, so cool to see the owls! 🙂
Your flowers are a joy to look at! And the pansy faces always make me smile! 🙂
Guess what else makes me smile?! Joyful Jackie and her jubilant smile! 🙂 Thank you, Jackie!
That last photo is breathtaking! 🙂
HUGS!!! 🙂
PS…we had veggie tacos, spicy salsa, and black beans for dinner! 🙂
Thanks very much from us both, Carolyn X
I love the change of colour of the weeping birch, it almost adds another dimension to your beautiful garden. Great to see those ponies looking so well.
I’m pleased you appreciated that, Sue. Thanks very much
To walk among the flowers and then stroll with the ponies – who has it better than you, Derrick?!
I like the dark clouds picture very much.
Thank you very much, Andrew
My goodness, those horses are beautiful! Also, really like the multiple pictures of Jackie in the greenhouse.
Thank you so much, Laurie
how lovely to see Jackie smiling for the camera. your beautiful garden is still flowering, Derrick! as always, the ponies are delightful! your skies look like ours! thick and dark 🙂
Thank you very much, Lola
A lovely report.
Thanks very much, Sherry
Very beautiful 💕
Don’t forget to Glee and spread Sparkles ✨
-Nani 💖
Thank you very much, Nani
Oh – how nice to be back in your garden again! I took a couple days break – dealing with family issues – and I missed you and Jackie! I love those winter pansies… and the close up of the horse’s head with the weed in front of his face. That one is my favorite! We have a huge temperature drop coming – – – s’posed to be as low as -7 degrees Farenheit on Sunday! Brrr!! Time for the winter bundle up!!
Wow. That is cold. Thanks very much, Jan
I somehow missed this post. I like the bright colors against the grey sky. The flowers are so beautiful, and Jackie definitely in her happy place. That skyline is stunning.
Thank you so much, Merril. I’m pleased you caught up with it 🙂