A Green Christmas

On a very damp and dull afternoon we drove to Fagan’s in New Milton for Jackie to buy me a Christmas present.

Later, when twilight was approaching we visited Milford on Sea to see the decorated village green.

The blustery weather was already wreaking a certain amount of havoc on the displays. I needed to tie back the laces holding the snow onto the first of the litter bins and couldn’t straighten the fallen figure on the second.

As Pam Wright is attributed for the work portrayed in the second gallery, each of the individual Christmas trees carries a similar notice telling us whose project it is.

All the dedicated benches bear decorations. One notice made me smile.

The Nativity scene is very artistic. A Father Christmas figure has fallen into Jesus’s crib.

Others adorn a row of posts lining the car park.

Elizabeth came to dinner which consisted of Jackie’s well-filled beef and mushroom pie; crisp roast potatoes; crunchy carrots and cauliflower; firm Brussels sprouts, and meaty gravy. This was followed by Sicilian lemon tart. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden while my sister and I drank more of the Malbec poured from another bottle.


  1. Such a wonderful idea to extend credit to authors of all these decorations. I have noticed that some are made by children; I am sure their parents are proud of them.
    As always, I appreciate the Culinary Queen’s gorgeous pie.

  2. I especially like the traffic bollards.
    So what did you get for Christmas? Kim bought me a Chromebook which is good because now I can read your posts a whole lot easier!

  3. That lemon tart has me intrigued! And I do think the Green is wonderfully festive. There’s nothing like seasonal decorations to bring a smile, particularly when they’re as well done as these.

  4. What a good idea for decorating the village green, and allowing people to show their creativity at the same time.
    If you have been a good lad, Jackie’s present will reflect that, right?

  5. It looks like the Christmas trees are living in pots which I appreciate. Hopefully they’ll be planted in the ground at some point. So nice of Father Christmas to keep baby Jesus warm.

  6. This collective Christmas spirit is difficult to ignore! It is interesting to see such enthusiasm for Christmas decorations.

  7. Wow! Loved that – a wonderful idea, and brave given the threat from wind and rain etc. I have to say that the reverse side of Joseph (I think it was him) looked a bit like the Grim Reaper but, other than that, it was splendid. And I’m pretty sure that I almost drowned at Milford on Sea; I may have mentioned it once or twice 🙂 Merry Christmas, Derrick, to you and Jackie; thanks for the pleasure you bring through your photos and comments.

  8. Thank you for sharing the lovely Christmas decorations. I haven’t really gone anywhere this year to see Christmas displays.
    The crust on that pie looks so good!

  9. I should think that Father Christmas was thrown in there by a mischievous little boy – but baby Jesus did need a warm blanket overnight…

  10. It’s good to see your community getting into the Christmas spirit, Derek. One of our neighbors texted my husband last night that the Fire Department was going to give Santa a tour on a fire truck. Sure enough, they did, with lights flashing and sirens blaring–and there was Santa sitting atop the second truck waving. I was inordinately excited to see Santa!

  11. I think the closest I’ve ever been to New Milton is Portsmouth Derrick. It looks like a lovely place to meander at this time of year. Great photographs as usual mate and the Pie looks incredible.

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