Becky and Ian returned home to Southbourne early this afternoon.
Later on this, another dreary, dismal, day Jackie and I took a brief forest drive just before the light finally failed a little after my camera battery had done so.
While recharging I posted
With sunset – not that we would see it – three quarters of an hour away the moorland was decidedly murky

The blaze on one chestnut pony’s face made it somewhat more visible than others.

Naked branches linked against the skies across Burley Road, and a golfer must have known my battery was about to die.
This evening we dined on succulent roast lamb; fried and boiled potatoes; crunchy carrots and cauliflower; and meaty gravy with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon 2020.
The moor looks ethereal. ❤️
A good word, John. Thanks a lot
Dark photos, beautiful silhouettes, on the darkest days of the year that will soon become lighter and lighter…
Thank you very much, Agnes
A decidedly “murky” effect, Derrick! The blaze faced pony certainly does stand out in the image!
Thank you very much, Maj
Thanks for the chestnut photo. It really did come out well, despite your battery. You might even say, it made it more unique!
Roast Lamb?!! I haven’t had that in years – okay – NOW I’m hungry!!
Thanks a lot, to you, too, GP
You may have my share, with pleasure, GP! But, not the wine. I’ll have that, thanks.
And, good morning Derrick and Jackie.
You, too, Yvonne
Sure thing – I’m not a wine person!!
The muck and murk of short January days do not lighten the spirits or the countryside. White blazed horse is an exception
The muck and murk of short January days do not lighten the spirits or the countryside. White blazed horse is an exception
Thanks very much, Pat. I got this in quadruple
I’m sorry. I did not realize that the first version went through because I thought I had closed it before sending it. After I sent the second version, I realized that both had been sent in duplicate. Wish I had a way to delete them but I can only do that on my site. Didn’t mean to spam you.
The muck and murk of a short January day lightens neither the spirits or the countryside. The white blaze of a chestnut horse does though. 🐴🐴🐴
The muck and murk of a short January day lightens neither the spirits or the countryside. The white blaze of a chestnut horse does though. 🐴🐴🐴
Thank you so much, Pat
Moody pictures
Thank you very much, Sheree
Your photos reflect Nature’s mood so well! And I find your photos beautiful and artistic! The pony’s face and hair shine forth! 🙂
The cold murky days help us to greater appreciate the warm sunny days! 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
They do indeed. Thanks very much, Carolyn X
Right now, we’re having just a touch too much of that type of day, Carolyn. Hot, hot, hot. Ugh. <3 xxx
It’s been dreary here, too, but you got some lovely photos. I especially like the pony with the blaze.
Thank you very much, Merril
Nature here is following a dazzling kind of day. Nights are an adventure trying to stay asleep…hot and humid! Weather gurus keep proposing “rain and coolness in 2 days time” but now I see it’s back to “significantly hot” and maybe there will be a drop of coolness Friday!
I hope so, Thanks very much, Catherine
The chestnut pony’s colouration is remarkably dramatic. Almost like some kind of “punk pony”!
🙂 Yes, indeed. Thanks a lot, John
Very beautiful silhouettes – as though nature is quietly, silently, resting after all the recent festivities..!
Just like us, Emma. 🙂 Thanks very much
It is good to see that the gloomy weather has been shared out across the country. Perhaps this is levelling down.
Perhaps so – our temperatures still in double figures, too.
Beautiful pictures. I find myself playing in black and white more and more. I have learned Cinch is not a good subject for it but Rex is.
Thanks very much, Mrs W. I find that form and mood is often best displayed in B/W. I’m pleased that you appreciated them
Your welcome. Most things with age show well in black and white.
Murky landscape indeed! I love the photo of the tree branches against the gray sky.
Thank you very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Perhaps someone forgot to recharge the sun’s battery! It’s one possible explanation for your gloomy day, even if not very probable. I very much like the photo of the golfer. I don’t play myself and pay very little attention to the game, but I always enjoy seeing someone competing against themselves, or honing skills. It’s a good shot.
Thank you very much, Linda. You must have realised that the golfer was alone. I like that you linked the sun and my battery
I commuted in a monsoon this morning…it was terrible. With all of this rain, I’m beginning to feel like a mushroom. Love the golfer shot!
Thanks very much, Jill. I hope the rain stops soon
Your photo, ‘Naked branches linked against the sky’ was a day too late for me Derrick, but I have still saved the photo into my “Derrick File”
🙂 Thanks very much, Ivor
Dark, brooding, stunning.
Thank you very much, Gary. I was hesitant about turning all to B/W but thought that best captured the mood – I’m pleased you agree
We have had some gray days, too. More like March than January.
Mild evidence of global warming. Thanks a lot Laurie
Like Linda, I liked the golf shot as well, but I was taken by the bag cart. It’s the sort of thing a golfer needs on most courses now and is easier than trotting 18 holes with the thing slung on the shoulder. It’s a nice silhouette and was probably a good day for golf–with fewer people on the course.
Thanks very much, Lisa. I’m pleased you liked it
The monochrome images are in synch with falling light and batteries. The golfer has been caught in a contemplative posture, and is the subject of an excellent storytelling image.
Thank you so much, Uma
The monochrome pony images are just perfect in the low evening light.
Excellent captures and “murky” fits perfectly!
Thanks a lot, Eugi
I enjoyed these black and white photos. The first one of the pony is quite striking with her flaxen mane and blaze down her head providing some real contrast.
I’m pleased, Lavinia. Thanks very much
Gorgeous and moody photos!
Thank you very much, Ribana
Very interesting black and whites, Derrick.
Thanks a lot, Dolly. I thought they suited the mood of the day
You are very welcome, Derrick.
It’s a shame your battery died but the black and white photos are wonderful.
Thanks very much, Helen