Yesterday I received a message from Gov.UK headed “Sorry, there is a problem with this service”. Its content was simply : “Your Account is already activated” and a request to access a questionnaire to help them improve the service. I would not receive a reply. I didn’t bother.
Early this morning Richard and Ross of Kitchen Makers arrived to begin working on the first of the refurbishing projects they are to carry out.

This involved stripping out the bodged extension of the airing cupboard; removing much debris; carrying it

down the steep and narrow stairs with little headroom and out to their van; then starting to assemble the new cupboard in the chimney breast.
Because the built-in cupboards are hand made in advance their sections have to be carried round the side of the house, through the kitchen and up that staircase.

The first picture in this gallery shows the shortest of these parts; the next three the difficult task of transporting a higher compartment through the sitting room and up the stairs.

Later, the craftsmen began to assemble the cupboard.
This afternoon I filled in the Probate Application forms.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s succulent sausages in red wine; crisp roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding; firm carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli; with tender green beans. Dessert was pumpkin pie and cream. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Montaria.
The end result looks fabulous and I’m sure Jackie’s dinner was delicious so at least 2 out of 3 sounds good. I hate questionnaires that are pro format and generate neither response nor improvement.
I won’t be responding to any more questionnaire requests. Thanks a lot, Pat
Oh boy, isn’t home renovation fun! So much mess everywhere but I’m your home will look wonderful when complete.
Thanks a lot, John.
What a lot of hard work going on: the craftsmen, you and Jackie. That she managed to produce such a fine meal with all that banging and moving through the house going on is a miracle. I loathe anyone working either in or outside our house! As for the government response … they are the same all over it seems.
Thanks very much for your appreciation and understanding – from us both, Anne
I’ll bet you’ll be glad to have that part of your house put to rights–although living through a renovation is no fun
These men make it fun with their wit, repartee, and tidying up after themselves. Thanks a lot, Liz.
Wit and repartee sure beats wallpaper fights with one’s spouse!!
Good workmanship
They really are the best, Sheree. Thanks very much
That is hard work. Everything will look very nice when it is all done!
Thanks a lot, Lavinia
Well done for not replying to the questionnaire and filling in the forms. Medals may be issued.
I rather fancy the Victory Medal and a mention in despatches. Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
Those renovations will look amazing when they are complete.
Thank you very much, AnneMarie
Great progress today! It will look fantastic no doubt.
Thanks a lot, Jill. I reckon it was easier than your 1970s jigsaw 🙂
LOL! You might be right! 🙂
Despite all the challenges, posted by websites and stairs, it sounds as though the end result today was very positive!
I do always wonder if feedback with ‘no response’ promised is actually ever going to be read or if it’s just a limp public relations effort..!
I forget who it was who told me that if you score them less than 5/10 the additional comments are never read. Thanks very much, Emma. It was nice to link the two main challenges and their results
I love the cupboard!
Thank you very much, Leslie. We are having a few of those.
Like all renovation work Derrick, the process of wreaking and renewing, is very time consuming, even for smaller jobs like yours …
Thanks very much, Ivor.
Looks great very good progress.
Thank you very much, More
You’re welcome Derrick
Disruptive, but not as bad as the kitchen. Looking forward to seeing how it all looks when it is finished.
Thanks very much, Laurie
Checking on the refurbishment process seems much more satisfying than computer forms and technicalities and provides a nice change of scenery from the computer screen. The room is an interesting color, like some of your roses.
So right, JoAnna. Thanks very much
It will look fantastic when it’s finished
Thanks a lot, Gary
I’m so fed up with receiving customer satisfaction surveys after every transaction. I just delete them. They are meaningless.
What are you doing with the flooring in the new sitting room? I was half expecting that you’d lift the carpet, polish the floorboards and lay a rug.
You and Jackie must have been praying no damage was done to the downstairs sitting room floor as Richard and Ross brought the new components through. It’s not all that long since that floor was installed.
Thanks very much for all this, Gwen. You have outlined our plan for the floor. This will depend on the state of the boards. The two men were very careful about the sitting room floor. When they had to put the sections down Richard balanced them on his foot.
Haha, so much for occupational health and safety. Hope it was a reinforced-toe boot he was wearing 🙂
You have arranged a visual running commentary of the renovation underway. Perhaps the government website also needs a similar intervention.
That could only be an improvement, Uma, my friend. Thanks a lot
I can not imagine anything worse. But it was all worth while when you got the photo of the hammer and the shadow of the hammer against the wall.
Thank you so much, John. I made Richard pose for that one 🙂
What good work being done! What great helpers! I could sit and watch men work all day! 😉 😀
I love the shadow of the hammer photo!
If these men ever have to prove they worked, they can use your photos as good evidence! 😉
UGHS on forms, paperwork, questionnaires, etc. :-/
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thanks very much, Carolyn. I made Richard pose for that photo, and Ross asked for a link to my blog so he could prove he had been working. X
You’re welcome!
Cool idea to have Richard pose!
And HA that Ross wanted proof! 😉 😀
Must be nice always renovating a lovely house.
Thanks very much, Arlene
The work looks well underway. You must be looking forward to it being completed and the dust and debris cleared.
I hope you have as much enjoyment from the extra upstairs sitting room as I do from mine.
We will, Sue, although we have to go a little further for the animals. Thanks very much
They look like they do wonderful, skilled, and careful work. I’m sure the final result will be well worth living through the project. Is there more to do with the probate process?
Just to get my brother, Joe to sign, check some figures with Elizabeth, post off and wait. Thanks very much, Merril
I’m glad the weather was kind as things were carried in and out. The new cupboards look great already! (I’m saying nothing on the debacle …🤯)
The fitted cupboard looks nice.
Thanks very much, Geetha
Welcome Derrick 🙂
Excellent picture of the hammer schedule Derrick.
Thanks a lot, Andrew
Custom-made shelving. Good choice and it fits perfectly.
Thanks very much, Bridget
You’re back to living in a construction zone and dealing with the gov. – I give you credit!!
Many thanks, GP
Looks like a mess right now but you will be happy with the end results I am sure.
So excited for you! I would love to embark on a house renovation! In our case there is a lot, but starting with kitchen and bathroom would probably be top priority. Not to mention both basement and attic in need of interior finishes. So much to do, and so little time and money… I admire your discipline for filling out probate papers. As far as paperwork goes, it takes me days – if not weeks – to gather up the gumption to sit down and deal with it. Terrible, I know, but true. Thankful for my husband who efficiently deals with most of it. I don’t know what I’d do without him!
Thank you so much, Anna
It’s such a good feeling to see progress. I bet you’re relieved and pleased to see the work being done.
Thanks very much Eugi
You’re welcome, Derrick.
I’m glad to see from reading the comments that you are getting somewhere with the paperwork, and the pictures of the work on the house speak for themselves. Online messages are often infuriating. I had not heard that scoring less than 5/10 means your comments are ignored and hope that’s a myth. It would defeat the purpose of the survey, unless the purpose is to gather praise.
The refurbishers seem competent, Derrick. I like the sound of sausages in red wine.
Thanks very much, Robbie
I’ll bet those guys are fit.
They are. Thanks a lot, Lindsey
Lots of work in progress 😉💪🏻
Thanks very much, Ribana
It looks like your workers are quite efficient, Derrick, which is more than could be said for the crew renovating the exterior of our condo. I estimate that we will have to live through the noise and dirt for a few more months, if not a year. That’s normal for South Florida.
What a shame, Dolly. Thanks very much
You are very welcome, Derrick.