Now that the last few days’ brisk breezes have subsided, and with a clear cerulean sky above and cool temperatures below, this morning I gathered up a few fallen branches from the beech and weeping birch trees; some cryptomeria clippings; and Jackie’s piled debris from the rose garden.
After lunch I toured with my camera and, beginning with a couple of the vases the Head Gardener has filled with her red carpet rose cuttings, photographed
some of our continuing survivors, including roses like the unidentified pink.climber, the stronger pink Aloha, the yellow Summer Wine which the bee is seen leaving, and the ever-abundant For Your Eyes only; three prolific dahlias; fuchsias Garden News, Mrs Popple, the tiny all white Hawkshead, and the ubiquitous Delta’s Sarah. The continuation of the blue Morning Glory is particularly unusual, although the fly on its leaf is not so. I completed my collection with a clump of chrysanthemums and Florence sculpture with her baskets of bidens and other flowers surrounded by swaying verbena bonariensis.
Afterwards I posted
Shortly before sunset my Chauffeuse drove us to Barton on Sea’s Marine Drive East
to watch the sun going down. We were not the only spectators.
Later we dined on more of Jackie’s winter stewp, with the addition of chopped potatoes and fava beans, and crusty bread and butter. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden and I drank Patrick Chodot Fleurie 2019.
Thank you very much, Verma
Two stunning and gorgeous galleries, Derrick. Thank you for sharing, and thanks to Jackie for getting you to the sunset views.
Many thanks from us both, too, Maj
Wow, Derrick, these photos are sooo beautiful! Well done. Is Stewp the same as Stew as in Beef Stew?
It is really a thick soup with lots of stewy bits in it. Thanks a lot, John
I see, thanks Derrick. I find it fascinating that our common language has these fun little differences. 🇬🇧
You outdid yourself with the camera today! I particuarly like the header photo and the two vases of roses on the table.
Thanks very much, Liz. 2 good choices as so often
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Two very different sets of pictures – both excellent. Does your garden not know it is time to stop?
Thanks a lot, Quercus. It doesn’t seem to
Your photos of the sunsets are absolutely stunning Derrick, love the silhouettes too. And the garden is still looking very flowery!
Thank you very much, Agnes
The sunset pictures make me want to be there right now. I could use a bit of quite beauty, it has been a crazy day.
Thanks a lot, Bridget. Sorry about your craziness
I love it that way, it suits me just fine. 🙂
Gorgeous photos, Derrick. I especially loved the fuchsias and the sunsets.
Thanks very much, Jodie
What time is it there, Derrick? Almost 10:00pm? Here it’s almost 5:00 pm. Time to call my mom.
And for me to go to bed 🙂
They did it for me too. 🙂
What a beautiful opening to your post, Derrick! The photos are stunning today. Thanks for sharing!
And thanks to you, too, Jill
How lovely!
Thanks very much, Cindy
A golden sunset 🙂
Thanks a lot, Rosaliene
Another beautiful sunset. So good of you to share the photos of the flowers that still grace your garden. They brighten my day for sure. (Here we are pretty much left to look at a landscape of Saskatchewan greige… at least until the snow flies.)
Thank you very much, AnnMarie – especially for greige – a new word for me.
I had not heard of it until I worked in the construction industry. It is a particularly unappealing color choice for aluminum deck railing and vinyl deck covering. Grey/Beige.
Your garden has survived the rough weather admirably and the sunset pictures were a delight.
Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
The sunset was indeed glorious spectacle Derrick …
Cheers, Ivor
Stunning photographs! Both the garden and the sunset are absolutely gorgeous!
Much appreciated, Ribana
I’m thinking its time for us to take a sunset drive. We do see the sunset but just behind the palm trees. I love the sun-setting. Here it sets directly behind the mountains in the west. No water there. 🙂 The sunrises to early for me these days 😉 to view it coming up over the ocean.
I’ll bet you could produce some excellent pictures, Chrissy. Thanks a lot
I just have to do it. Right?
An especially beautiful sunset! The the light and shadows in the flower photos have a soft, lovely quality. And it’s always nice to see Florence.
Thank you so much, JoAnna
So many beautiful flowers left! And what stunning sunsets.
Thanks a lot, Laurie
The sundown photos are lovely, but the roses are simply breathtaking, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.
Your gardens are still filled with color! I am glad you stopped by the shore. Those golden copper sunsets are amazingly beautiful.
Thank you very much, Lavinia
A feast for my eyes.
I’m pleased to provide it, Anne. Thank you
Thank for these amazing sunset photos! They are joy-bringers! 🙂
And I always love seeing what Florence is doing! 😉
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thanks reciprocated, Carolyn X
What a lovely table setting!
Thanks very much, John
Ohmyyyyyy Derrick….such amazingly beautiful photos! I especially adore the sunset pics.
Thank you so much, De
What a beautiful sunset – I love the way the houses reflect the sun.
I read Carolyn’s comment and I asked out loud Who’s Florence? Then the penny dropped.
I’m pleased you got Florence, Sue – and that you liked the sun reflection picture.
Stunning photos today. I agree with Liz on her two choices.
“baskets of bidens” could mean something very different in the US.
It could indeed – so pleased you didn’t miss it Merril. Thanks a lot.
You’re welcome, Derrick. 😀
I totally agree with Liz’s picks.
Thank you very much, Pat. Women of taste.
Oh, those sunset photos are glorious, Derrick. My favorite photo is the vase with the rose clippings on the table.
Thanks very much, Eugi
You’re welcome, Derrick.
So lovely!
Thank you very much, Becky
Those are wonderful silhouetted images. The time chosen is priceless, the exposures immaculate.
Thank you so much, Uma
Why are sunsets so beautiful?!
It’s a mystery. Thanks very much, Helen
I’m envious of a garden that is still producing such colour and I’m in awe of those amazing sunset pictures. As i can no longer drive I do miss being able to photograph sunsets, in fact there’s a lot denied to one without a car, but it’s so good to have posts like yours to fall back on. I’ve read many before but never commented, your sunsets tempted me this time!
Thank you very much, Mari. I appreciate your continuing interest
just beautiful, I love the golden house
Thank you very much, Rose
Such beautiful sunsets!
Thank you very much, Byung
Beautiful flowers.
Thanks very much, Melanie X
Such glorious sun-setting light. 😀
Thanks a lot. Widders