I was nominated by my friend Judy Dykstra-Brown to post one favourite travel picture a day for ten days without explanation, then to nominate someone else to participate. That’s 10 days, 10 travel pictures, and 10 nominations. Now I nominate Rupali . Please link to me so I know you have participated. If you are not interested, no problem. Nowhere in the rules does it say you can’t guess where the photo was taken and that I can’t agree if you are right. Derrick
Looks like Wales to me Derrick.
Yep. Thanks a lot, Andrew
Dramatic scene! And I guess from the above remark, it’s Wales. 😀
It is, indeed. A disused slate mine. Thanks very much, Merril
Beautiful shot!
I thought it was Wales! The mound on the right looks like a slag heap.
Absolutely right. A disused slate mine. Thanks very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick. I’m very pleased that I got one right!
Wherever this place is, it certainly benefits from a black and white presentation, Derrick.
I thought you would like that, Dolly – and it is very appropriate for the place 🙂 Thank you very much
My pleasure, Derrick, and now you got me thinking of all the places where this ominous mood would be appropriate. It doesn’t look like Transylvania…
A beautiful black and white.
Thanks very much, Mrs W.
Your welcome.
Looks like a scene from a story. Lovely shot!
Thanks very much, D.
That is a lovely black and white photo of a road going somewhere around the bend. Is it another one from a coastal region?
No – a disused North Wales slate mine. Thanks very much, Lavinia
A wonderful shot and those clouds, wow!
Thanks for the nomination, Derrick.
I think I will be able to find a few images 😂
Thank you very much, Rupali. I look forward to yours
Dramatically gorgeous! The B&W sets the mood. 🙂
HUGS!!! 🙂
Thanks very much, Carolyn X
You’re welcome very much, Derrick! 🙂
Thanks a lot, Laurie
The monochrome medium gets to the soul of the exposure.
I’m pleased you appreciated that, Uma. Thanks very much.
Very moody! I like it 😍
Thanks very much, Ribana