By July 1933, Mabel was to take up a post at Chanak (now Canakkale) in the Dardanelles, then under Turkish rule. This was to prepare a boy and girl for an English school. Although there appears to be no record of this engagement it is highly likely that it was with

the Whittall family, as attested by my great aunt’s water colour of 1936 of the group sharing a duvet. There is much material on the history of this influential family on Google, and the gentleman with the book does bear some resemblance to published portraits.
After 2 1/2 years in Turkey Mabel returned to England two months before her 94 year old mother died from a fall on the stairs.
Her next post was in Ceuto, Spanish Morocco, in time for the Spanish Civil War to break out and subject Miss Knight to a second Revolution. This was bad enough, but not as dangerous as the Russian one, even though the Communist party was dropping bombs on the oil tanks at the location.
The house was close to the refinery and, therefore, in a very dangerous spot. Mr Delgado, father of Mabel’s two girl pupils, had charge of the oil supply for the ships.
On one occasion, seeking safety from the bombing, my father’s aunt fled into the market, where, in the street, she was horrified to meet a man carrying his child’s head in his hands.
The position near these oil tanks became so dangerous that Mabel and the girls were sent to Mr Delgado’s olive plantation near Seville, where they remained until the war was over.
Whilst in Seville, Mabs accepted an invitation to watch a bull fight. She records that “I shall never forget the horror I experienced seeing the torture of the animal. And I would advise no lover of animals to witness this horribly cruel sport”.
What a fascinating family history, Derrick. And I love the illustrations. So glad someone kept both them and the stories.
I have this painting, which seems to be a rarity. My brother Chris gathered notes for the stories. Thanks very much, Judy
I thought the women were actually quilting that duvet, but you are probably right.. just keeping warm.
Thanks a lot, Judy. I hope I’m right 🙂
I thought they were quilting the duvet as well.
In response to these comments I have studied the original painting again, and, despite the materials lying on top, I don’t think they were – but perhaps embroidering the tablecloth?
It’s hard to say . . .
Bullfights are not good! I love the painting, I thought only we Americans use the word Duvet. 😂🇬🇧 Your family is so amazing, Derrick.
Thank you so much, John
You will be publishing these stories in a book, I hope? They are fascinating both from an historical and a human interest point. I could see her life being made into a movie. How many languages did she speak?
I think about five, Lavinia. I shall have to see if I can track down the diary. Thanks very much
I’m hoping for a book as well.
Thank you both
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Another amazing episode. What lives your aunts lived!
I wish I’d known that when I knew them in their old age. Thanks very much, Sandra
What an interesting post, Derrick. The child’s head must have been a very shocking sight…
Indeed. Sums up the horror of war. Thanks very much, Marina
I was shocked when I read it. I can’t imagine the horror of witnessing (or, worse, experiencing!) such a thing.
I really wondered whether to include it or not, but decided that there was no better way of depicting the horror of war
I think you made the right choice. We need reminding every now and again that war is about death and human suffering, not ideology.
Exactly – and today’s destructive powers are much greater. Thank you for the confirmation.
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Those ladies were so adventurous
They certainly were
That watercolor is very detailed. The father appears quite comfortable. I’m not sure about the children from their expressions.
The (American) Revolutionary War era house at the park that I walk in belonged to a Whittall family.
I can’t believe your aunt went through two revolutions in two different places. The image of that father she saw. How do you ever forget that?
Or a bullfight?
Quite so – on all counts. Thanks very much, Merril
You’re welcome, Derrick.
I am so glad I don’t live in historically interesting times . . .
Me, too. Thanks a lot, Quercus
You certainly had a multitalented gene pool to draw from, Derrick. Interesting reaction to corrida demonstrated by your great-aunt, as opposed to such proponents of the sport as Hemingway.
A good point, Dolly. This makes me think of Charlton Heston and guns. Thanks very much.
In my mind, Charlton Heston is Moses, and to the best of my knowledge, Moses did not have guns. Clarification is definitely needed, if you please.
An extract from Encyclopaedia Britannica website: “Heston was involved in politics, both in and out of Hollywood. From 1966 to 1971 he was president of the Screen Actors Guild, and he later was chairman of the American Film Institute (1973–83). A vocal supporter of gun rights, he served as president of the National Rifle Association (1998–2003).”
Thank you for information; I have never been much on Hollywood stars’ trivia.
Nor me – but this was striking
It certainly is, although I am not surprised.
I’m enjoying your post on family history.
Thanks very much, Chrissy.
Bullfighting! ACK! 🙁 Any animal-“sport” fighting upsets me! 🙁
Oh, such horrifying events and sadness in their lives…in those war times. What horror children, parents, everyone had to endure. 🙁
Thank you for sharing your family history with us, Derrick. It reminds us of what they lived through and so we can summon our courage and live on, too.
PS…The water colour painting is wonderful and so detailed! 🙂
Thank you so much, Carolyn X
I liked Mabs from the start, but her stand against bull fighting makes her a heroine after my own heart. I’d definitely buy the book about her adventures. Let me know if it ever becomes available.
Will do, JoAnna. Thank you very much.
Oh my Lord! How thoroughly horrific! I cannot fathom seeing the father – much less being that father! I am sure the bull fight would be traumatic as well. What strong women you have in your family!
Thank you so much, AnneMarie
What an adventurous life she led. I wonder what her day-to-day (sans the revolutions of course) working conditions were like in terms of her position within these various households and the time that was set aside for teaching her charges. One presumes she also had free time in which she could go out or keep her own company.
She did have a good amount of free time, but, especially early on, the governesses were all disciplined as domestics. Thanks very much, Anne
I wish that they would not drug or bleed the bull. One man v a 100% fit bull I’d pay to see! And it wouldn’t be cruel to animals.
Quite so, John. Thanks a lot
I have always wanted to go to a bull fight but as I get older the desire wanes.
Thanks a lot, Andrew
She had quite a life! Those illustrations are beautiful!
Thank you very much for each of these observations, Ribana
You have an interesting family history. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks very much, Mrs W
Your welcome.
And she was an artist too? Amazing woman!
Indeed. Thanks very much, Donna
I’m with Donna! My first thought was, “She painted, too?” Holy cats, Derrick! Yes, an amazing woman. And, I am in definite agreement with her reaction to bull fighting. Cruel beyond words to take pleasure in watching the slaughter of any animal.
Thank you so much, Laurie
I am so enamored of Mabs that I’d like to know the pronunciation. Does it rhyme with labs or babes?
My take on her painting (she paints too?) is that the stuff on top – the knitting needles and the yarn and the unread books are all there but the women are too forlorn to do a thing other than huddle for warmth.
What a life she lead! And I can feel her pain about the bullfight. I once went to a rodeo and was infuriated at the treatment of the animals.
Thank you so much, Jodie. Mabs, I’d say.
That’s how I saw it.
Labs, I meant, as you realised 🙂
This is a good painting, Derrick. Your comment about the father carrying his child’s head is horrible and disturbing. Imagine seeing that!
Yes. It brings home the horror of war. Thanks very much, Robbie
It does 😔