Up To Their Necks

On another wet afternoon we drove to Lymington for printer inks and to Milford on Sea pharmacy and Co-op, diverting to Keyhaven on our way home.

Saltgrass Lane was well waterlogged, even though the tide was not yet high enough for its closure.

Walkers, dogs, and vehicles were silhouetted on the spit against dramatic skies.

Sedate swans, occasionally dipping their benthic burrowing beaks, sailed along the water’s surface.

Skeins of geese honked overhead;

turnstones rested on rocks while

Jackie photographed me photographing them, as the rising tide lapped around them

Nearby she also spotted a thrush (identified by quercuscommunity’s comment below as more likely a rock pipit), curlews, geese, and an oystercatcher.

A hardy human pair spent some considerable time immersed up to their necks in the water, arousing the interest of a pair of swans when they changed into their dry clothes. The last picture is Jackie’s.

This evening we dined on tasty Welsh rarebit, Jackie’s choice chicken and vegetable stewp, and fresh crusty bread, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Macon.


  1. Oh, what fabulous photographs! Captures the gloomy winter day so well.

    Have you noticed how winter swimming/cold water swimming is gaining in popularity lately?

  2. So many beautiful photos – the ominous grey skies lit with shafts of hope, the supremely elegant swans, and Jackie’s wonderful shots of the Turnstones and Thrush. I love the image of the three happy dogs, with three owners on the horizon, too.
    The ‘cold water’ swimmers are admirable. This brave sport seems to be the new trend… I always like to ‘buck the trend’, myself..!

  3. The black and whites of the birds on the rock are exceptional, Derrick. In Russia, there is a “Walruss” movement; those are people who swim all year round, cutting holes in ice during winters.

  4. Surprisingly, swans stay on lakes and ponds here during the New England winters. In the past week several have had to be rescued after getting caught in ice. Scary! Idyllic scenes through your camera lens.

  5. I’m taken with all of the bird photos, particuarly the closeup of the turnstones. I’ve never seen them before. Their patterned feathers against the white is very striking. I now have a hankering for some Welsh rarebit. I haven’t made it in years.

  6. A glorious collection of photos Derrick, and this was definitely a stunning photo, “Walkers, dogs, and vehicles were silhouetted on the spit against dramatic skies.”

  7. I greatly enjoyed this post with its interesting observances – the silhouettes against the dramatic sky, the beautiful swans, and geese in flight were my favorites. I’m curious about the water temperature. Brrrr!

  8. I love a good marsh photograph. Lovely places. And the turnstones are so beautiful. We still have snow on the ground, but it’s likely to disappear soon with predicted rain.

  9. Those are scintillating photos of water birds and silhouettes. The scale of subjects in silhouettes accentuate both smallness and adventurous nature of their existence. The swans inspecting the swimmers on the bank is hilarious.

  10. I’ve seen turnstones just once, although I’ve read they’re relatively common here. I’m certain I saw a male, a female, and a juvenile. They’re lovely and interesting birds.

    I’ve not heard of cold-water swimming, apart from the occasional ‘polar bear plunges,’ and of course the Scandinavian practice of combining saunas and snowdrifts. Even here, the winter surfers are well togged out in wetsuits. Might that couple be equipped in the same way?

  11. Gorgeous photos! The birds always make me smile! 🙂
    Love the swans interest in the Human-Beans…the swans are probably wondering “what are those large birds swimming then the water?!” 😀
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

  12. I was very impressed buy the extreme closeup of the swan. And by the way in re the printer ink comment, Did you get an email from me or did I not send it by mistake.

  13. derrick – you take some amazing photos and the top two today are the ones of the bird with the bright green grass and bird on the post with that green!! and the one with you in action too

  14. I thought for sure that the header photo was an old photo until I got to the end. Hardy swimmers indeed!
    So many beautiful photos–I particularly liked the first Saltgrass Lane photo and the group of turnstones. The swans with their “benthic burrowing beaks” are so elegant.
    Your dinner sounds so hearty. Welsh rarebit sounds so good. I’m not sure that I’ve ever had it, but anything with melted cheese and bread! 😀

  15. The swan with the grass in its beak – that’s my favorite. They are such majestic birds, aren’t they? I hope you’re dry…cozy… and warm. Have a Fabulous Friday. <3

  16. I’m not sure about this winter, cold-water swimming lark, certainly not for me.
    The turnstones are lovely sea birds; they congregate along the harbour here, too, searching for food.

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