It has been all go today. Dave of D J B Plumbing spent the morning replacing our ailing macerator. Phone conversations with first Nick, then Max, of Peacock Computers revealed that they have found a fast fibre Broadband supplier for me. This will mean cancelling my BT account once it has been installed.

Before lunch I completed the clearance of the dressing room, but for 3 items the men will move tomorrow. When used as a little sitting room it will offer this view of the garden.
When I tried to pay Dave on line I received a message stating that the service was not available and that I should try again later. When I did I was told that there was no match between the name and the bank details. I rang Dave to confirm I had the correct details. Dave confirmed their (WP underlined their in red – again) accuracy. I tried again and it worked.
Elizabeth visited again, bringing cake and a determination to crack the Probate Application forms problem.

She hit the same buffers as I had. This was simultaneously reassuring and rant-inducing.
Eventually we settled for printing out the forms for me and Joseph to complete by hand. There were pages numbered 18 and 20 and an unnumbered one entitled Legal Statement. There was no number 19. This caused considerable confusion until I realised that this statement was probably number 19. The introduction had mentioned that the first set of forms was 26 pages long. After number 20 there was no 21. But there were 6 pages (numbered 1-6) of Equality and Diversity questions.
The second set of 8 pages is the Return of Estate information, for tax purposes. This exhausted my current pack of plain printing paper – it was a piece of good luck that I held just enough for these.
This evening we dined on a thick cheese, black pepper and onion omelette and oven chips followed by pumpkin pie, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Montaria.
Those days when several loose ends come together are way too rare and always much appreciated. Glad you had one.
Thanks very much, Pat
Those probate forms sound like an absolute nightmare! (I don’t deal well with forms.) Your dinner sounds like good compensation after all that.
Thanks a lot, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
The probate paperwork sounds like a mess.
It is. Thanks very much, Mrs W
Your welcome
I’m sorry that the probate process is such a nightmare. My sister has a lawyer handling my mother’s estate because we couldn’t deal with all the complications. My mom had very little by the time she entered the nursing home. (Also a necessity to receive Medicaid.)
Thanks very much, Merril
Official forms are designed to deliberately confuse.
They certainly succeed. Thanks a lot, Andrew
Always the paperwork, right? Such a mess but once it’s complete your done. I hope you can get the fast fibre, or Fiber as we spell it, ran to your home, Derrick. It’s so nice to have a fast internet link.
Thanks a lot, John
Glad to hear that different projects are coming together, even though the paths have been very bumpy at times. And as John said, you will enjoy the high speed connection.
Thanks very much, Maj
I hope this is it and you’ve finally have got it sorted! What a nightmare… all those pages!
I’m always surprised that everyone is expected to have a passport or a driving licence when clearly everyone does not.
A simpler way would be to issue identity cards to prove who we are. If a passport or a driving licence proves our identity for legal purposes, then surely an identity card could do the same.
Similarly we are sometimes expected to provide a utility bill, which is another pointless request if the bills aren’t in our name.
I hope the remainder of the week runs smoother for you.
Thanks very much, Sue. We’ll get through
What fun you are having. The sitting room view looks promising.
Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
UGHS on all the forms, etc! 🙁 You’ll get it all done eventually! Did having cake AND pie in the house help? I would think so! 😛
But, sounds like a lot of important work getting done!
(((HUGS))) for the UGHS!!! 🙂
Thank you so much, Carolyn X
Phew! Good thing you had cake.
Yep. Thanks a lot, Laurie
What a frustrating process! Wishing you success with the printed forms.
Thank you so much, Rosaliene
After viewing all your problems with the probate forms, I am indeed feeling more fortunate that my 2 younger siblings were left in charge of my Dad’s estate …
I’m not surprised, Ivor. Thanks very much
I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with all this, Derrick. It just seems wrong especially when you’re grieving a loved one. I’m glad you had cake.
Thanks very much, Jill
Oh Derrick .. I forgot to tell I used your “Mushroom” photo in a poem for a Halloween article .. here’s the link..
A wonderfully crafted poem in a delightful post, Ivor. Thanks very much
Thank you Derrick .. some Aussie Halloween fun, and fitted my words well 😊🎃🍄
I abhor paperwork of any sort. The only thing worse is paperwork that isn’t on paper, but on a computer. Have another piece of that pumpkin pie, and relax!
I followed your advice about the pie, Linda. Thank you very much
How lovely to have an upstairs sitting room! I recently visited a friend in Canterbury and she had an upstairs sitting-room with a view. I hope you get those awful probate forms finished soon. I agree with Jill – it’s bad enough having recently lost a loved-one without all this extra hassle. We have had fast-fibre broadband for a while and it’s good!
Thank you very much, Clare
Matters of law have always been a complicated lot, courtesy the legal fraternity. But the coding junta has surpassed every stream of science and art in convolution and brinkmanship, not to speak of incompetence and inherent usuriousness. Combine these two and even Hell pales to insignificance in their conjoined might of tormenting the end users.
Wait until you see the message I got from Gov.UK yesterday – it will begin my next post. Thank you very much, Uma.
I so remember those forms and the processes. Ever decreasing circles
Yes. You would know, Gary. Much appreciated.
It sounds like you are doing a good job with the forms and not letting them make you crazy. Some day, you will be finished with the process. I love the view from the window offering respite.
Thank you so much, JoAnna. These events always crop up to give us something to laugh about later.
Such matters drive me crazy. Glad you at least have a companion in your frustration.
Thanks a lot, Judy. Much appreciated
Sounds like it was a productive day!
Mmmm pumpkin pie sounds seasonally good
Thanks a lot, Yvette
This is a far from easy time for you, both on the legal and home renovation fronts. Compensations there always are: Elizabeth to share sibling frustration, the prospect of a pleasant ‘room with a view’, cake, what sounds like a delicious meal rounded off with an apt dessert, and being with people who mean a lot to you.
A most sensitive and insightful response, Anne. Much appreciated.
Unbelievable about the probate forms but thank goodness you’ve cracked them! Good news about the broadband too. Good luck today!
Thanks very much, Sandra
Good for Elizabeth! She obviously has more patience than I do.
Those 3 pieces of furniture look like antiques, what will be done with them?
They will stay in the sitting room – perhaps not the pine chest of drawers which is to be replaced by a built in cupboard. Thanks very much, GP
How unfortunate you are having to endure the confusion with the probate forms. Your scrumptious dinner was well deserved.
After such a frustrating day, I hope the Montana brought thoughts of friends who love you – and smiles of remembrance… and I hope today will be a better day with less hassle!
Thank you so much, Jan. It was a much better day X
I am sorry the probate forms are still problematic. It is very frustrating, at the least.
Thanks very much, Lavinia.
Your omelets sound delicious, Derrick. The forms sound quite long and challenging.
Thanks a lot, Robbie. The forms were thoroughly confusing, and the omelettes were delicious.
It is never easy to fill forms…never ever! There’s always a hiccup 😅
Especially on line 🙂 Thanks a lot, Ribana
Three cheers for Elizabeth coming to share the pain with you more than once. It does sound maddening. At least there was more pumpkin pie.
🙂 Thank you very much, Crystal
I am glad your computer issues are in the process of being resolved, Derrick, but completing probate forms seems like a tedious and daunting process to me. I can only wish you luck!
Thanks very much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.