On a much brighter morning Jackie trimmed the lower limbs of myrtle while I bagged up the clippings and added them to the row awaiting the local recycling centre.

This, and further tidying, work has improved the views from the patio and down the Dead End Path.

Also in receipt of attention has been the Westbrook Arbour and that beside the clematis on the Wisteria Arbour. It was Mark and Steve of A.P. Maintenance who tidied up the Westbrook clippings this afternoon. They also dug out the roots of unsatisfactory un-flowering forsythia and thorny berberis; took away the garden refuse,

mowed the lawn; and continued weeding the Back Drive.

Meantime, I transferred the compost in the wheelbarrow beside the Oval Bed, shovelled the last of that in the centre bin into the barrow and started to fill the space again.
Later, I read a rather beautiful Anton Chekhov story, namely “The Lady with the Little Dog”.
The spare, subtle, descriptions of place, scene and situation contribute their own appeal to the tale of illicit lovers who struggle with living two lives – one conventional and stifling, the other secretive and stressful. As translator Elisaveta Fen observes ‘The story has indeed a rare delicacy and poignancy in its portrayal of the first genuine love between an innocent young married woman and a middle-aged married man with many love affairs in the past. They see no way out of the impossible situation, yet go on hoping against hope that a solution somehow will emerge’, even if it takes a very long time.
This evening we dined on succulent roast lamb; new potatoes; firm carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli; and meaty gravy with which Jackie drank Blue Moon and I drank Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon 2020.
Delights the eye wherever you look
Thank you very much, Sheree
Your garden is gradually acquiring its marvelous appearance, Derrick, at the cost of much effort and hard work.
“The Lady with the Little Dog” is one of the most famous of his stories, and there is a Russian film that beautifully expresses the poignancy of this impossible love without sliding into cheap melodrama. This is a rare one for Chekhov, perhaps referencing a couple he had a chance to observe in Yalta. A hint of that is in one of his letters.
Thanks very much, Dolly – for both themes, here
You are very welcome, Derrick.
Thank you, “Koolkosherkitchen” for enlightening us about the Russian film that “beautifully expresses” the Anton Chekhov story. I am going to try and find that. It sounds intriguing. And yes, your sentiments about Derrick & Jackie’s “much effort and hard work” is echoed by many of us followers!
I thank you for commenting, dear Jan.
Here is the link to the Russian film: https://youtu.be/dMO7qem-VaU
That looks a good film (I just watched the first few minutes)
Thank you, {{{Dolly}}} <3
My pleasure. 😻
So glad you had some good and helpful labor. We are fortunate to have one of our sons in that role. BTW Sher and I share a taste for Blue Moon with Jackie.
“Oh, lovely”, says Jackie. Thanks a lot, Maj
The garden looks better and better, Derrick! ❤️🇬🇧
Thanks very much, John
I am envious of your ‘dead end path’ and ‘back drive’ – both looking astonishingly weed free… all this rain has meant our gravel areas have all developed healthy looking crops of weeds, despite hours spent trying to combat them! 🙁
Your deep purple clematis is just wonderful – do you know what it is called?
Thanks very much, Emma. The gravel paths I began with a while ago need further attention 🙂 We have lost the label for the clematis, but Jackie looked it up again – I remembered it was one of the Polish ones – we think Warsaw Nike.
Beautiful! Thank you; exactly what I’m looking for, and the one I got last year turned out to be a much more pink than purple so I shall hunt for Warsaw Nike!
There are a number similar – Polish Spirit is another. I bought one that wasn’t much more than a dry twig for my sister’s garden. It survived and flourished.
You get my mouth watering every time you mention that roast lamb!!
Your workers are doing a terrific job – as always! (But where’s Aaron?)
I was wondering where Aaron was as well!
Aaron has just become a father and has taken on more workers who work just as fast as he does. We will see him again.
Wonderful news about Aaron’s fatherhood!
Do you have a handyman that does work as well as Aaron? I sure don’t!!
Barry the chimney sweep fits the bill; Richard of KitchenMakers is most thorough and versatile; Nick the decorator is exemplary. We are very fortunate.
Yes, you are. They could all make a fortune in Florida!!
My husband would be a contender!
Lucky girl!
Thanks very much, GP. Aaron has expanded his business a bit because he is now a family man and has to spend more time at home 🙂 He has picked up with us again, sometimes sending equally energetic men who really get on with the job. What they can do in an hour is amazing
Happy to hear and Congrats to Aaron for his new family and success!!
I’ll pass it on
You certainly are working hard in your garden, Derrick. I like the sound of the story.
Thank you very much, Robbie
I’ll bet it was nice to have the outside help with all of the gardening chores.
Invaluable, Pat. Especially at this time. Thank you very much
A lot of work with everything growing so well! I’m surprised you have time for Chekhov hah!
🙂 Thanks very much, Luanne. When I was 7 Miss Downs told us we should read three books a week. I don’t manage that 🙂 but I do read every day, even if only two pages before falling asleep 🙂
I do the same thing–no matter how busy I am, I always read a few pages before going to sleep.
You are inspiring me to try more Chekhov, Derrick ☺️
Thanks very much, Sandra.
Sounds like a very productive day!
It was. The AP lads come when they have the time – without warning – so yesterday was a real bonus, after we had done so much ourselves. Thanks very much, Sue
I remember “The Lady with the Little Dog” as well!
Thanks very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
You are kept busy by the head gardener.
Actually she tries to stop me, out of consideration for my joints, but, as you well know, we have to keep them moving 🙂 Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
Gentle exercise where possible is the key to old age in my opinion.
What a fine job of weeding and maintenance!
Thank you very much, Rosaliene
Looks like a lovely day for gardening!
It was, Jill – and not too hot. Thank you very much.
Hoping a solution will emerge out of an impossible situation. Sounds all too human.
Quite so, Laurie. Thank you very much
Intense maintenance has shaped up the garden handsomely and it wears a manicured look.
“The Lady with the Little Dog” is a beautiful story. I have read it several times over the years and it has managed to impact me each time.
Thank you very much, Uma. I found the story both delightful and thought provoking
Your garden pathes are definitely looking neat and tidy Derrick .. well done .. Here are 2 pic’s of my wintry courtyard this morning … hopefull the links work ..
Thanks very much, Ivor. The links work fine. I bet you need that hose – especially in the summer
The hose is even used now .. the Fernery area covered, and needs watering .. I’m glad the links were ok .
The garden looks both tidy and lovely. The Lady with the Little Dog sounds familiar.
Thank you very much, Joanna. Dolly says it appears in many anthologies
Your love for gardening is inspiring ♥
Thank you very much, Sonali
My pleasure ♥♥
The spring cleaning is progressing very well these days — the gravel looks well weeded, and the paths as well!
Thanks very much, Janet.
Your wisteria is spectacular. I love that intense color.
I remember liking that Chekhov although I read it a long time ago. His stories leave one with space to consider.
They do, Nicki. Thanks very much
With all this work on the go – glad you can read in between – you both deserve to stop earlier in the afternoons so that you can sit down and simply enjoy your beautiful garden.
Thanks very much, Anne. When we have help it is easier to stop 🙂
Seeing the wheelbarrow made me think just how clever it was, and that led me to wonder who invented it?……..
“While there was always a need to carry food and ammunition efficiently, Zhuge Liang came with the brilliant idea of “wooden ox” a name he gave to the wheelbarrow. Thanks to the wheelbarrow, a single soldier could carry enough food to feed four other soldiers for an entire month.”
Google agrees with this, more or less, 230BC in China. Zhuge Liang was either the general or the prime minister depending on the source.
Job well done! And it’s never ending isn’t it? While we don’t have a garden anymore- we did. So I understand. And Derrick- I made a mistake, I was trying to do something on my blog and I accidentally removed you as a follower. I am so sorry. My fingers are sometimes too big and hit the wrong thing on my tiny smartphone. You are welcome to come back if you’d like. Please forgive me.
Of course I will come back – immediately. 🙂 Thanks very much, Mrs N.
Thank you- I’m so sorry.
Good to see helpers helping! 🙂 (That doesn’t seem to be Aaron.)
I love spotting the owls! 🙂 I even saw an Owl Trio. 🙂
I looked at each photo and then went back through them again…this time concentrating on just the shadows made by the sun beaming down. Such unique shadows!
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Now he is a family man, Aaron has expanded his business and taken on more, equally industrious, workers. We will see him again. Thank you so much, Carolyn X
Good for Aaron! and Congrats to him, too! 🙂
Your garden is so lovely because of the constant and continuing maintenance. Congratulations to Aaron!
Thank you very much, Merril. I’ll pass it on 🙂
The garden looks wonderful. I like Chekhov but have not read the story you mention. I’ll look out for it. I watched Uncle Vanya on BBC iPlayer recently. I hardly remembered it from reading it many years ago.
I didn’t remember any either 🙂 Thanks very much, Susan
Those are beautiful garden scenes, Derrick and Jackie, cool and green, punctuated with bright color.
Thank you so much from us both, Lavinia
I also read that Chekhov story – I hadn’t thought of it recently until I saw your post! https://wp.me/p32mlf-1Xp
I’m glad you get a hand to weed your back drive!
Yes, indeed 🙂 Thanks very much, Helen
Good choice of reading material! 🙂
🙂 I had a good guide. Thanks a lot, josbees.
Another hard working day but we’ll worth it! The results are gorgeous 🌸😉
Thank you very much, Ribana
What a busy day! Your garden is looking wonderful!
Thanks very much, Clare
Looks like a busy day but will keep your flowers pretty.
Thanks a lot Mrs W
Your welcome.
I really admire your writing!