This is the second delicately wind-chiming owl that Jackie has found smashed to smithereens by gale force winds. She wasn’t about to buy another so she carefully super-glued the pieces together late yesterday. She has since managed to prise her fingers apart.

Much of the day has been spent tying up or removing fallen plants. The white climber, Créme de la Créme was bent, at right angles, to breaking point, but seems to have revived. The Summer statue seems amenable to being tied to a verbena bonariensis, and the Head Gardener applied a green thumb to stake up prone tomato plants. We have been wondering what to do with the two wrought iron gates salvaged from the dump a few years ago.

The broken borage stems resting on the back of a dragon were about to be snipped.

Many of the hanging baskets placed on the ground were tipped over and lost their trailing elements. Some, happily, survived – others are in the process of being refilled.

Dahlias and clematises are among the many survivors.

Here Jackie makes apparent her feelings about those that were not so fortunate, although she did raise a smile when she realised that this phlox stem has a root and she will be able to make a cutting from it.

A few more images demonstrate that the efforts of Hurricane Evert were not as punishing as expected.
Light showers fell this afternoon, when I embarked upon research for the great aunts’ section of A Knight’s Tale. There is far too much material for a blog, so it will need to be well condensed.
This evening we dined on roast chicken; roast potatoes; crisp Yorkshire pudding; sage and onion stuffing; crunchy carrots and cauliflower; and a melange od fried onions, mushrooms, and peppers, with which Jackie drank Terre Siciliane Carricante 2019 and I drank Vendemmia Barolo 2016, a rather fine birthday present from Danni and Andy.
I am a big fan of superglue but the waste factor needs to be taken into consideration.
Thanks a lot, Andrew
A little goes a loooong way!
Such a magical garden!
Thanks very much, Donna
The garden still looks beautiful, Jackie, Derrick! ❤️
Thanks very much from us both, John
Thanks very much, Cindy
I really like the white roses.
Yes – it was so disappointing to see them broken, but they seem to have responded
Jackie did a great job of salvaging the owl windchimes. It’s good that the damage to the garden wasn’t as bad as it could have been. Here’s to calmer weather ahead!
Thank you very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
The expression on Jackie’s face is priceless: bemused exasperation, I’d say.
It was. I was lucky I had camera in hand. Thanks very much, Linda
I love that photo!! I agree with you on the interpretation too: it seems the perfect expression for the situation.
It’s heartbreaking when so much hard work in the garden can be destroyed in a day. Did the sunflower survive?
Yes it did!! Thank you for asking, I watched it all day swaying in the strong gusts and was planning on going out to hold it up if needed!
It reminds me of that famous Wagner piece. Dah dah daaaa, dah dah daaaah. You know wha’ I mean? (she says with a Cockney accent).
As Jackie has said, It still stands proud
I think I missed a significant daah in Wagners piece. I think it’s four daah’s and then a daaaaaah
Another productive day and another delicious supper! And you get to share both with the indefatigable, amazing Jackie. You are a lucky man, Derrick!
Thank you very much, AnneMarie. I am
Yea your gardens are just so beautiful Derrick 🕊🤍sending you joy hedy
Thanks very much, hedy
Super day of storm clearing and supper sounds superb.
Thanks very much, Sue. I passed on a slice of cake afterwards 🙂
That super glue is dangerous stuff! As you say, your garden is still looking good in spite of the stormy weather.
Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
Thanks very much, Jill
I am so sorry Jackie’s owl chimes were damaged, but at least she was able to fix them. We haven’t had a really serious windstorm here in years. The most memorable one was 2006 when I watched as the winds grabbed and spun a full grown black locust tree and threw it across the roof of Rick’s van, not 30 minutes after he got home. The power of air in motion is quite impressive, if not frightening at times. Your gardens still look beautiful, and I know you and Jackie will have things back in order in no time.
Thanks very much, Lavinia. Thank goodness Rick wasn’t in the van.
Your garden will be back to health in short order — I do hope it wasn’t too badly destroyed!
Not at all, Janet. Thanks very much
Thanks a lot, Leslie
Wonderful. I have a superglue tube stuck permanently to the bottom of my tool box along with some of my tools.
That should be a good reminder 🙂 Thanks a lot, Gary
I had a friend who once used Super Glue mistakenly instead of eyedrops. Believe it or not, she was not blinded, but her eyelid was sealed shut for awhile. Can’t remember how long. Nightmare.
Absolutely horrific. Thanks very much, Judy
Wow, what an ordeal that would have been.
I shudder to think of it. It was before I knew her.
Such a beautiful, strong garden.
Thank you very much, Byung
You are very welcome, Derrick
Great job on the owl windchime repair and re-purposing the gates. I like the photo of Jackie standing next to Florence. They both have such interesting expressions. If Florence could talk, she might say, “Oh, Jackie, don’t worry about it. Enjoy your lovely garden.”
Thank you so much, JoAnna
Oh, that super glue is definitely sticky stuff to use Derrick … and I am yet escape from using super-glue without my finger being stuck together … so tell Jackie, ‘she does not walk alone’ …
She certainly doesn’t. This made her laugh. Thanks very much, Ivor.
I enjoyed the humorous depiction of resurrection of the owl-wind-chime. I realise harsh winds are a source of bother and disappointment for meticulous gardeners.
Thank you very much, Uma. Fortunately our garden is not laid out in any formal way.
Delighted to hear the garden sustained less damage than expected
Thanks very much, Sheree. Not really too bad
Thank goodness
Clearing up after a storm is a sobering affair that makes us aware of the power of the elements. Despite the damage, your garden remains enviously lush and beautiful.
Thanks very much, Anne. Yes – we may have lost a few plants, but the general effect remains true.
Glad to see that the garden wasn’t as badly damaged as you might have expected. Presumably “Evert” comes from the tennis player although I haven’t seen her on TV for years.
That’s what I thought, John. Let’s see what the next one is called. Thanks very much.
Aw, the poor little owl windchimes! 🙁 So glad Jackie brought it back to life. 🙂
We all get battered about by the storms in life…we all have our scars…to me they say, “I’ve lived. “I’ve survived. I’ve been hurt. I healed. I find these badges of honor beautiful.” 🙂
Glad things were not worse for the garden-dwellers.
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thanks very much, Carolyn. I’ve had a few 🙂
Jackie’s expression is wonderful in your header shot. I’m glad your garden was not punished as expected. I’m happy to read above that the sunflower survived, too–and that Jackie’s fingers are not permanently glued together. 😀
Thanks very much, Merril 🙂
Love that expression on Jackie’s face – priceless! Glad the hurricane didn’t injure more than it did, but of course, the Head Gardener will know how to make the best of it!!
Thanks you so much, GP. This evening’s post is one for you 🙂
I’m attempting to put tomorrow’s post together, but I’ll do my best to get back soon!
No pressure 🙂
wow what a experience. Ever thought of regluing over a mesh frame.. shape would change. but the pieces will be together -renewed.. sends virtual hugs across the pond to you both.
Intriguing thought. Thanks very much, Q
Excellent repair! But Jackie’s expression says it all.
Thanks very much, Laurie
Ha! It happens to me every time I use super glue! I always stick my fingers together. And always end up with a shellacked section on a couple fingertips that prevents me from having the sense of touch for three days until it wears off eventually. Great job on getting those owls back together though. I’m glad to see your garden was not terribly damaged.
Thanks very much, Crystal 🙂
That supper glue is very strong. I’ve gluedmy fingers together once.
I’m glad those winds didn’t damage more than it did.
I always do it 🙂 Thanks very much, More
Have a great week ahead
You, too
As I’ve observed, plants are more resilient than we are and will recover after the storm.
Your garden is really shaping up, but the amount of work and time it takes is mind-boggling! The begonias are my favorite. Tell Jackie I’m glad she was able to pry her fingers apart. Gotta be careful with that super glue!
Thanks very much from us both, Jan
Vendemmia Barolo! I’ll say you are a lucky man. :-0
You would know it, Yvonne. May you get back there soon. Thanks very much.
Looks like the wind did some damage. Hope it stays down.
It has stopped now. Thanks a lot, Mrs W
Your welcome.
You receive such punishing winds, Derrick. I’m glad you and Jackie were able to right most of the plants. It’s a good mend on the wind chime owl as well. Now it has more character. 😉 Your garden is stunning. I’ll never tire of saying that.
Thank you so much, Alys
Still very beautiful! The Head Gardener always knows how to treat her plants 🌱😉
Thank you so much, Ribana
I believe this is the first time I see Jackie without her radiant smile. I am glad that damage was not as devastating as expected, yet it has managed to dampen the Head Gardener’s mood, and I feel sorry about it.
Thank you so much from us both, Dolly
My pleasure, Derrick and Jackie.
Love Jackie’s expression … says it all. 😀
It does, indeed, Widders. Thanks very much.