“He’s Not Going To Move His Lorry Any Time Soon”

This afternoon we followed a rather circuitous route to Ferndene Farm Shop where Jackie made some timely purchases without having to queue.

At Neacroft a weak sun silhouetted trees and houses and lightly illuminated the lane

beside which ducks scavenged before crossing to the other side.

Did you spot the decoy?

Moving on after waiting for the waddling ducks we were somewhat delayed by a pair of cyclists.

A tanker lorry on Bockhampton Road was a more serious blockage than either of the first two. There was no way round this one. Jackie was about to turn round when this action was aborted by a driver having arrived behind us who apparently knew better.

The cycle-laden motor passed us and, attempting to do the same with the tanker, came unstuck.

The cycle-carrier reversed enough to allow a passenger to emerge and remonstrate with a gentleman in the garden. The seemingly ineffective gesticulations had subsided somewhat before I photographed the exchange. Jackie wound down her window as the lady approached and informed her that “He’s not going to move his lorry any time soon”.

We allowed the other driver to make the first turn round, then did the same.

The weather vane on Owls barn sports both an unconcerned owl and an unafraid mouse.

As usual the River Avon at Avon had burst its banks and numerous swans had taken up winter residence in the water meadows. Jackie photographed me in action, and

a couple of shots of her own.

A pair of inquisitive donkeys basking in the remaining sunlight that pierced the arboreal backdrop of Priest Lane, Sopley, rose to their feet on my appearance.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s spicy paprika pork, savoury rice, and tender runner beans. She had finished Rosé while cooking, so imbibed no more. I finished the Malbec.


  1. A lovely post, Derrick. I feel like I’ve wandered all over the place with you and Jackie. So many wonderful photos, I can’t choose a favorite today.

  2. The left-hand photograph of Jackie’s is stunningly beautiful! How I laughed upon reading of your traffic jam: what did the passenger think the man in the garden could do about the lorry? Funnily enough, I grew up with the word lorry, but truck is commonly used here for large vehicles, while a pick-up truck (such as farmers would use) is called a bakkie (ˈbʌkiː ).

  3. My immediate reaction to this post is in response to the title. I could see “He’s Not Going To Move His Lorry Any Time Soon” as the perfect title for a Raymond Carver story. My favorite photos out of this group are Jackie’s two marshland photos.

  4. Apart from the lorry incident, it sounds like your trip was enjoyable Derrick. The real duck looks like he’s in love with the dummy. Lovely photos Derrick 👍😊

  5. The lorry incident was an unfortunate blight on the day. Those are beautiful winter day photos, Derrick and Jackie. My favorite is the silver-grey water, rushes and bare trees with colorful orange-gold branches.

    You have a curious duck photo in the beginning. What is that white fluffy thing on the duck’s head that looks like a hat?

  6. It does continue soggy in your little patch of the world.

    We have various types of ducks in our yard. It keeps the cat amused, just as tv series keep me out of mischief.

  7. Not easy to really tell, but it looks like the lorry could have pulled further off the road and allow room for vehicles to pass. The interaction between ducks and decoy was fun to observe.

  8. Never know who will be in the road or blocking the road or crossing the road. 😮
    We’ve been in HUGE cities with thick-slow–moving traffic and a delivery truck driver will just stop in the lane he’s in and go make his deliveries while traffic behind him stops until he gets back. Ha! That took some getting used to. 🙂
    HA! That one duck has THE bestest winter hat! 😉 😀 And, HA, the decoy-duck looks very ducky! 🙂
    Love love love the donkeys!!! 🙂
    The swans are so regal…and the owl’n’mouse weather vane is wonderful!
    Jackie, your photos are so lovely…the layers of nature and layers of colours you captured are so beautiful!
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

  9. I notice that Jackie had a more colourful vision of the flooded area than you. Is this a character thing or merely a function of different cameras?

  10. Such adventures the two of you have! I do think people around here are wound a bit tightly these days. Driving, especially, brings out the crazies. I blame COVID and human nature, only one of which we have a hope of overcoming.

    Love the ducks, and is there anything sweeter than a donkey’s face?

    Happy New Year! xoxox, Jodie

    1. Thanks very much, Jodie. Re human behaviour and Covid we’ve just been reading about huge raves over the holiday in France and Spain – attended by people from UK. Nevertheless – Happy New Year to you, too. XX

  11. The very first entry is a stunning monochrome landscape shot. Yes, decoy is hidden in plain sight but the duck seems undeterred by its posturing. The casually parked lorry is proof enough of entrenched human stupidity. The mouse and the owl on the weather vane make for a pretty image with a story.

    ps: I’ve been busy with the dust devils of my mind of late. It was refreshing to have returned to your chronicles again.

  12. It looks to me as if the lorry driver has just pulled up to make some sort of a gas delivery, maybe to that house, and has not been able to get into the driveway or closer to the kerb because of the car parked there. Wouldn’t that be the driver in the yellow jacket just heading down the driveway to sort it out? A simple bit of patience called for on the part of the bikies?

    1. Absolutely, Gwen – and they were probably tourists who shouldn’t have been here anyway. Your interpretation ion the scene is probably accurate, but the driver hadn’t moved all the time – so maybe something was awry. Thanks very much.

  13. The first black and white, as well as the one with the weathervane, could go on a cover of a Sir Walter Scott’s novel, and the barest hint of color on the River Avon set is quite romantic.

  14. I feel like I have just escaped to your land while I sit here in an early new England morning, the quarter moon shining through the window, the crows calling hello. If I’m ever near your land, I would so like to visit and share a cuppa tea. And maybe you and Jackie would take me for a ride!

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