Happy Planting

Jackie spent most of this pleasantly sunny day on general garden maintenance, including spraying about half of the

Back Drive weeds with herbicide.

My contribution was dead heading, hand weeding, and clearing debris, in one long and one short bursts.

Here are some blooms of For Your Eyes Only, before and after dead heading.

I managed to disturb hoverflies like these on Summer Wine and bees like this on a white climber, but they didn’t take it personally.

I was serenaded by the trickling of the water fountain in the Rose Garden, and by small birds

like this tiny goldfinch perched atop the Weeping Birch. You may need enlargement of this image.

Happy plantings include these different yellow/orang dahlias; the juxtaposition of clematis, petunias, and verbena bonariensis against the kitchen wall; and the sprays of gaura (no, not Laura, WP) bursting from the Ali Baba pot.

This final set of images each bears a title in the gallery.

This afternoon I posted ‘A Knight’s Tale (8: From The Good Life To Refugee Status)’

Elizabeth came to dinner and we received a Red Chilli takeaway meal. My main choice was Tiger Prawn Vindaloo; Elizabeth’s was Bengal Chilli Chicken; and Jackie’s Saag Chicken. We shared special fried rice, a plain paratha, chana masala, saag bhaji, saag dal, and a mixed vegetable curry. Jackie drank more of the Carricante; Elizabeth and I drank more of the Fleurie.


  1. Yep .. I had to enlarge the photo Derrick to spot the goldcrest perched atop the Weeping Birch …..hmmm .. time to get my eyes tested …

  2. I do my gardening in long and short bursts, too, with lots of weeding by hand. Speaking of bursts, the dahlia in the heading photo reminded me of miniature fireworks, thankfully much quieter.

  3. Lovely as ever, Derrick. I was having some kind of day in our yard. Every time I went out to do something, our little squirrel showed up. We had more than one close calls for a collision and once I stepped out of our gate and almost stepped on him. Poor little guy, like he doesn’t have enough trouble avoiding our barky little dog. Now he will think that I am out to get him.

  4. I could almost hear the serenading of the water fountain and tweeting of birds. The images of those beautiful flowers have been gifted to us like bouquets. Garden does demand its ton of time and hard work but blesses its denizens with joy and peace.

  5. Another delightful look at your garden filled with beauty and joy – I like the added descriptions of sound, and the birds, of course.

  6. The sights, smell, and sounds of your garden burst forth from your beautiful photos!
    The Ali Baba pot adds a delightful blue
    The dahlia DOES make me think of fireworks, too.

  7. How wonderful to spend a beautifully sunny day in your beautiful garden, and then company and lovely dinner at its end. Such color in your garden!
    I’m glad the insects on the flowers were not bothered by your intrusion. 😏

  8. I like your term ‘Happy plantings’ – quite! Your roses are still looking great thanks to all that deadheading. Lovely to see the phlox too.

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