This morning I was lulled into enough of a false sense of security to imagine that, although the heavy winds that have beset us during the last two days and the rain had desisted, the storm may be over.
The late or very early blooming gladiolus, bowed but not broken, rested on Delta’s Sarah fuchsia now basking in sunshine.

Other fuchsias, such as Mrs Popple, Hawkshead, and Army Nurse continue to thrive.

As I wandered around in the glinting sunlight which licked the eucalyptus stems, the grasses and cordyline Australis, and the lingering beech leaves, I grew in confidence of an unexpectedly fine day. Madame Alfred Carriere shared the entrance to the Rose Garden with Summer Wine hips, while Paul’s Scarlet still soared above the wisteria arbour. The house formed a bright backdrop to the view from the red carpet rose in the Rose Garden.

The fallen pot and trug were easily righted, which is more than could be said for Aaron’s truck which had broken down as he tried to leave yesterday. After an hour he sought our blessing to leave it where it was, which of course we gave.

After lunch, in the blink of an eye, the rain returned.

A few more minutes’ respite was soon granted, after which the wind and rain continued to do their worst to blow our house down.

For tonight’s dinner Jackie produced a delicious beef and mushroom pie with boiled potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, and runner beans. She drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the La Repasse.
The combination of wind and rain – Aaron’s truck breaking down … ended with a delicious meal and a good wine. Not a bad Sunday 🙂
Certainly not a bad one. Anne. Thanks very much.
I am assuming it was sunlight licking eucalyptus, rather than you, Derrick, My compliments to the chef – the pie is gorgeous.
Thank you so much, Dolly. You are correct – it wasn’t me 🙂
I am glad. You are very welcome, Derrick.
Have now amended the next to make it clear 🙂
Why, you could have kept readers in suspense for a while.
A comma would have changed the meaning – but not everyone would have understood that 🙂
Figured that.
Of course – I knew you would
Dinner does indeed look scrumptious
It was, Sheree. Thanks very much
Ahh… the wind and rain did not blow the house down, … your dinner looks delightful Derrick…
Thanks very much, Ivor
Wild weather but still plenty of color. Hope the truck repair is not expensive for Aaron. That is one beautiful meal, which I am sure tasted as good as it looks.
Thank you very much, Laurie
So glad your house withstood the big bad wolf’s blowing. Your garden will need a bit of attention though. Delicious dinner. 😛
Thanks very much, Sylvia. Glad you got the reference
We had a little of that crazy wind today, Derrick. A little rain, but colder temperatures are blowing in. Sorry to hear about Aaron’s truck. Hopefully it won’t be a big expense. The meal looks perfect for a rainy evening.
Thank you very much, Jill
I am sorry about the weather damage, Derrick and Jackie, and Aaron’s broken truck. The colorful flowers in your garden still look beautiful in the angled sun, a sign of peace after the storm.
Dinner does look good!
Thank you so much from us both, Lavinia
The wind had blown itself out by the time it reached the east. A curious sort of day beginning and ending with storms but sunshine in between. That pie looks delicious.
Thanks very much, Andrew
I hope that you get a break from the weather that lasts a bit longer soon.
Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
I’m glad you had a brief respite to wander in the garden and take those lovely photos. Poor Aaron! I hope he’s able to have his truck towed and repaired without too much trouble or expense.
We’re getting Jill’s weather. Gusty wind all afternoon, and now we’re expecting thunderstorms–weird for November.
Weird, indeed. Thanks very much, Merril
“Raindrops on crab apple tree” looks like an art print. Very striking!
I’m pleased. Thanks very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
We have not had weather like that in ages. I thought fuchsias grew in hanging pots only—until I was at least 50.
🙂 And I thought they only grew in hedgerows. Thanks very much, Luanne
We had a strong wind all day here. No damage. I spent a lot of time outside anyway. I treasure every warm, dry day now. Lovely pie, Jackie.
Thanks very much from us both, Flower
Rain and wind but still wonderful garden! And what a delicious dinner 🥘😋
Thank you very much, Ribana.
That looks like some dinner.
It was, Gary. Desperate Dan would have loved it if it had had the horns in. Thanks very much.
Beautiful in the break of the storm pictures. Your meal looks wonderful.
Thank you very much, Mrs W
Your welcome.
Lovely day. Full of atmosphere. It’s windy here too. We had a Russian meal at Brighton Beach then a short trip to Jamaica Bay. The Snow Geese didn’t come close. Next Time…
Thanks very much, Sherry. Better luck next time
Sorry about the truck. I hope Aaron is able to get it fixed soon. I like the raindrops on the window, and I LOVE the photo of the crabapple tree with branches that make a heart jeweled with raindrops.
Thanks very much, JoAnna. That was very perceptive of you.
The gladiolus–such a pretty picture! I love how your garden always has beauty shared despite the storms and wintry weather.
Thanks very much. I’m glad you liked that one.
The elements have the inhabitants of the garden in thrall but the connoisseur of cooking is irrepressible.
She is indeed, Uma. Thanks very much.
Our wind gusted up to 30 mph yesterday. When I tried to get back into the car after going to the post office, the wind trapped me inside the car door frame.. . couldn’t pull it open! It played havoc with our trees and plants, too. You managed to capture some gorgeous shots in spite of your wind and rain, though … or maybe because of it?
The wind and rain did help, Jan. Ours was 60 m.p.h. Thanks very much.
Oh my!!! 60 mph??? No wonder you had toppled stuff in your garden!
Not unusual so near the coast 🙂 X
Ah-hah! I see… but it sounds frightful!
Jackie gets very annoyed about it. She always checks the wind force in the forecasts.
Those hedges of yours are extremely important!!
What in the world were you doing licking the eucalyptus stems, Derrick?? Wonderful first photo!!! And, what a beautiful meal.
It wasn’t me, it was the sun. Now amended to make that clear. Thanks a lot, Judy.
Sorry, Derrick…I’m such a wiseass but couldn’t resist.
I don’t know about you, but these high winds and incessant rain is becoming more than annoying now, six weeks with only odd days of respite is too much, plus a reoccurring of leaking balcony doors!
Your garden is holding up well, and supper looks so appetising.
Thanks very much, Sue. You’ve had it worse than we have
Not the best weather at the moment, although patches of blue sky promise an improvement….perhaps!
Thanks a lot, John
Sorry to hear about Aaron’s truck! Hope it can be fixed for him soon!
A lot of action going on in the garden…bowing, thriving, licking, lingering, soaring…good stuff! 🙂
I love the photos with the rain on the window panes! 🙂
So glad the Wolf (winds) didn’t blow your house down! I remember how the 3 Little Pigs had such troubles.
What a delicious meal! YUM!!!
(((HUGS))) 🙂
PS…I will remember your first photo of the glad bowing and the fuchsia lending a shoulder…and it will encourage me. We all have to help each other not to break during the storms of life.
Thanks very much, Carolyn. I’m pleased you got the three little pigs reference. I nice philosophical PS, too. X
You’re welcome! 🙂
No matter what the trials of the day, you make the best of it!! Good for you!!
Thanks very much, GP
Dinner looks delicious! I’m getting a bit fed up of this wind and rain now.
Thanks very much, Nikki
the flowers are resilient. beautiful garden despite winds and rain. dinner looks delicious! 🙂 🙂
Thanks very much, Lola 🙂
What an excellent pie. I liked the rainy garden shots – you really captured things well on an unpromising day – but the pie is outstanding. I shouldn’t look at food photos when my thoughts are turning to lunch…
Sorry to tempt you, my friend, Quercus. Be strong. Thanks very much
It’s Jackie’s fault, not yours. That pastry just looks so perfect.