This morning Jackie took a broom to the garden windows while I took a trip back in time to scan the last few colour slides from West Norwood Cemetery produced in May 2008.

The third of these mausoleums is a longer view of the Augustus Ralli Mortuary Chapel first featured in “Spume” of March 10th (I am sorry that WP’s recent improvements means that I can’t work out how to provide a link to previous posts without sending you to the edit page).

Pandelis, Balls, and Rebecchi, are names that seem to be lost in time.

Numbers of decorative friezes and relief carvings enhance their monuments;

and here is a rather splendid cast metal door.
This afternoon I watched TV broadcasts of the Six Nations rugby matches between Scotland and Italy; and between Ireland and England.
For this evening’s dinner Jackie produced roast minted lamb; crisp Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes, including the softer sweet variety; crunchy carrots, tender cabbage, and meaty gravy with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank Mendoza El Tesoro Red Blend 2019.
After enjoying the meal I settled back on the sofa to watch the last game of the day, that between France and Wales.
Good for Jackie! Clean windows are one of life’s little pleasures. The cast metal door is splendid. It looks as though it was protected from the elements.
Thanks very much, Liz. The door has survived well
Fabulous door
I thought you and Norm might have appreciated it, Sheree. Thanks very much.
My sincere condolences to you, having to eat the “L” flesh again. My thoughts are with you.
I clean my (exterior) windows like Jackie does. I tried it on the inside once. It made such a mess. 🙂
Jackie roared at this one before I got to it, Yvonne. 🙂 Thanks very much
That is my type of division of duties. Jackie does the hard work and you watch TV.
Yep. Thanks for the solidarity, Andrew.
Somehow the England result made Scotland’s recent loss to Ireland look not quite so feeble.
I have to agree, Tootlepedal. Thanks for that 🙂
My Derek watched some of the England vs. Ireland game. But no, I didn’t wash windows! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your photos today.
🙂 Many thanks, Jill
Well done Jackie – sparkling windows are one of life’s often unappreciated pleasures!
It was nice to be ‘home’ again, in West Norwood this evening.
I never tire of your photos reminding me what a magnificent cemetery it is!
The detail on the memorials is very special, as I am sure many of those they are in memory of were.
Thank you so much, Emma. I thought you would appreciate these.
On viewing your photo of the cast metal door, the vision immediately reminded me of my visit to Rodin museum in Philadelphia, and his unique sculpture, ‘The Gates of Hell’… I hope the link works Derrick..
Auguste Rodin’s masterpiece The Gates of Hell is an epic achievement: a massive portal to Hades inspired by Dante’s Inferno, its towering doors covered with nearly 200 individual figures. Commissioned in 1880, the project was to be the main entrance to the museum of decorative arts in Paris, a museum that was never built. A century later, legendary New York businessman and philanthropist B. Gerald Cantor and his wife, Iris, convened a team of experts to attempt the first-ever bronze casting of The Gates of Hell using the painstaking “lost wax” method that Rodin himself had favored. The finished piece would stand 21 feet high and 12 feet wide, and weigh eight tons. This award-winning film chronicles Rodin’s struggles and sacrifices in creating a monumental work of art — and the extraordinary modern-day effort to give it the final form he envisioned.
I can see why, Ivor. Thanks very much
The phrase “names that seem to be lost in time” is an apt one in the eternal time of the cemetery and its long parade of names and memories. Beautiful photos and commentary, a tribute to the resident sleepers.
Much appreciated comments, Lavinia. Thank you.
Jackie is inspiring with her window cleaning! I love Rebecchi’s angel and the windows in the cast metal door.
Thanks very much, Joanna
Clean windows clear view.
I love the photos
And I think you and Jackie are king and queen of gardens.
Much appreciated, More
You’re welcome
Interesting monuments and a splending door.
I like the way you took Jackie’s photos through soaped windows, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.
Those doors are splendid!
Thanks a lot, Laurie
Jackie framed behind the soaped windows presents a tempting moment for art photography, utilised astutely by you. Artwork, friezes, sculpted monuments galore in the breathtaking gallery of Norwood Cemetery.
Thank you very much, Uma
I thought that an ode to window washing was to follow … well done to Jackie. Cleaning windows is the worst of jobs on my list!
https://youtu.be/sfmAeijj5cM Thanks a lot, Anne
What a delight – thank you, Derrick!
I love doors and windows AND I love photos of doors and windows…so these brought smiles! 🙂
When you have such a splendid beautiful garden, I’m sure you want the windows that look out on the garden to be clean…enhances your view! Great work, Jackie! 🙂 <3
The angel and children sculptures and carvings always touch my heart. 🙂
I’ve never been a great rugby fan but I caught five minutes of the France Wales game. It made me realise that I used to prefer the old fashioned shirts, and above all, I really miss Bill Mclaren.
Thanks a lot, John.
Jackie is certainly a hard worker!!
The older graves have more character than modern ones.
Yes to both these observations, GP. Thanks very much.
Windows and doors–splendid photos! I don’t know what the new WP “improvements” are, but I hope I don’t have to deal with them!
So do I. As usual, some things are handy, but others are unobtainable. It was about accessing everything from the side bar. I’d undo it if I could. Thanks very much Merril.
You’re very welcome, Derrick.
Oh, I wish Jackie could help me wash my windows.
🙂 Thanks very much Flow
Ms. Jackie has reminded me to call and schedule an appointment with my window washer. 🙂
Thanks very much, msw
Clean windows – love it, very similar to having just cleaned your spectacles… ah that’s better, I can see what I’m looking at now! 😀
Yes, indeed, Sue. Thanks very much.
I always feel that the black and white photos have something mystical! Oh no…I have a few windows to clean too 🙈
🙂 Thank you very much, Ribana
I need to clean ours but we have had a lot of blowing dirt so I will wait about a month for the winds to calm. Have a wonderful week.
You, too, Mrs W. Thanks a lot.
Your welcome.
Oh, I love that old metal door! Great photos, Derrick!
Thanks very much, Julie
These are wonderful photos! I especially like the doors; but the pics of Jackie washing the windows are sublime. The poetry of that relatively simple act fairly jumps off the screen into one’s poetic imagination! Well done.
Thank you so much, Ed
Balls is a fairly common family name here in NE Suffolk.
I have put your book on my wish-list. The photographs of the monuments are wonderful!
Thank you very much, Clare. At the last minute the publishers converted everything to black and white for reasons of economy.
What a shame!